Theism is irrational and there is no evidence for the existence of "god"

Theism is irrational and there is no evidence for the existence of "god".

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Ok. Cool. Glad we finally got that one out of the away.

LotR is irrational and there's no evidence for the existence of elves.

The smartest poster on Yea Forums right now.

i'm an elf
i'm also god

God is self-evident you just don’t know how to look

But are you a gril(male) and will you post feet?

Same :)

Ear pics?

to all young people with adequately expressed VMAT2 genes and some kind of inner life: spend a day talking to god in your mind and see if that shit doesn't improve the quality of your life

Genes aren't real

i'm a gene

How do you fit in the lamp tho?

it's simple, i am also the lamp

But then who is oil?

my dad

Ew that's illegal here

you should come to elfland, we really know how to have a good time over here

Silly, genes don't live in elfand, that's hobbites.

Rationalism leads to absurd conclusions - specifically you have no purpose and should immediately KYS.

Denying purpose of belief is denying the evolutionary advantage of brain with magical thinking. If belief is useless, why was it selected for, huh? Belief is what gives most people the will to live, reason is just to deal with day to day cruft. Don't conflate the two.

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Evidence is infromation which verifies or confirms a statement. How is god self-evident if I am unable to sense god?

You'd have to be God to evidence God to yourself if self evident. Maybe you're just not god?

you answered your own question

He can still be an elf but they do weird shit to their kids

if you don't believe in god a large fat man with lots of thick curly hair on his chest will sneak into your room while you sleep and pee on you

Why are elves so creepy?

You know, it's kind of strange, but suddenly I feel like I'm ready to let God back into my life.

many christians would openly tell you it is "irrational"

kind of like how speculating that the world without religion would be a better place is irrational

it's the oil

FUCK, religion debunked... pack it up boys

you leave my dad out of this

Anyone got any Hobbit feet pics?

true, pedophilia is only allowed if youare athiest

No evidence

How about weeping statues, bleeding Eucharists, miraculous healings, and a long, long history of extraordinary occurrences that correspond with the teachings of the Catholic Church?

You materialists are so fucking hypocritical. You whine and whine for evidence, but when it's presented to you you hem and haw, bickering like women because you're afraid of confronting the fact that there IS material evidence for the supernatural, the otherworldly, and the miraculous, but you HAVE to deny it because it doesn't fit your worldview. Atheists and materialists are fundamentally dishonest. Agnostics are more honest because they're at least willing to confront the evidence they see, and grapple with its implications.

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that's a very misogynistical thing to say

Reflect on the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima and repent, you disgusting sinner.

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Your a sinner

No, you're the sinner.

Are you catholic and denying your self a sinner?

interesting, never talked to this sort of catholic before... are you one of them liberal pentacostal, God is just emotion and love kinda catholic Christian?

>How about weeping statues, bleeding Eucharists, miraculous healings, and a long, long history of extraordinary occurrences that correspond with the teachings of the Catholic Church?
lmao you can't honestly believe any of that shit, can you?

I too have read about how the desert fathers were telepathic, met each other in the middle of lakes, tamed wild animals, survived on a crust of bread for years yada yada. cracks me up that anyone anywhere wouldn't immediately see through this shit from the start

life is irrational

What a disgustingly sentimental image.

It's all real, user. Every bit of it is real, every last scrap of it. Materialists are the greatest suckers alive. The world is filled with spirits and demons and terrible things. This is not a joke.

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Expecting everything that exists to come in a form that can be demonstrated to human beings is what's really irrational.

Assuming that the confines of human perception must make up the entirety of reality is equally irrational.

Post crucifix or GTFO

That's not how evolution works. Evolution is just "pressure" that directs mutations, not the Will of nature made manifest; if it were, then it would help prove the existence of God, not fan the flames of doubt.
The real trick in breaking down evolution, away from its reductive nature, is to wonder how any of the traits which exist and are described in evolutionarily psychological contexts have come to alter matter, and thus behavior, in animals. There's a very real and mysterious gap between change in matter over time through mutations and change in the seemingly metaphysical, on the emotional and the conscious level. It doesn't make any sense how the world directs new behaviors in bioengines like humans simply by altering matter, and the question at the core of all this is obviously, how does structuring of atoms give rise to active cognition/"awareness" and behaviors.

