Checkmate, Loganfags
Checkmate, Loganfags
Well... she hasn't murdered an army of her own children... so I'd say she's doing pretty well.
>solo was such a failure that they had to bring in an old Logan and then later the real one
I'm insane with anger aaarghhhhaaaaaaaggggg
She cares about getting this dick all up in her ass
then again, so do Daken and Logan a few beers in(despite his metabolism)
The real Laura is stuck inside the vault.
>Laura is a better Wolverine than Logan because she cares about Lady Deathstrike
Lady Deathstrike is not only a mercenary, but wants to kill Logan for something that's not his fault. Also, she consistently tries to kill children, and even ordered the Reavers to massacre a school full of children once.
So why the fuck should Logan give a single shit about her? She's just as irredeemable as Sabretooth or Omega Red.
That makes me FUUUURIOUS
>surpassed Logan
>as Wolverine
>Wolverine's slogan is "the best at what he does, and what he does aint pretty"
So exactly what did she surpass Logan ono?
Genuine question: why is Laura going by Wolverine? She abandoned the X-23 codename because it was dehumanizing, yes? So why would she immediately pick up another dehumanizing name?
Careful now, Magneto's getting excited.
Logan wasn’t a hooker, he can’t compete with girlboss energy
Logan whored himself for free. She did it for money.
Who wins?
And because this is Yea Forums I need to say it is because farting is funny and disgusting
Based. She is MY Wolverine.
Sabretooth was kind of redeemable after his inversion
But she DOESN'T care more. She handled Deathstrike the same way Logan would have in that situation. If anything, Deathstrike was acting out of character, accepting help instead of dying. Al Laura cares about are her boring-ass clones. Wolverine has actual FRIENDS, while Laura doesn't really seem to care about anyone that doesn't share her dna, or grudgingly helping a teammate. By comparison, Logan is a social butterfly, and has many who would call him a friend or a father figure. Laura doesn't have anything going for her that compares.
This kind of clickbait wouldn't be as petty or annoying as it is if Marvel itself was as on-point in pushing Laura as Wolverine as this clickbait article seems to imply they are. But they aren't. Logan's still the one everyone refers to as Wolverine, even in the the pages of their own floppies. It'd be like if they gave Dick the title of Batman but still had Bruce Wayne running around in the cowl and cape using the name. Just fucking pick a name and stick to it, you dipshit supermodels. As retarded as some of them get, at least when you shout "Wolverine!" into the room you won't get fifty people shouting back "What?"
Ignoring the clickbait bullshit from CBR, how the fuck is that a legit metric to judge her performance as Wolverine. Everyone is capable of caring more, that's just stupid.
Meta reasons are more important than in-universe reasons now.
What is the reason that Miles in 616 and wants to leave 1610 to its' own devices? Because he gave a pocket burger to Molecule Man or because they needed him in 616 to shore up his sales?
Why is spider-Gwen in 616? Because her universe is super mean to her or because she would have faded into obscurity if she wasn't around Pete once in a blue moon?
Both are flat characters, what's even the point of this article?
For free is a slut. For pay is a whore.
Give it a few decades and just like Logan, she'll have a lot of kids she doesn't even know about.
>why is Laura going by Wolverine?
Pretty much every super popular character needs a version of them for every identity under the sun to sell merch too because apparently nobody can identify with a character through themes only skin color/gender/sexual preference/nationality. This is why Spiderman has the Spiderfam pushed so hard over his actual friends and teammates and why We Are Captain America was a thing a few months ago. It's not some plot against whatever the fuck your identity is, it's souless consumerism at it's finest.
Her mask looks like two Batmen with PMS.
Logan, volunteer sex work is a virtue
If I recall correctly she
>was called x23
>then Logan died and so she became Wolverine (All New Wolverine). As wolverine she told everyone to stop calling her x-23 because she considered it her slave name or some shit
>then All New Wolverine got cancelled because poor sales and Logan came back to life so she went back to calling herself x23 and the writers dropped the whole slave name thing (kek)
>she is now called wolverine again (as is Logan) and she's on the X-Men while I think Logan is only on X Force
She doesn't look good in the mask and she'll never be as popular as the actual Wolverine so they're wasting their time with this
>how the fuck is that a legit metric to judge her performance as Wolverine
This, call me when X-23 goes to murder the fuck out of a dude for killing a few hundred school kids because no one else was gonna bring him to justice, or goes to a criminal haven in South America just to kidnap a family annihilator so he can face justice in court, or goes to Africa to merc poachers or does even the tiniest of non-X-men related investigations Logan is known for. Dude is constantly destroying weird and dangerous shit that threatens people all the time
Because Miles made it so you can have two character with the exact name running around.
