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>based on real headlines
But is it based on real facts?

based white chad not discriminating

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still better than the blue bear guy

josh really inhaled that kool-aid didnt he? he has a stiff style but good enough for more dramatic comics, too bad he's in a feud with his brother resulting him to be blacklisted even from image. plus his ideas are far too woke even for them, what does that say. to me luna will forever be the guy who drew Girls lmao

All of those sound like complements.
Why is so bumb sad about it?

it's perpetual mutt/middle child syndrome

Persecution complex and entitlement.

>white guy is the only one whose not out to insult him
>cast him aside anyway
what was the message here?

He hates his Spanish ancestor

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Based yellow fever chad

white chad is cute, i want him as bf

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how can one man be so based

OwO is this an anime giga chad???

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can someone explain flips and other brown asians to me? are there actual brown asians or are all brown asians just the result of being conquered and bred by brown people?

holy shit the asian pictured is his fucking 'son.' Imagine having some completely random asian kid mouth off to you about your wife's bullshit and he has your actual last name.

Someone add a cowboy pikachu on his neck in the last panel

Why is Josh Luna such a ricecel?

jungle asians. its like altmer vs bosmer

Brad is based, but has he done anything to stop Angelina from turning his daughter into a tranny?

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I know something Brad Pitt has in common with asian males.
I have a picture of it but jannies would ban me.

Fuck chinks yellow pussy was made for black cock.


they'll ban you just for replying to this thread. they've banned for less. are you going to live in fear of powertripping manchildren who work for free? is that your legacy? is this really how you want to be remembered? have you no honor or self-respect? how the fuck do you even look in the mirror and not immediately grab the razor and slit your throat? *spits at you* you disgust me

filipinos are an embarrassment to the asian master race

Holy shit guys

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Hi Bill

>move to white country
>complain theres too many white people
Immigrant privilege is real embarrassing 2bh

If anyone hasn't seen Brad Pitt's comically tiny twinkie at this point that's on them, I'm not wasting a ban on it lol.

so by making him play the character with a story of having murdered his wife but the justice forgetting about it Tarantino was basically dabbing on him?
that's fucking based

>white guy is unironically the only non racist there because he makes it clear he likes all asian girls
>he's somehow made out to be the worst
I fucking love how this is the exact type of person to use the term 'white fragility' when he's so clearly insecure about his race

What do the majority Orientals not like about the coastal ones?

USA has not been a white country for a while famalam

>please don't repost
Why do people bother doing this? I don't think anyone sees that and decides not to post it again. If you put it online, people will share it regardless of what you say

>literally nothing in his art style changed at all
>he just drew minorities and a tranny
This guy is so fucking pathetic. He's actually trying to imply that you're taught to only draw white people, which is fucking retarded.

Why are Asians obsessed with streamers?

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>Nassim Nicholas Taleb = Arab Varg
>Tariq Nasheed = Black Varg
>Josh Luna = Asian Varg

if other races can be racist without impunity then why can't i?

Why are white female streamers obssessed with Asian guys?

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Because only asians are beta enough to go for those used up whores.

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Same reason a lot of strippers and pornstars have asian boyfriends

he sounds like an azn guy who cannot find a white or asian girl to date him
t.azn guy who dated both

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theyre still the largest ethnic group and it was founded by them and they are in charge of most of the country's institutions.
so yes it is

Old man is based. Second generation immigrants really don't understand the importance of language.

Brad/Marky Mark film when? Action cop film in chinatown, 2h30 of em kicking asian mafiose ass, yakuza, traiad, all of em fucking shits

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>in charge


>mouth off to you about your wife's bullshit
She's fucking her kid. Brad found out or got sick of the incest-play and bailed. The "son" was protecting his mommyfuck.

It all goes back to Jon Voight abusing Angelina as a kid, it's why they became estranged.

there's no such thing as "pure" filipino, theyre all mutts

Not even me, but somehow you knew what I have on my hard drive.

