Good books to read stoned?

Good books to read stoned?

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The Gay Science is the only book i've read while stoned. highly recommend

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Gravity's Rainbow

Genre fiction

Marijuana is for untermenches. Anyone who smokes pot regularly should be thrown in a gulag.

have sex

I read Moby Dick in a period of extreme drug abuse and overall despair. It scarred me forever. I think it is black magic written in a specific language. I haven't been able to read almost anything ever since and all of my attempts to go back to my reading habits turned out futile.

If you're able to read when stoned then you're not getting stoned enough

or you're getting stoned too much...

have sexual intercourse with a female individual

I had sex with my wife before work this morning. Marijuana is a degenerative substance created by Puppeteers for degenerate consumption. Stoners are the worst people on earth.
This also holds true for alcohol/alcoholics. This does not hold true for LSD, mushrooms, DMT, meditation, fasting, etc.
thrust yourself from the gutter.

oh you're one of those people

Yes, but I used to be a pothead, and all my friends were potheads. We were all the worst people on earth.

You sound like a fun guy. If you abuse any drug it’s degernate. I’m not sure how you can sit and claim that pot is degenerate but LSD etc are not. The difference is the latter are less associated with frequent use. Imagine someone who drops acid every few days, they’re probably pretty similar to the potheads you describe, if not worse. Infrequent pot use is as acceptable to me as infrequent psychedelic use. Both expand your consciousness in unique ways and have their own unique purposes.

I was fun back when I smoked pot and listened to Sublime and 311

Sounds like you just had shitty taste.

I'm going to go dankrupt eventually so I might start reading something.
I speak French fluently and have Proust so I might get into that.


reading while stoned is hard


>muh psychs
fucking killyourself you corny faggot

Typical hopeless midwit pothead response. Chill, bro. Put on Slightly Stoopid and j chill my bro.

You never responded to me. Or is it because you know I’m right
Just fuck off you shitposter.


You sound awfully dull. Tell me more about your completely average existence?

I go to the gym at 7:00 am. I return home, drink my coffee (black), and watch the news until 8:30. Then I get in my car and drive to downtown Minneapolis for work. I typically work from 9-6. I come home and read a book while my wife watches Bravo. Then I say my prayers and fall asleep. I also don’t smoke weed or do any other degenerate things.

Kill yourselves

that's not because of cannabis, you and your friends are just retards.


stick your fat lad in a wet woman hole

>ctrl+f Burroughs
>ctrl+f Naked Lunch
>ctrl+f Junky
are you even trying anymore?

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I have and will continue to. Stoners aren’t people.

Have sex incel

Stop smoking dope you dopey ass incel

See Spot Run

No books at all. Watch Netflix and eat ice cream you loser ass bum. Stoners are useless and stoned people don’t deserve literature.

writing while stoned is much better than reading while stoned imo

Lmao at all these faggots unironically thinking stoner stereotypes are true

Bet they are /pol/tards. Anyways, i started Swann's Way this afternoon stoned af. Like it so far, gave in to Yea Forums hype


You have to go back.

Stoners should be stoned

right on bro

I read stoner, high as fuck and unironcally cried. its my favorite book now. Thinking gravity's rainbow next.

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Read TCOL49 first

George Saunders

Prometheus rising


alcohol is much better for reading, specially gin


Yeah some people like to smoke cannabis who cares. You could post this but with something like "books" or "philosopher" and make it seem like anyone on Yea Forums is only posting because they have an negative obsession with something they like


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On the road by Kerouac is great too read high. I especially like getting getting high as all fuckin hell during the part of the book where jack and neal smoke a blunt with the little mexican kid and his family then go bang a bunch of prostitutes.

He's right. Y'all slacking.

I thought this board was filled with intelligent adults. Cannot say you smoke or drink because some asshole will criticize you.

cocaine and heroin are the only drugs worth respecting. The rest is for niggers and teenagers

Would recommend sativa strains, personally indica dominated hybrids or indicas prevent me fro reading lol

Smoking is a waste of flower.
Vaporisation or go home.

When I’m high I can really visualize the desiring machines and the body without organs, it’s like I’m thinking rhizomatically and feeling the immanent multiplicities

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I just flip open Eragon at a random page and start reading when I feel the urge to read while stoned. But I've read each of the books at least a dozen times when I was younger

Ehhh, I read the korani drunk with ouzo in a kafeneio, fuck if I remember 1/3 of it.


y u do dis ;(

fucking modern age uneducated hippy
seriously, kill yourself for the good of the common man

OP here, i'm fucking baked. i forgot i made this thread lmao why is it still up


Page 61, A Walking Aphrodisiac

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could be interesting, where do i get a copy

how the fuck do you guys read while stoned?

