Is there anything more stupid than taking psychedelic drugs and self-deluding yourself into thinking that life has a...

Is there anything more stupid than taking psychedelic drugs and self-deluding yourself into thinking that life has a meaning?
I have more respect for cocaine/heroin users than I have more these deluded hippies.

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>having a worldview this limited
Dont worry, you’ll grow out of it by the time you turn 16

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It's very likely that, in the same way other types of drugs force an extreme dose of dopamine, and "trick" the brain, that psychedelics and things like DMT trigger parts of the brain associated with spiritual experiences, and "trick" the user into thinking they've experienced some transcendental reality. It's likely the "enlightenment" is from side effects of altering the brain chemistry and thus distorting the perceptions of the mind severely.

>life doesn't have meaning
Sorry you fell for the nihilism meme

the meaning of life is what you make it

How is it a meme?

take it from me, the guy who posted this gif of famed nazi propagandist, joseph goebbels

Of course...

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No there isn't, but raging on a cocktail of whatever psychedelic drugs you stumble across at a rock show is patriché

I used to be that way in my youth.
Now I just meditate.

Yes. Being afraid of taking psychedelic drugs and seeing what's the shit.

It's funny how those people always talk about "truth" that they can't even explain themselves, as if there was any truth to anything.

took plenty of psychedelics back in the day, only helped me with my depressed state then, as if there was more to what i was limiting myself then and more in general.

Try DMT loser

That's like saying that after a car accident where you almost died, you started to value your own life more. It has nothing to do with the chemicals you put in your brain.

>le reality vs illusion duality

Give me a good reason to take DMT.
Why should I? Does it bring answers to difficult life questions?

Nah it's just fucking sick

>My opinion on drug users matters to this image board.

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yea i agree with you, im saying it helped me with my depression but a meaning for life I couldent tell you, I know life fundamentally is rooted in deep suffering just as it is rooted in deep bliss;pain and pleasure good and bad, and to me this is nothing but negative, but the case can be made good always involves suffering

My experiences with shrooms didn't made me believe that life has a meaning, but it sure helped me seeing how much good stuff there is in my life and in the world in general, and how I shoud be more grateful for that. There's a lot studies that relate experiences with psychdelics with an improvement in life and as a better medicine for depression. Don't so judgmental, user. I hate those hippies who think they are better than everyone just because they can "handle" a tab of lsd, but there's a lot of people had a tremendous beneficious experience with psychedelics and I for sure am one of them. You should try, it may help with your nihilistic view of the world.

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It's a substance that has been appreciated and represented in art by many different cultures for millenia. It offers almost no health risks.
You'll get some insight into the human condition at the expense of some minutes and being exposed to the mild risk of diving into schizophrenia forever (are you afraid of insanity? Pussy).

And you should try is a couple dozen more times and stop being a masturbatory faggot over tripping a couple of times. Acid is great to stay awake until 3am and pour other drugs and booze on top of
>not smoking DMT on acid
>not doing medical grade whippets and heroic bumps of ketamine
>not letting 2 or 3 tenths of sass sit under your tongue
>being a custie
>not doing this in the woods
>not doing this for 3 days with 20,000 people

I like your honesty.

Have you ever done psychedelics?

I don't think psys really generate any religious feelings... I've taken mushrooms once, all I did was taste and see shit and wig out

drugs are essentially shortcuts to feeling emotions when you shouldn't have access to them. dopamine fulfills a very 'real' function by acting as a regulator for interest and the pursuit of goals that have substance, and you sabotage that by pursuing pleasure for its own sake. in a similar way the brains capacity for spiritual experience is, for the average person as well as the occasional poet or prophet, activated under very specific circumstances, namely when they have acquired enough information to make a qualitative leap that will radically transform their way of being. It has to have that 'force' in order to be able to sustain such a fundamental shift in perspective. by triggering this kind of experience with psychedelics when there is no substance to sustain it, you arrive at the fatally retarded "dude, we're all part of the same godhead"-mentality of the hippies.

Since you're so enlightened. Where should we reach at then?

What the fuck do people mean when they talk about "meaning". Are you only just now realizing life isn't like a video game with set objectives to complete?

depends on the circumstances, doesn't it? there are times, in early youth, or when you are pretty hopelessly lost, where what you look to for orientation is a kind of symbolic or musical feeling, and something to be found in basic stories and music, then there are artistic modes that are more overtly conceptual, all the way up to philosophy and the particular sciences. then there is the active counterpart to that: going out into the world, again, in various modes and places that exist in your life.
basically, there are opportunities for encountering the divine in all aspects of existence, but precisely only if you're willing to get specific and personal rather than retreating into empty generalities.

what do you mean by the divine? i don't take drugs to experience the divine.