This thread is so fucking boring. Can you guys post pictures of big asses?

I think that's his point

I have never heard anything about Asians being discouraged from voting

Last guy is literally Yea Forums except not ugly

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>many whites have turned Asian from anime
Oh sweet so I get in on this too? Awesome

You can and do

because it's a broad generalization of the culture instead of a specific insult like the others. Some of you niggas are thick

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Not big enough

Also it’s ‘with’ impunity, impunity means protection

He clearly just wants to fuck Asian women, and the author feels that’s multiracial cuckoldry on himself

Is Brad really hates Asians?

What the fuck is wrong with chinks

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>pretending he cares about trannies when he thinks they're men pretending to be women

I like how he ignores that the reason for the FBI dropping the investigagion was that there was no fight, and that Pitt and the lil' gook just yelled at each other.

Haven't you heard, user? Checking IDs at the polls is racist voter suppression. Long lines at the polling place is racist voter suppression. More insidious and powerful than even the Jew is the white man.

ah yes, if the impartial, not white supremacist FBI says it then it must be true

I'm sorry... I know art exists in every culture, but when it comes to drawing photorealistic humans, with proper lighting and shadowing, had any race come as close as white people during the renaissance?

He's a Pinoy though

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arr rook same to me

>t. faceblind autist

And? He's saying he doesn't care about the individual types of asians because he thinks they're all attractive. At most that's saying he's not bothered to learn the difference, which isn't racist

bruh lmao

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Yea Forums bullies asians way too much i don't know how they didn't lose their shit already

>complains about Light Yagami, a character who was literally drawn and animated as a white chad being white in the movie
>mysteriously stays silent about L getting turned into a black guy who runs around with a gun

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Should commit brah

They all got slanty eyes and black hair, don't they?

I’ve heard all this for blacks but certainly not Asians. Are there gerrymandered pinoy ghettos in America?

is ryuk even asian
do shinigami even have "race"

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One ofmy fantasies are having sex with and impregnating cute filipino women. Is there something wrong with me?

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Post more big asses please

Why does he seethe so much?

that has to be shopped

the comic is specifically about whitewashing but i agree
he needs to make one about asians being blackwashed

Fillipino women aren't cute, they're skanky and loose. Which is, in its own way, hot. I want to breed deep with that girl, but I would never marry her for this reason.

They're ideal brapwhores and babyfarms, but nothing else.

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It looks like two women using a camera trick

They speak Tagalog, not ching chong language. Plus, some Filipinos look white because they have Spanish DNA. Did you know that Filipinos used to be Muslims before Spain conquer their land?

something about falling out with his brother and now he is virtue signaling like a mad cunt to make it look like the world is against him.

>He thinks the Jews aren't white

Oy vey

>they're skanky and loose

Where are they? Most of the ones I meet are too uptight and to themselves.
Then again, I barely go out of my way to meet lots of women, but still

Jews are Semitic

I did not know that

wtf is going on with that white woman's legs. they look too small.

>white guy is the only one who judges the guy without any prejudice

I'd say that Light is hardly even white washed. Yes he's Japanese, but he's drawn as a white chad. If you compare his character to a white guy and an asian, he clearly looks more like the white guy.
But my main point is that white washing very rarely happens, but when it does there's a massive "outcry" about it. But taking white characters and blackwashing them happens constantly, and it's praised

holy shit he is literally obsessed

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Ashkenazi jews are not genetically middle eastern.

LOL what?

nah, light is japanese from a japanese family
there are, however, plenty of european characters in death note who are definitely not japanese

The sleeping dragon was euthanized by coronachan

Josh what are you doing her, those comics won't draw themselves.

Literally any city, man. Just go out to any nightclub.

