>your favorite book
>(one of) your favorite Bach compositions(s)
you can also mention the specific performer.
I'll start:
>The Idiot
>BWV 695, Andrea Marcon

Attached: Johann_Sebastian_Bach.jpg (480x591, 130K)

Other urls found in this thread:

For me, it's BWV 105

>bwv847, the second prelude and fugue in the WTC

world as will and representation
Bachs second Ab fugue in wtc
S. Richter's interpretation is the happiest i know of this fugue, all others miss the point by being too earnest or pedantic.
put beethovens Ab fugue on 1.5 speed and play parallel to bachs to discover the demiurge

don quickoates

air bwv 1068

goldberg variation 1

I always had a thing for bwv1027a

also the opener for the brandenburg concertos. same with the well tempered clavier. uhhh also like half of mass in bm are worthwhile answers. actually there are over 1000 worthwhile answers!

the book of discomfy

Montaigne's Essays
I'll go Yea Forums pleb and cite both Goldberg and Glenn Gould, early AND late versions.

Don Quixote
Im talking about the fugue but the prelude is great too


>mein kampf
>im more partial to the bmw 7 series

Attached: bmw_7-series_bmw-7-series_2019-1550696864737.jpg (800x489, 39K)

>Mistborn (I know I'm a Sanderson hack)
>gotta be BVW 565, the Xaver Varnus version is heavenly

>Consolation of Philosophy
>Mass in B minor

BVW 1004

I hate you.
>Invisible Cities
>Pahud's partita in a, but I'm also a cumdumpster

> Blood Meridian

I’ll stop at 3
> Keyboard Concerto No. 1
> Violin Partita No. 2
> ich ruf zu dir herr jesu christ

>Bach played on piano
god damn fucking NPCs, we'll kill you all. Absolute savages.

>Revolt against the modern world
>Bach prelude 1006, preferably rachmaninoff's piano arrangement

Getting mad at Bach being played on a piano is like getting mad at people for reading Shakespeare with modern spelling
It's autism

His lute pieces are now played on guitar

996-998 are exclusively performed on guitar now

does this trigger you

His keyboard pieces are what make him transcendent, I thought everyone knew that. Or do you prefer the dated sounds of organ and harpsichord?

You’re a metal head, aren’t you?

no it isn't you fucking moron
it would be like getting mad at people translating shakespear into esperanto and claiming its better than the original

yes, it triggers me into violent action. It reminds me how the jew is erasing our history and character and rewriting it with his soulless substitutions.

>'current year' argument

pretty much just kill this whole board with fire


I am legitimately angry, angrier than I've been in a while.

>Harpsichord Concerto No. 1 in D Minor

And it's the harpsichord concerto, not the "keyboard" concerto. Take your dated talk and shove it up your ass.

His son Carl loved the piano, ever hear of him?

Also there isn’t a single respectable composer since Bach that would agree with you. They all play him on piano, every last one of them.

You’re wrong and you should get help with your anger issues. I bet you hear that a lot.

>yes, it triggers me into violent action. It reminds me how the jew is erasing our history and character and rewriting it with his soulless substitutions.
>The classical guitar is erasing European history
lmao you're retarded

Typical right winger. Taking a nonsense and retarded argument to the point of violence, then blaming the Jew.

Maybe you should cool down and make this a learning experience. Did you know that the piano was invented during Bach’s lifetime, and that he helped test early versions of the piano?

See, opening your mind, and heart, can be fun!

I'm right-wing but the user you're replying to is legitimately just stupid

There's a new brand of NPC now, where they blame literally everything that has ever happened ever on Jews, and know absolutely nothing about geo-politics or history

It's still an insult to rebrand all of Bach's harpsichord concertos as "keyboard concertos." The piano and the harpsichord are fundamentally different instruments that sound and behave differently, you cannot just transpose pieces from one to the other because they both have keyboards. I understand that you are probably not a very good reader, and probably not a writer or a poet yourself, and so you fail to appreciate the delicacy and the precision of sound and composition that goes into these pieces that are, ultimately, meant for the ear.

>The Trial
postin two
>flute sonata in a minor BWV 1013
>fugue in g minor BWV 578
I also agree with using historical instruments, but what do jews have to do with it?

Attached: gondola1.jpg (995x1024, 183K)

You may be right about me not being a very good reader. I’m also not a poet or writer, but believe it or not, I am a fabulous musician. And in all of my years you are the first person to ever call transposing Bach’s music an insult. Bach’s keyboard pieces are universally referred to as keyboard pieces, I don’t know where you ever got the idea that they weren’t.

I could go on forever about how wrong you are but I need to get some sleep.

and why is his son famous. Because of any of his opinions or works?
It's because of his father. He simply has a name.
His work is meandering nonsense with a few bright points.