Evoloution is just a slow process in which life forms adapt to their enviroment

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There is no reason to kill yourself regardless of whether rationalism is true

Look up the is ought problem

>there's a trick to evolution
No there isn't. It's an immensely parallel random walk search for attractors. It's a process repeated in lab as well as computer models. GenAdv Machine learning works very much so by "evolution" where competing instances literally annihilate each other in search of fitness. There's no magic for fucks sake. Just fairly elementary math which optimizes for local minima.

What means by "select for" is that the process outlined above selected for the process of "faith" at deep cognitive level (also known as "spirituality"). Because hero worship and irrational reverence is very obvious reproductive advantage, not because it proves fucking sky daddy exists. Immortal God-Kings in ancient jewish literature as much hint you can get.

>hurr durr hume pseuding
Rationalism is very much self-consistent. The point of my post is that rationalism irrationally ignores our own irrationality which is very rationally selected for because it simply turned out to propagate our species more efficiently than simple reason. Thus, if you deny this irrationality (such usefulness of magical thinking), you suppress a fitness trait, KYSing the species a little.

Of course you can say we suppress some instincts rationally for better fitness. In case of rape, I tend to agree. In case of supression of faith in favor of ignorant rationalism, I'm not at all convinced is all that healthy. People panic if there's no icon.

I would hope there's no evidence, then belief would merely be a matter of fact instead of faith.

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Can you stop shitting on people for being right? Don't you see that all this does is make DUMBFUCKS think that THEY'RE right?

lol imagine
its the end of the world
you and one other person get the option between to cans of food for a full week.. you knowing that only one can has food in it take it while laughing at the other person cause they dont get the can with food in it

this is literally you

Or imagine that you've been told since childhood "Always pick the red can", and you're in a room with enough red cans for everybody, and then someone immediately snatches a blue can.

That's you.

woah buddy don't project false clauses onto my personhood, there is no way in doohicky I'd pick a blue can.

Ur essentially taking the stock pile of red cans, painting them blue, and then putting then confusing the people who heard some people got blue cans full of food.

If the real God corresponds to any real religion, then you've been given ample opportunity to investigate the matter and discover this God's truth. if the real God corresponds to no fact in reality, yet will still damn people for not believing, then we're in a dystopian scenario and there's no point in reasoning about it anyway.

There is no blaming God for the fact that you chose not to believe the valid religion even when you saw it. That's just an excuse. It would be like finding a can, determining that it's heavier than an empty can, then throwing it away.

When your interlocutor starts reaching for the lifeboat scenarios they're pretty much done.

Can you try to talk without using memes, like a non 14 year old.

Faith in the Jew God isn't necessary nor does it add to fitness traits.


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I'm based and redcanned

If atheists really didn't put any stock in religion they wouldn't take faith so seriously and might even join a church for the social benefits that brings.

Positive declaration of unbelief is so important to them they appear as passionate as any zealot. In the end you know which god is commanding the religious zealot to evangelize. But whose command is the atheist obeying and why?

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Imagine being this brainlet.

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Atheists want to move beyond the negatives of churches.

Which atheist hurt you?

Can you move on from trying to spout memes and shit on people for no reason? Do you really want them to change?

Imagine being this American.

I live in a non Christian country and people behave better than christcucks ever did.

But there is a reason. The poster I replied to has no idea what atheism even means. It makes me think he had a bad experience with atheists.

But you did it in a way that will literally never convey that. It seriously just says, "lol here meme. see, other people? i meme him. haha"

are you actually retarded?

Looks like I shouldn't have even bothered substituting "who" for "which atheist". It takes a special retard like you to not get simple inferences like this.