Nah I can see light as an Asian pretty boy
Whoever L is clearly a white dude

Thai > filipinas

>reason we have rules

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Too bad that corona-chan is gonna send the chinks back to the stone age

>the best one wasn't even posted
Shame on you OP

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What did he mean by this

>multiculturalism is the way to go if you don't want to racemix you are racist

>asians have like half the world to themselves
>move to white nations and complain
at least black people can say they were brought here against their will as slaves

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I don't get it

Imagine being stuck with ugly shitskin kids who are spoiled as fuck on your dime, and don't respect you, because you married a mentally ill woman instead of a normal one.

It's the only female they're likely to see in a day lol

>I don't get it

White man is evil. When in doubt, assume that's the message.

I disagree. Though he is Japanese he absolutely looks like he was drawn as a white character. So much so that Zac Efron would have been a perfect cast for him in the adaptation. I'm not saying that he is not Japanese, but he definitely wasn't drawn with that in mind.
L is drawn pretty clearly as a british white guy.

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hahahahaha asians are so fucking embarassing

he should come to the west coast. asians are normalized as fuck here.


>when he thinks they're men pretending to be women
he knows*
gas all trannies either way, then kikes and then anglos

Not black enough

based every race belongs to the bbc

t. self hating hapa incel from reddit

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that's so cruel he took that photo just to mog the fuck out of him

If these dudes can be bros why can't we

>Jesus pours water that turns into wine

They are having a giggle mate, went to a bar together afterwards and had confusing homoerotic experiments while being pissed.

Death Note gets a pass because they actually put more effort into it than just casting a white guy, it's basically a new character with the same first name.

>nu death note
Back to your screenwriting site, Max.

It’s a photo of a page and the camera is closer to the top of the picture than to the bottom, so the legs are farther away and look smaller

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I have no experience whatsoever writing a script and I'm 100% certain I could make a better fucking plot than that shitty fucking movie. The death note movie was not only fucking terrible, it made no sense and didn't even attempt to make sense.
It told a story about what was meant to be two geniuses playing cat and mouse, and made them high functioning retards
>L is fully aware that Kira needs a name and a face to kill
>He hides his face and identity to protect himself
>Meanwhile he has fucking Watari going around unmasked and giving out business cards with his real name on them
>Also Watari is his full name. He has no last name, just fucking Watari
It honestly felt like a fucking parody. They clearly weren't a fan of the source material and didn't even attempt to make their shitty ideas make sense

>Don't judge the guy
>Greets the Filipino in Japanese

Yes?We greet each other in other languages all the time,it's to alleviate monotony

unironically true. That's why I only draw cunny now

...middle easterns made life-like statues

>superpower is throwing flip-flops


Imagine actually being proud of being a dirt rat subhuman flip


Who the fuck are the Asian community going to vote for that would be disruptive?

He's less of a filipino because he's a raging faggot.

Because all of them have different stereotypical expectations of him that have nothing to do with his personality.

No you don't.

schweine poppo

Asians living in the west literally have no identity

multiculturalism was a mistake

>Josh Luna
Asian incel?

Because they don't "group vote" the way leftists want you to believe all colored people vote. The author of the comic is upset that Asians don't have 100% voter participation, and that they don't vote 100% Democrat.

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>head sinks the furthest when let down by white guy

there's something deeper at play here

Is he saying all filipinos are mutt rape babies?

All those asian subreddits like r/AsianMasculinity or r/aznidentity it's just pure incel rage.

>learn about the masters
>all white dudes
Yeah because unlike all of the Asian artists during those times, the European ones were actually studying to properly represent the human form as opposed the exaggerated stuff seen in Asian art. Even when you wanna make exaggerated bodies, understanding the anatomy of the human body is key so you exaggerated forms still have a sense of proportion to them. It's like complaining in physics that all the famous guys are white Europeans when it was simply due to them being the ones actually studying and writing this stuff down.

Asian-Americans are pure cringe, I hate them.
t. I'm a chink

what the fuck? why is this thread still up

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Not after Islam took over and banned art representing "God's work."

Most likely. The majority of the second generation immigrants don't feel they belong in any group as they are seen as outsiders on both sides.

>that jaw
Yeah no.

they're the most insecure people on earth