MCU: Molestation Cinematic Universe thread Continued

Original full video:

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She looks as a mix between jew and mexican...

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If they don't want to be molested, why do they have such appealing bodies and why are they hanging out with hot older guys? Serious questions.

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>Officer, she was just so molestable.
yyyeeeaaahh I don't think that'll fly


if humans had self control, we wouldn't need PSAs about this sort of thing

Based Mei Liu

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i want emilia to sexually assault me and then gaslight me into thinking that it never happened

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Someone catbox the continuation to this from the last thread

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>Told you she was a star player. She a pro at handling balls. You should also see her dribbling them

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Reminder Noah and Raquel FUCKED

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utterly loathsome even

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Women desserve to be fucked by their teachers and any male authority

This need to be canon

>and then she wakes up

Nobody bothered to bring forward my drawing. :(

What if he says it real gently?

Very nice

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Uncle Steve? Is that you?

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Then post it yourself bitch, damn

what is this crap and where did it come from

No, in fact I'm pretty certain you told us to do this.

Dang, if only there was a link to the video and the channel that it originated from, which any human being with a functioning brain could extrapolate the purpose of its content
If only

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just gropes her in the middle of the fucking gym out in the open.
wow this guy is a mastermind!

>friend asks the obvious
>you should tell someone you trust
>is the one she trusts

>coach has her number
for real? who makes these vids?

i had a coach pat my butt when i left the soccer field. all i had to say was "don't do that again" in front of everyone and that was it.

glad they made it so a nother man was trying to look out for her instead of villainizing all men

>cop takes him out of the school
hmm... my campus cop was an accessory to gaslighting and verbal abuse by the principal, assistant principal and counselor. let's see a video about when the campus cop is corrupt or a tool of the abusers

i may be her uncle but, in the sheets, i am her daddy

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Are we ever going to get a lesbian teacher molesting a young girl? most female gym teachers are lesbians anyway

where the fuck is the full pic of that first girl i saw
what the fuck is a booru tag i can look up for this shit

please tell me there's porn of him fucking her PLEASE

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Try "Emilia" and "PSA"

>cop takes him out of the school

This is a town of 98% kid diddlers. He didn't really get arrested.

>ALRIGHT DIRTBAG, YOU'RE UNDER ARREST! GET IN THE CAR! YOU'RE GOING AWAY FOR A LONG TIME, SICKO! Okay, we far enough away? Good. Hey Coach, I'm from the secret Official Molester Council. This was all a ruse, you're not going to jail, buddy. You can hang out at my house until this all blows over. I got an extra room with a pretty sweet TV, pool table, and you can borrow my niece whenever you're feelin' frisky. Long live the perverts, pal.


What is wrong with tickles?

Women are raped just because they want it

damn user, you're so based, you should say that out loud at work and around family to see what happens

More like,

>Coach demands a jury trial
>they subpoena his text history
>it's all appropriate, just him group texting game announcements, drill/practice assignments, "good work today! =)" texts, etc.
>they call in witnesses
>everyone says he's a stand up guy
>all the other girls say he's never made a pass at them
>ask friend if she saw him touch her, ends up a, "Not exactly. She just looked dazed and confused."
>biggest plot twist they pull cctv footage from the gym, he never touched her beyond her shoulder. It was actually someone else who touched her, she repressed it all, and she had a PTSD moment

white woman spotted
go back to your failing onlyfans

it was the hero teacher all along

based and redpilled

I already did it, they give zero fucks, my current wife is a white girl 29 younger than me, fuck millenials and zoomers

that's not the boomer take you think it is, though

>Emilia agrees to go the beach, so she puts on a bikini and shows it to Uncle Steve, asking for his opinion
>Uncle Steve is sitting on a couch with a pillow over his lap
My head is full of drawfag ideas.


You just know Uncle Steve’s son is going to grow into a teen that wants to ravage his cousin Emilia for ruining his family.


This makes me think of this for some reason.

This one is actually a cool twist, have a (You).

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>Have a terrible low paying job as a coach
>Notice mediocre, low-oncome minority student who wants to join the team
>Give her advice and encouragement for her to achieve realistic goals
>Notice she has no father figure in her life
>Offer guidance and even give her charity out of your own pocket, despite your low salary, to try and make her shitty life seem less shitty
>Have her overestimate her value due to never have been noticed by anyone before
>Literally gets you arrested, life ruined.

Ungrateful bitch

Wait a minute, this is just a weak retelling of the first chapter of Persona 5.

In all seriousness though, I think these PSA animations would be far more effective if they weren't being so subtle with the subject matter in fear of being too upsetting to viewers. Hearing her just do an expository dump on all of his harassments in 15 seconds is far less impactful than showing him consistently stalking, touching, texting her and then no one believing her or choosing not to believe her when she reports it.

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What fucking tags is this shit under holy crap.

They only problem I see here is that they made his advances too small. They should have shown him acting inappropriately to a higher degree. Any zoomer kid that sees this will automatically think that having their lower back touched is molestation and will begin accusing what little male role models are left in the world of molestation.

If you're a drawfag, then go with that bikini idea right there. That's kino.

>have her explicitly state that this has been a recurring problem

>having their lower back touched
Dude was full on and possibly getting IN her ass

>low-oncome minority student
She looks like a mix between mexican and jew

>Dude was full on and possibly getting IN her ass

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Yea, we heard you the first time , faggot, no one cares


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>t. illiterate fag