post cursed Yea Forums ships
Post cursed Yea Forums ships
Man, I don't know what you're talking about. Angel Dust and Charlie are my 2nd favorite ship, after Olaf and Mike Wazowski.
I thought thatcwa
gay 4 dangel aust
>tfw no bride(male)
Behold, the most hated ship in Yea Forums history. And it's even canon!
Hey hey hey, Fat albert is fat and gay
In one continuity, stupidly
For me it's Charlie x Charlie.
Charlie x Angel is blessed.
hell yeah
>Irreparably damaged centuries-year-old slut-machine demon ends up going steady and settling down with just a regular straight-up honest dude
This is blessed and pure.
Mike legs are fucking with me right now, I really don't want to be looking at them but I can't help it.
You think that's bad?
Now you're picturing the area between his legs.
Like, just in front, where his crotch would be; just behind, where his ass-crack would be; and right in the middle, where his taint... is.
You know what's worse?
Now you're picturing him sitting on your face.
Like, what would that texture even be?
You weirdo.
The hell are you talking about, I just meant they're oddly muscular and it was unsettling.
thread is in dire need of some Akupuffs
What's wrong with Buttercup's mouth?
Nothing is more cursed then the consequences that came from this downfall of a pair.
She’s folding her tongue.
Thread said cursed ships not blessed ships
I vaugely remember some fanfiction existing based of this pic. It had Olaf dying from childbirth
whoops almost forgot the last one, we really need more of this
>What's wrong with Buttercup's mouth?
she's curling her tongue(she's the only one of them who can do it)
what happened here? >t. newfag
Is this better?
Hosts of the tag team tournament were revealed to be rpers
If there’s ever a picture more deserving of the word “cursed” it’s this one. Screw you Vee.
I genuinely don't get why autistic chucklefucks on Yea Forums care so much about someone drawing something. I really, honestly don't. You guys need to get a life.
Do you understand what board you’re posting on?
The two most beloved RPs of the Yea Forums tournaments outed each other as hosts and fucked it all up.
Yeah, do you?
I don’t think you do. This board contain some of the most potent autism imaginable. And you’re surprised when someone here gets upset over drawings? It’s like asking pitbulls to stop mauling children and small dogs. It’s genuinely in their nature to do so.
All of Yea Forums is packed with autism. That doesn't make having a vendetta against an artist for drawing characters that trigger you any less ridiculous. Calling out stupidity when you see it is always the right thing to do. It doesn't matter how dense with autists a place is.
Alright Yea Forums, why don't we make a new cursed ship? Post a character, and first two posts ending in 7?
who's this guy? An alternate from the mandela catalog? that's not even Yea Forums.
I mean Chris is equally or even more sadistic than Alastor, so no problem there
>Alright Yea Forums, why don't we make a new cursed ship? Post a character, and first two posts ending in 7?