Blame Miles.
Okay ,cool
Still waiting on the solo movie
I mean OG miles started with a dead Peter in another universe.
Based. Fuck Canada.
>Fuck Canada
You're more likely to get a solo Disney+ show
How pointless.
It's literally just because she's a woman. Women cannot be evil in 2022. They can only be misunderstood and their villainy needs to be the result of a man or men abusing them.
Yeah, despite his status as an anti-hero, Wolverine honestly does more good than any other X-Man.
I mean, when was the last time you saw Cyclops or Storm go out of their way to dismantle a human trafficking ring, or bring corrupt cops to justice, or put an end to a serial killer's murder-spree? Because I can list numerous examples of Logan doing all those things and more.
that is not a bad option either.
>Logan involuntarily gets his body and mind distorted by Weapon X, an act that he's so traumatized by that he compares it to rape.
>Despite him not asking for any of that, Lady Deathstrike blames him for it anyway.
>And yet, CBR calls Laura the better Wolverine because she's... Nice to Lady Deathstrike?
Oh no no no... Bros, does CBR think we should be nice to victim blamers?
Logan has probably done more good for human/mutant relations as a murder hobo than he has as an X-man
>Sheeeeit, that little midget from them X-men rode into town one day, fucked all tha whores, crippled the local psychopath, brought everyone shots AND killed the monster eating my cattle
>Maybe them muties ain't so bad
The fuck is this retarded-ass mentality? "Surpassed"? Kill yourself, faggot. Laura is as good as she is because of Logan, and Logan in turn was greatly enhanced with the introduction of good Laura stories. You're supposed to have both. Fucking power levels measuring dimwits.
Honestly I don't know why their has to be an emphasis on surpassed.
Like why can't she be wolverine 2. She's literally a clone.
It's the same problem I have with Mexican names for the first song being JR. I doubt I'll have a kid but I wouldn't name him after myself, it feels like you're adding a legacy the kid never needed
Having two heroes with the same hero name operating in not only the same universe and time period but the same area is dumb
We just keep losing
What was lost?
>Logan in turn was greatly enhanced with the introduction of good Laura stories Logan is litterally less of a character because she exists.
The Game.
>She’s literally a clone
She’s not. It’s been emphasized a couple times, but technically she’s his daughter since her mom had to impregnate herself with Logan’s DNA.
She used to be explicitly called a clone. Did they retcon it, and if so, did it actually have a point?
Her origin is utterly fucking retarded and her being his stupid as shit rape baby clone never sat right with me.
Or really worked well narrative
They just soft ret onned the dumbass clone the dumb clone shit..
Just say they kidnapped logans fling and stole her embryo then grew her in a vat.
Hell she looks like the daughter he could have had with Silverfox. Just make her his daughter with silver fox or a clone grown from their unborn child.
Make dr.kinney the director of that branch if weapon x and her memories an false implant.
.Pathos, more in common with wolverine. her going feral and running off with Logan following his daughter to save her from the pain he went through.
Since her origin story, Innocence Lost. The Y Chromosome on the sample of Logan’s DNA was damaged, so they just used Sarah’s X Chromosome to complete it and made her carry the resulting baby to term. This was after failing to clone him 22 times.
>She used to be explicitly called a clone
user, just because comic book writers are nerds doesn’t mean they’re smart or know what they’re talking about.
creative bankruptcy is one hell of a drug
And if you read the story...they aren't good writers either.
Do you guys call her Wolverine or nah?
Also, for the mom thing, it was for-out said during the ongoing she had when they time-displaced O5 were still around.
Nah. Especially when she's not the star of the Wolverine series.
who cares, her clone is more interesting because she isn't just wolverine with a vagina desperate to be called wolverine.
You mean "what if x-2 wasn't a whedonites rip off of Faith from buffy?"
This is not a good student and teacher relationship.
You Will Never Be A Wolverine