I'm with , I read parts of To the Lighthouse when I was smashed and had to reread them all the next day because I remembered very little of it

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Official book of leisure suit Larry
Al Lowe

Last summer I spent a month in a secure mental institution in the uk against my will, where I was surrounded by drug users. I was effectively locked up in monitored solitary isolation with a plastic floor mattress for days at a time. Was shown the rough end of the stick. Now I didn't particularly feel like I was insane, only that I knew I had a tendency towards grandiose feelings of self confidence and importance. I was convinced, at the time, that all who were locking me up were stalinist robots who were just following orders, and I fought several times with multiethnic floor staff who pinned me down and almost broke my arms when I demanded to see a lawyer. In fact I clearly remember actually biting a couple of members of staff when they held me down. In the first three days before I got put into solitary isolation I managed to escape through holes in walls and kicked doors down as the original facility wasn't so secure and I inevitably got apprehended by police. It seemed absurd, for I had broken no law except getting regularly stoned, that anybody wished to lock me up. I didn't even get a lawyer.

The problem with weed is that it is so gradual that you don't even notice when you start to go crazy. I was convinced I was going to leave university to do great things, and I knew that I had the world figured out. I had subscribed to a number of edgy conspiracy theories that I had no real life evidence for other than what I had managed to read. Now I understand why I was institutionalised. It feels like I was put on intellect stultifying medication but now I consider myself more "normal" than before. Though I am not sure what is altogether so preferable about normality still.

I still crave cannabis, like nothing else; there was nothing more satisfying than sitting down in my living room, getting high as a kite, and watching question time or PMQS or whatever other live tv i could get hold of. Just enjoying that power trip, being at one with the other people speaking, letting my psyche bleed through the airwaves like I were participating in this great cosmic theatre and just disinterestedly influence its course. My ideas had no borders and flowed magnetically. It felt like nothing else I could describe and I was a veteran of all kinds of psychedelics, stimulants, depressants, tranquillisers, and general narcotics. Yeah coke is great for like 20 minutes but nothing makes you feel higher than continued, consistent marijuana intake. You feel invincible. Unfortunately I didn't realise that we are all really crabs in a bucket and that the higher you get the more "normal" people are going to want to cut your tether and watch you crash down to earth. Whether that be by denying you a means of subsistence, or by locking you up. It's all the same. My radical revolutionary views are now more hidden and personal, but I feel I have not changed, and were it not for my current circumstances, I would be straight back on the pot.

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I smoke once or twice a day. I guess I'm a "stoner" though I don't have any involvement or interest with the community/culture. As such, I've been doing a lot of reading high and find it definitely helps me enjoy reading - maybe not more, but differently.

The only books I've read stoned (or, more stoned than sober) so far have been Berlin Alexanderplatz and Petersburg, both of which were great.

I think its more so important to be able to read stoned, than finding a book that reads well stoned (though I do think the first two chapters of Ulysses get a nice bump if you read them stoned).

>i take muh drugs so i can tell others that they are average boring people that do nothing special while i sit here and do jack shit tripping.
You proved his point, drug use is a cope for untermenches and your hate for his responce is enough to tell that its product of slave morality aswell. Literally life declining.


No arguement. Just pure "Reee"
>Muh common man, muh greater good
This one is spooked. Even speaking of your "greater good" terms you would be the one getting lynched faggot.

Based hypomania poster

>need to use our terminlogy and vocabulary man, we here at 4channel are a special club.

I read the Baghavad Gita while stoned, it was very scary. Recommended.

>gets married

Congratulations, you played yourself.

>Yeah coke is great for like 20 minutes but nothing makes you feel higher than continued, consistent marijuana intake. You feel invincible.
I'll have what he's smoking.

coke is too blatant. cannabis is more subtly engaged with the mass psychosis of the crowd. coke just makes you forget your anxiety, and pot amplifies that anxiety into a weapon

>he can't mentally handle marijuana
Have sex.

I can handle it. but I can already tell you haven't smoked 4 joints a day for three years. it builds up like a hurricane.

>projection about having a weak mental state
Have sex.

I'm not sure you understand what the "have sex" phrase is meant to point out on here.

>4 a day for three years
Damn, yeah I did maybe a bowl or two per day for a few months. I've quit for a while since I'm back with my parents until school starts again but even now I still feel some differences. Towards the end of that period things got very weird in my head, so I'm glad I didn't continue.

You wouldn't understand, incel. Have sex.

you shouldn't toke until 25 bro

Should clarify I'm talking about grad school. I'm in between apartments atm.

I bet you feel really accomplished about yourself rn

LOTR if youve seen the movies first... or William Gibson

I wish, I meant that only about the age 25 thing

I'm just messin dude, sounds comfy

you're right, you shouldn't drink, smoke, do strenuous or potentially harmful physical activity, place yourself in dangerous positions, or make any mistakes until your brain is "fully developed." that way, when you're "allowed" to fuck up, you won't know how.

Oh YOU are one of THOSE people

Weed is okay. But only every now and then.

:3 ohhh woe is me. They must have banned butterfly for quite a while.


based boomer

Wounds heal though I'd agree to abstaining from dangerous physical activity until you're old enough to respect the gravity at least


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You dont find your memory suffering from the regular toking?

Weak b8 m8


Read Naked Lunch sober, enjoyed it but didn't "get it". Then read it again months later stoned out of my mind and everything made so much more sense, it was a beautiful, funny, tragic, surreal read. Highly recommended.

House of Leaves. The narrative perspective changes and super detailed and poetic tangents become so much more terrifying.

its great man

unironically based