>Not believing in the kike god is considered retarded now

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He very clearly explained things and hardly took a pro-religion, worship Jesus everyday kind of stance.

>kike god
You can always just worship Vedas instead. Kikes stole most of it from poos anyway. It doesn't really matter which sect you want to brainwash yourself with, as long it has reasonably enforceable traditions.

Yes I prefer some Hindu schools. However the people in this thread are clearly advocating christcuckery and kike God worship.

>That's just an excuse. It would be like finding a can, determining that it's heavier than an empty can, then throwing it away

THATS IF we can trust our senses... which we cannot so we must reduce only the logical

I don't think all religion or spirituality is dumb, but the abrahamic religions? Cmon, we can go back in history and see the exact moments they made all that shit up to get more gold or some shit.

What possible reason is there to believe the kikes got it right, and then people kept writing new shit, and that was right, until suddenly it wasn't anymore, and so Islam and protestantism and mormonisn are wrong?

Like, believing the sun is God makes sense to me. What's this ghost story bullshit?

Who cares. Christianity is go-to because whole fucking west was built on it, doesn't really matter if its some kike plot or not at this point. It built the west, then it shattered into zillions of sects, and now its pretty much dead because people worship money and gadgets instead of afterlife.

DESU there's plenty of market gap for some novel brainwash meme, but the one invented in babylon or whatever is pretty much dead now. Simply too old and not keeping up with modern technology/memes to survive.

How should things be organized and prioritized rationally? What's the rational hierarchy?

>I don't think all religion is dumb
So what religion is not dumb then? please don't tell me an elephant with 1000 arms is a smart thing to believe in.

>the gay pedos are the ones whining about degeneracy

I think he means to say that if Television doesn't make fun of a religion, it's deep and profound. If Television does make fun of a religion, it's dumb and retarded.

All I'm saying is the rules are inconsistent

Like I said, praying to the sun or a tree makes sense to me, believing these lord of the rings ass penny-saved-is-a-penny-earned stories about why foreskin is bad and hitting your wife is good, and spending thousands of years arguing if it's OK to eat shrimp, it's just nonsense to me personally

But hey, if painting makes you happy go ahead

Terrible opinion my man

You're getting ahead of yourself. We can't know that our senses are telling us the truth, but we can't know that they aren't. The logical approach isn't to assume that our senses are wrong, it's to admit the possibility while working with what we know.

Furthermore: The way to find God, assuming that it is not a malevolent God, is to find which concept of God is most consistent in terms of both logic and evidence. It doesn't matter if our world is fake, a good God would still not be self-contradicting.

Nothin happens when you die, man. Hate to break it to ya

Yeah life has no purpose. There's no rational reason not to kill yourself. There's no rational reason TO kill yourself. There's no rational reason to make friends and watch good movies and go to the beach. And there's no rational reason not to do those things.

The universe is cold and unfeeling and what you do is up to you. There very well could be an evolutionary pressure to believe in god. Frankly if waking up early on Sunday and praying to a statue of a dead guy makes you happy you go for it senpai.

The problem is when you start getting deluded about how the world works and all the sudden you're Jordan Peterson

wow im catholic now

Your reasoning implies there is no reason to do what you like and benefits you and not do what you don't like and doesn't benefit you. If that isn't rational, then what is?

>there very well could be an evolutionary pressure to believe in god
Dog and jeebus are sort of memetic hack of a pack leader instinct of social animal. If you can self-delude yourself your idol chief is superhuman (coz other said so), why not take the step further, dispense with chiefs who come and go, and make it entirely virtual? So you pray to rivers and animal spirits, and later sky daddies each sunday, and in return you have peace of mind (afterlife!) as well as not run around worshipping kings who'd self proclaim to be gods otherwise. Such gods enforce the customs same as the original chief would. It's like fiat money, has intrinsic value only because people believe it has.