Leftists are literally not human. They are dysgenic counterfeits.
They have absolutely no personal connection to reality on any level. They are entirely a product of the artifices of their masters.
All they know is what they are shown. Their inquisitive spirit is crushed, they do not seek life, only material, so they cannot be human, neither can they be living.
They are simply a consuming reaction; nothing other than a flame vaporizing our house.

Kill them all however you can. The war starts soon.
Pro tip: their minds are made of paper, so shock and horror without limit must be the primary strategy.

Also it’s transcribing, not transposing. Holy fuck you are making me dumber

When Mozart called Bach the father and him the son, he was referring to Carl. Beethoven thought Carl to be the better musician. You don’t know anything, and if everything else your are saying is sincere than please go seek help immediately.

haven't heard much of carl but is pretty great
who said anything about being a leftist
where did this come from?
I can only imagine that you're baiting

>no reasoning
>appeal to authority
>literally spreading lies
kill anything like this

you simply have no idea what a leftist is on any level

hint: it is not about the political product-brand you display on your forehead

this example is excellent

it's a compelling journey but it has no context in the rest of the works. It is simply a half-understood conception of the father's vision.

It was not a failure of his line, but a failure of the times that nothing greater came of Bach.

Look it up yourself you fucking maniac.

You don’t scare me. You’re clearly retarded.

It will always be Toccata and Fugue in Dm, probably my earliest memory of music, my father was watching the original Rollerball and it plays over the opening scene, gave me my love of the pipe organ, fugues, and Bach. It is also one of the more amazing pieces to be heard in person when it is well played on a big organ in a good hall, shame how lackluster it is recorded.
Rereading Schoenberg's Theory of Harmony and just started Wyschnegradsky's Manual of Quarter-Tone Harmony.

>literally just believes anything it reads
>has no concept of the inherent value of things
>values everything according to the social signals recorded around the thing and nothing else
they aren't human, kill them

that story about Mozart's comment is absolute bullshit. Yeah let's just believe shit that's absolutely impossible to support with evidence and makes no fucking sense and is utterly pointless anyway. Because some one said it's true.
But why question how they would fucking know when you can just bait for replies and delusionally validate yourself with any social stimulus at all?

What was you first book on harmony? Do you remember?
ITT: Wannabe musician who is trying to learn harmony

Mason & Dixon

Currently BWV 903 as played by Scott Ross

I went through many books and none really worked until I read Schoenberg. Most give a simplified version of harmony or are modern text books that assume you also have a teacher to fill in the blanks the text leaves which left me lost when I tried to read anything microtonal/musicological, they all assume an in depth understanding of harmony that is deeper than most books give, yet to find one that gives the depth that Schoenberg does.

If you can read music and know the basics, major and minor scales, some chords, you can work through Schoenberg, he does not dumb anything down and you will have to reread sections, but anyone with some determination can manage it. The biggest hurdle in Schoenberg is that he wrote it with a very wide audience in mind and addresses them all, so there are long passages where he really is talking only too the advance student, trying to dispel any misconceptions they may have, it comes across as pure abstraction if you do not have the theory yet, even on my current reread I had to go over most of the first section of chapter 4 two or three times, and that is the chapter on the most basic elements, the major and minor scales and diatonic triads, these are not really important bits to understand though, and the rest of the chapter is easy as can be by comparison.

The really insane thing about Schoenberg, he never studied harmony, figured it all out on his own and then went on to take it to completely new territory, that is part of what Theory of Harmony is about, especially those long difficult passages, he was fighting against the ideas of past, that harmony was law and to break it was no different than exposing yourself or using the wrong fork.

But do you think he's worth reading even if I'm not interested at the moment in Atonalism/Dodecafonism? Even as a first book on the subject? I guess I'm a little insecure since my biggest interest lies in popular music and only recently I have started coming to grips with Classical.

Theory of Harmony has nothing to do with atonal, it is just harmony, the only thing new in it is that he explains everything fully. It is also not really a book on classical music, while it is aimed towards that, it gives the knowledge to understand most anything based in western theory, even atonal works, but to figure out atonal on your own with just a good understanding of harmony you would have to be quite exceptional!

It can be seen as excessive for popular music, but the term 'popular' is vague and there is a fair amount of music under that umbrella that is quite advanced from a harmonic standpoint, you can certainly get by with any of those genre specific 'theory' books, or just start learning songs you like and writing songs, there are examples of all three paths in the pop world. Personally I would do a mix, start learning and writing songs now and start in on a harmony book, apply what you learn from the study of harmony to understand those songs you learn and to advance your own song writing. What the best path for you is something only you can decide, but there is no reason not to just learn a few chords and start writing.

Thanks for the well-thought-out response. I was giving it a look, he seems to me like a total no-bullshit guy, pretty based. I think even if I don't get everything at once, I can learn a lot from it. Also thanks for the practice tips.