>helped me seeing how much good stuff there is in my life
Like what? Why don't you people ever share your insights?
>its just a feeling maaaan

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>Is there anything more stupid
Thinking this is a literature thread has to be up there

Getting puddled in your sleep for hating on psychedelics users.

>goes to hell


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the actualization of the absolute as in- and of-itself free, self-determined being through the activity of the individual subject in its community

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How many times have you seen the disco biscuits?

Don't worry you'll grow out of your copes one day too and see the void in all its meaningless glory.

You're probably 19 and just starting your atheist phase.
You cringey, cringey sweatie.

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Keep denying reality, ignoring it won't make it untrue.

Ridicule is a great truth denying tool. If you make fun of something you can almost convince yourself it's untrue. Inside you know it is true though. Still, keep denying if it helps you sleep at night.

You assume reality is this given to everyone. you obviously don’t know who Heidegger is

that nazi professor who slept with his students, right?

One day you may become a professor and understand the taste of a student's pussy.

>Is there anything more stupid than taking psychedelic drugs and self-deluding yourself into thinking that life has a meaning?

voluntarily lurking on 4chin

Why is Yea Forums bad? It's actually better than most places on the internet.

Stop deluding yourself.

No real "insight", just basic stuff that you are not able to see and be grateful for when you are depressed. Ex: my family, friends, how much of a stable life i was living and just how much i changed my life for the better even before that trip, whitout giving me the regnition it deserved. Basically after that I've developed a new apreciation for every small thing that makes my life a pleasured experience, from the warm coffe I drink every morning till the nature that surrounds me. Another thing is that it completely destroied my worries with the future, wich used to be one of the major thing that me depressed in the first place. I guess when I was tripping i realize how the "future" is an ilusion and that feeling hitted me pretty hard. I remember saying repeteadly to my friend: "it doesnt make sense, all this anxiety, it doesnt make sense, because is just not real". Nowadays the furstest I go when thinking about the future is thinking about what I'm going to do tomorrow. All i can say is that, the shroom trip really helped me by putting my mind on the right place again. I'ts not like it was miracle and now I am the happiest person on earth, but now I have a healthier perpesctive of my life and the world in general. This probably will sound like bs for you, but I've tried my best at explaining how this experience changed me in a certain way.

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>what is greentext

What did he mean by this?

>tfw I had a spiritual awakening without meditation or psychedelics
>tfw life now has purpose and certainty now
It’s a good feeling, just took intense pain and trauma to wake up.

Death is what is meaningless.

Those that can’t see that have an infection of the brain.

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>self-deluding yourself

>Of course...
Thats not a very typical thing for a Nazi to support

Whats worse the infection of the brain or the infection in your mutilated groin area?

I've always considered meaning to be intrinsic to life, although I can't explain why

why else would I fear death?

>claiming life has no meaning
>systematizing drug use, thereby implying a meaning
Absolutely cringe

The purpose of life is to know yourself as well as possible. Psychedlics help with this, they give you a glimpse of what is possible with meditation.

I see you are an intellectual! *pats on the head*

Life is defined by the horizon of your death. Hence why they say learning how to live means learning how to die.

Check mate bitch

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>Is there anything more stupid than taking psychedelic drugs and self-deluding yourself into thinking that life has a meaning?

How about getting pushed down the stairs by your mom after making a scene at her party? Or how about writing a huge essay going off on hating women and then contracting Syphilis? How about dying alone in the kitchen with only a small poodle nearby?

Yeaaaaaa Schopenhauer I read your bio lol

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>It's actually better than most places on the internet

I really hate druggies who think they are enlightened because they take drugs and who think all past geniuses came up with their ideas because they also took drugs. It's like thinking dropping out of uni will make you successful because certain billionaires dropped out too. Drugs do not make you smarter or enlightened at all, it's just druggie cope.

Most druggies take drugs for the drugs, it’s an end in and of itself. I don’t think I ever met someone who took drugs for any other reason besides “taking a trip”. I think enlightenment may or may not happen, but when it does, it makes sense. Your in a hyper state of awareness, your disentangled from your basic psychological automations. The only trouble is that it doesn’t last. That’s the crazy thing about real enlightenment, when your sober and the high lasts forever, it’s never going away. No one can take you off. Adios bitches

Death is nothing. To ponder it while alive is more melancholy. We fear dying painfully or in some cases divine punishment. The former is endurable the latter delusional.

Life is defined by the twin horizons of your birth and death. Preparing for your death brings no meaning to it. You aren’t packing your toiletries or extra pairs of panties. You of course mean something more like making peace with friends and family or the like. That’s still while you’re alive.
Death has no meaning.

I haven’t even nicked myself shaving. Get your head out of my groin