PSA to all fan artists to stop drawing this character with big breasts and/or lips
>hur hur her mom has those
her mom is a plastic surgery accident and she would never want to end up like that
PSA to all fan artists to stop drawing this character with big breasts and/or lips
Look at her genetics user. She’s definitely growing up to be a big joined blonde bombshell.
She already has the attitude
hoes mad they can’t draw their own porn
yeah i don't really think she would grow up to have large breasts either
t. off model bigdad enjoying ESLs
You can't stop the inevitable.
user, give it up. This is what Raven actually looks like in Teen Titans. Needless to say, it doesn't look like what she's drawn as at all.
Cute and Canon!
which character is this
raven is at least recognizable as raven and not
some gyaru looking shit liked exclusively by fillipinos and other brown people
yeah like this,not a cow
It's weird why artists do this, because I actually like when they make OCs set in a certain universe or are inspired by shows they like
where does Gaz fall in this categories?
you already know
I prefer Pacifica with Giant Ass and Titcow Mabel.
No Pacifica works really well as a Blond Bombshell. Just another thing for her to lord over others with and maybe do an oujo laugh.
Exactly this.
Mabel meanwhile, should grow up to look like Alex’s sister Ariel.
Holy shit.
It's just funnier for Mabel to be noticably bigger then Pacifica while being oblivious to her seething. She's got some of that bimbo energy to her personality already.
Mabel is bigger.
What kind of insane mother is this?
Did she never make any friends before all the plastic surgery?
Her origin story implies she was raised to be an ornament, so of course she'd do the same to her own daughter.
Cringe Adult Shipper Pandering.
She a fictional character and people can draw her however they want.
Seeth, cope, take meds, kill self etc.
>Please people who can draw, listen to me, someone who can't draw and actively won't learn.
Every single time with you faggots.
She's pretty busty for a 12-year-old. Compare to every other girl that age in the show.
Actually, 12-year-olds these days are full of synthetic hormones and are grostesque tit monsters but in this show they're tiny so the point stands.
>Compare to every other girl that age in the show.
Even compared to older girls, she was bigger.
>Flat in Season 2
She's a bra stuffer.
It's a conspiracy to shame girls who go through early puberty.
More like the suits demanded they tone down that 12 year olds tits.
She's fuckin biiig and we all noticed.
>bra stuffer
Less likely with a strapless dress.
If she was 13, they wouldn't have had a problem.
>Anne relaxes and lets her tits spill out inside her shirt
Anne got flattened in the 3a episodes though.
That's so dumb, Hirsch permanently lives his life thinking 80s teen movies were real.
why does a cartoon for babies have to be more real than "80s teen movies"
If it's a cartoon for babies then why is every other joke aimed at twenty something year olds?
What have you done!
OCs don't generate as much "engagement", so they dress up their OCs as the characters from known shows.
Minus all the draws that look literally exactly like her, just with bigger tits.
Oh but how could I forget? According to talentless hacks like you, artists can't even draw characters wearing different clothes without it counting as a different character.
Seriously why do on-model autists expect artist to listen to them when they whine about the most pedantic shit in the rudest of ways possible?
>Drawing a character with a single line out of place means it's actually an OC because I say so! No I don't care what the person who actually draw the picture says, I'm the only one who gets to decide who is who!
Not how it works no matter how much you try and force it.
That is straight up bottom right. It's basically an OC cosplaying the character.
That was my literally first post in any Pacifica thread, I'm not forcing anything.
Not him, but Children are the target demographic. Nothing wrong with enjoying such a cartoon as an Adult, just don't make excuses, you don't have to.
Not how it works but you already know that
Id' say it's somehow between the two bottom ones. There are design elements from the original. I'm more bothered by the fact she's become a fucking fatass.
>NoOoOoO you can't make Gaz's hair look slightly messier when you make her dummy thicc!
>Why would this gamer goth obsessed with pizza from a morbidly obese man in a fat pig suit become a fat woman?
It makes more sense if you remember she's a gamer whose always eaten badly.
You can eat Pizza and game without becoming obese. Shocking I know.
>BigDad was playing 4D chess the whole time
That's probably just bullshit and BigDad simply can't help himself when it comes to redesigning characters over and over but I'll believe it
It's even more shocking when you realize she doesn't do a whole lot of physical activities to begin with so yea she'd probably come out a fatty
I'm sure kids love twin peaks and twin peaks homages.
Who cares?
add big tits to the feral girls
The fan art police.