>why bother when universe doesn't to give me purpose
Well, *achkctually* universe "gave" you one, because it just happens we're not moonrocks, but a honest to god self-replicating grey goo. Our mission is to reproduce, and if not, support those who do. Failing the mission objective? Apoptosis so as to not waste resources of those who do.

>The problem is when you start getting deluded about how the world works and all the sudden you're Jordan Peterson
Why? Faith is delusions. And he does give some people some peace of mind. He's pretty good when it comes to proselytizing. His cult is not viable in the long term tho, as it lacks viable viral dogma a true religious meme needs to take off. There's no reliable way to convert, or kill heretics en mass, as by design he preys on the fringes.

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Wow never heard that before truly eye opening

i saw Gene at the Joiners Arms in Southampton years ago
they were a bit like a poor man's Smiths

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>The problem is when you start getting deluded about how the world works and all the sudden you're Jordan Peterson
"When Gregor Samsa woke up one morning from unsettling dreams, he found himself changed in his bed into Jordan Peterson"

Either there is an ultimate ground of being and truth which we call God, or there are only fragments of perspectives disguising a void.

If God does not exist then neither do we.

Love and guilt prove that we exist and therefore there is a God.

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False dichotomy.

When Tzu-lu and Tzu-kung had entered the room, Tzu-lu said, "I guess you could say that all of us are really blocked in this time."

Confucius said, "What kind of talk is that! When the gentleman gets through to the Way, this is called 'getting through.' When he is blocked off from the Way, this is called 'being blocked.' Now I embrace the way of benevolence and righteousness, and with it encounter the perils of an age of disorder. Where is there any 'being blocked' about this? So I examine what is within me and am never blocked off from the Way. I face the difficulties ahead and do not lose its Virtue. When the cold days come and the frost and snow have fallen, then I understand how the pine and the cypress flourish. These perils here in Ch'en and Ts'ai are a blessing to me!" Confucius then turned complacently back to his lute and began to play and sing again. Tzu-lu excitedly snatched up a shield and began to dance, while Tzu-kung said, "I did not realize that Heaven is so far above, earth so far below!"

The men of ancient times who had attained the Way were happy if they were blocked in, and happy if they could get through. It was not the fact that they were blocked or not that made them happy. As long as you have really gotten hold of the Way, then being blocked or getting through are no more than the orderly alternation of cold and heat, of wind and rain. Therefore Hsu Yu enjoyed himself on the sunny side of the Ying River, and Kung Po found what he wanted on top of a hill.

You have distinguished between true and false so you identify the same dichotomy.

>Either the tribal kike storm god jahweh exists or we don't exist

Existence is not a predicate for something to have metaphysical value. πR2 is the formula used to calculate the area of a perfect circle (all points equidistant to the center) wich doesnt exist in reality, but you use it anyway.

יהוה is not a tribal spirit but the transcendent ground of all being who revealed Himself as "I AM WHO AM" to Moses in the figure of a dark cloud.

Supernal Triad, Deity above all essence, knowledge and goodness; Guide of Christians to Divine Wisdom; direct our path to the ultimate summit of your mystical knowledge, most incomprehensible, most luminous and most exalted, where the pure, absolute and immutable mysteries of theology are veiled in the dazzling obscurity of the secret Silence, outshining all brilliance with the intensity of their Darkness, and surcharging our blinded intellects with the utterly impalpable and invisible fairness of glories surpassing all beauty.

Let this be my prayer; but do, dear Timothy, in the diligent exercise of mystical contemplation, leave behind the senses and the operations of the intellect, and all things sensible and intellectual, and all things in the world of being and nonbeing, that you may arise by unknowing towards the union, as far as is attainable, with it that transcends all being and all knowledge. For by the unceasing and absolute renunciation of yourself and of all things you may be borne on high, through pure and entire self-abnegation, into the superessential Radiance of the Divine Darkness.

But these things are not to be disclosed to the uninitiated, by whom I mean those attached to the objects of human thought, and who believe there is no superessential Reality beyond, and who imagine that by their own understanding they know it that has made Darkness Its secret place.

False equivalence.
Non sequitur.

What is the metaphysical value of God, aside from Pedo Castles?

I can't respect anyone who claims there's no evidence for God because it's such a dumb position to take. You either don't know what evidence is or you don't count logic as evidence which would ultimately be a self defeating belief. Be humble.

>What is the metaphysical value of God
1 & ∞

You're fucking retarded.
Trolling isn't allowed outside Yea Forums.

>I can't respect anyone who claims there's no evidence for the kike storm deity yahweh because it's such a dumb position to take. You either don't know what evidence is or you don't count logic as evidence which would ultimately be a self defeating belief. Be humble.

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Yahweh is a canaanite tribal deity who claimed to be the only God and promised the kikes worldly power if they worshipped him alone.

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The jews themselves made it into a super-god out of butthurth for their neighbords.

Based and heavenpilled
cringe and hellpilled

the metaphysical value of god is the believe in an higher state of being, one wich can humble us and ascend us. The belief in an higher set of morals, values. Humbleness through the belief there are things we can not understand. Ascension through the sublime and transcendence qualities of human beings.
If you are using corrupt human beings as a argument to the non-existence or to the invalidation to the believing in God, i'm afraid you can apply that to just anything because such is the nature as imperfect humans beings, doesn't mean we should stop trying and forward ourselves to nihilism.

It’s just one. Infinity, as a concept, is lesser.

God is both one, the lowest integral value of the parts, and the collection of all fractions of unity. As an archetypal number, unity serves a basic Aristotleian function: to be. If something is, then something is not. Your essential modal proposition from Aristotle’s On Interpretation. If unity is, then unity is not, and from this proceeds duality. And so forth.

So you’re correct about one. Never associate infinity with God again. Perhaps you’re confused. For certain some NeoPlatonists like Proclus defines god as being ‘limitless’ but that is an attribute, not the concept of infinity itself. A big difference. Besides, everyone knows Aristotle’s Metaphysics blows Proclus’ Elements of Theology out of the water any day


Catholicism is neo-babylonian evil and forbidden idolatry.

>Denying purpose of belief is denying the evolutionary advantage of brain with magical thinking

whether this is ironic or not, people believe this by the millions

The non-existence of God is self-evident.

Humans arent "rational" to begin with

>mankind consisting of rational actors who can understand the world through empiricism
>the best type of system of societal organisation being a rational one rather than an irrational one
>understanding religion as a objective description of the nature of the universe rather than as a system for preserving the underpinnings of civilisation (the family, tradition and societal cohesion)
All of this debunked in the 18th/19th century by pic related, bucko.

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evidence is a spook

Empiricism can only sustain itself inasmuch as you're willing to suspend your inquiry into further evidence of the evidence you claim is Epistemologically sufficient for any one thing. Turning Empiricism onto itself destroys it, whereas turning Reason onto itself consecrates it.

>be you

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>I'm scared of the invisible, therefore not real


Reminder that worshipping Mary instead of God through Jesus is a sin

It's not worship, it's asking for Mary's intercession. Of course, you're a Protestant with a double digit IQ so this won't enter into your thick skull. You won't even consider it, you'll just go, "HURRR DURRR MARY WORSHIP SIN".

>instead of God through Jesus is a sin
You're guilty of what you accuse Catholics of. You're treating Jesus as an intermediary to God. Is Jesus God or not?

You're just afraid we'll talk to your mother.

God is real but Christians are idolaters

the protestant response is that christ's incarnation was an historical event and that my contemplation of this event does not summon him forth, but is mediated to me by way of scripture and tradition, which is not christ himself and so therefore not worth that sort of adoration.

>believing in god is useful thus god must exist

>tfw an atheist asks me for "objective evidence"

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Reminder that Jesus never calls Mary "mother".

It sounded more like
>believing in God is beneficial therefore I believe in God
to me

Why would that matter?