Chinball absolutely BLOWN THE FUCK OUT edition.
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saggy clala
>she will never dress up in a latex dominatrix outfit and beat you to within an inch of your life before demanding that you worship her perfect feet, then throw you into a cage under her bed
I can't go on much longer bros, it's so unfair.
For me, it's K9. The TV show.
Since people are talking Big Finish, are there any good stories featuring UNIT? Pertwee is my jam, and the lads in uniform deserve some respect.
The Doctor Falls (Retcon Final Scene)
" Doctor ... I Let You Go !!! "
*Peter Capaldi Begins To Regenerate*
*Enter Craig Fergusson*
"Ahhhhh Where am I ? I'm in vehicle that can travel all of time and space, where aren't I ?"
*Tardis warning lights begin to flare, sirens start to wail*
"Alright. No need to yell ! I heard you first time ! What you're going to do ? Throw me out of my own home ? I just got here ! Give me a minute and I'll sort something out ! I'm Doctor alright ? Just be patient ..."
*Notices his own reflection in Tardis console*
"Oh no. Oh no. I'm still old ... And I'm still Scottish ! "
*Runs his hands over his face and hair*
"And I'm still Not Ginger !!!"
*Tardis console explodes, resulting blast throws Craig Fergusson out of Tardis thousands of feet up into night sky. He beings to fall. Fade to black. Cue Credits*
Craig Ferguson as The Doctor will be back in "The Dalek Age"
The latest Third Doctor boxset (series 5?) has both the brigadier (played by Jon Culshaw) and Sgt Benton in and I enjoyed both stories. They really felt like they could have been made in the 70s. You forget that you're not listening to Jon Pertwee.
>adult men get this upset about a tv show made for actual children
Is the Jodie Dalek story any good? I love Daleks, even the shit episodes with Daleks get an extra four points because Daleks.
Imagine caring this much.
I liked this season, and this seething is just making me enjoy it more.
Thanks Chib
The latest Humble Bundle have a bunch of UNIT stories.
In fact, the low and middle tier combined have all three of Nicholas Courtney's (The Brigadier) UNIT stories.
It's not terrible, but it's not very good either.
I haven't seen it since it was on but I remember it being alright. Not the worst Whottaker episode.
no kid is watching this show m8 but to be fair no one is
Bets on the next showrunner?
Mark Gaypiss will make /who/ great again.
Did any writers stay on with Chibnall after Capaldi regenerated. I predict it's going to be given to a relatively unknown writer.
I think Jamie Matheson did.
If he did then I could see him being pressured into doing it. Being the showrunner seems like a job nobody really wants to do
He didn't write anything for series 11 and 12 though.
Fair enough. I haven't really been paying attention, it's all so bland yet somehow painful.
>Moffat is a manlet
Post clip of fake brig please
Thank you, anons
God no, I fucking hated Moffat's Era.
Chibnall has been great imo.
No. Fuck you, Moffat, you started this shite.
It'll be given to someone who has experience producing TV over someone who can write well
>Jon Culshaw
How long until he has to play half of the cast on his own because the original actors start dying?
I started with the reboot, keep on through first two. Kind of fell off because the one doctor looked like a ginger aylmao, saw Capaldi clips and thought he looked great, and I have pretty much ignored the new Doctor. Tell me what I missed and is it worth it to sit down and try to get back in?
Should have been Gatiss in the first place. Even if he made himself the Doctor.
Learn English first
Out of our way, Chibnall. We have a show to save.
Give it to me, that thing. Your science-fiction kid's show.
Nobody, BBC will soon lose the license tax money and they'll have to cancel their shows.
Doesn't he play the master in Big Finish?
>doctor who is kill
Some American we've never heard of, working for HBO. Probably worked uncredited as Hollywood script Doctor for years before getting his big break as one of head writers on Mr Robot.
how does this make me even more attracted to her
Dr Who MD on HBO. Coming this Fall 2025.
you put more effort into this than chibnail put into writing the last 2 seasons
>hiring Chibnall to write in the first place
>start the whole wanking of the Doctor as Space Jesus
They are responsible for the travesty that's just occured as much as Chibnall if not moreso.
>puts that much effort into a negative response
>still gives it a 2/10
I liked the RTD era, but as far as I'm concerned, everything past Moffat's first season is pure rubbish that perfectly sets the stage for Chibnall.
Fuck no, these hacks are the reason that shitshow is happening at all.
Timeless Children is nuwho's logical conclusion.
so did a girl bring in a guitar that belonged to george harrison on the antiques roadshow?
Has Chibnall officially made it okay again to hate nerds? I want to break his glasses and take his lunch money.
do you think shills will still argue that the revelation just provides another mystery?
The Spectre of Lanyon Moor with Colly Bakes and Nicolas Courtney is good.
They're already doing that, which is dumb because the whole thing is a negation of mystery. The whole point of the Cartmel plan is you would drop only the vaguest of hints that there might be more going on with the Doctor's character, and then you would quickly peddle away. Is he actually some kind of ancient timelord god reborn? Who knows, probably not, moving swiftly on. That's mystery. Just that little dangling thread of something slightly out of view.
Shills will argue anything they're paid to argue, user. They'll even argue other shills if their employers think it will drive up interest in the topic.
Unironically more interested in Clara Oswald & Arya Stark travelling around the universe in their space restaurant spin-off than in this shitty show
>Moffat comes in
>"Ey 'Ray"
>"What is it Steven?"
>"I need a song for this bit in an episode"
>"Ok, what's it about?"
>"So basically the Doctor has been stuck in this extremely personal maze for 4 billion years, in an eternal cycle of punching a wall once and then fucking dying. That's all he's doing. Punching a wall and fucking dying. And he doesn't care how many times he'll have to fucking die, because he knows one day he'll get to the other side. To Clara. And then he can save her, he can tell her everything he wanted to say before she died right in front of him. A death that was his responsabily as much as it was hers. A death he's willing to destroy everything to reverse, just to say he loved her. Because he owes her that. He's always wanted to tell her, and he knew she knew, but he never got to do it. So I was just wondering if you could make a little song that manages to tell that entire story and emotionally ground it on pain, love and will, the 3 pillars of life."
>"uuuh.. ok Steven I'll see what I can whip up. Just send me the script and the unedited cut, ok?"
>couple months later he arrives on studio with
>Chris Chibnall wigs in
>"Hey Mr Segun Akinola"
>"Yes, Chris?"
>"So we've got this great bit coming in the finale"
>"Oh great what's it about?"
>"So the Doctor is stuck in a big computer, right? And then she remembers all her lives, even the ones she had no memory of, to escape"
>"... Y-you need some music for that?"
>"No, I was thinking. Wouldn't it be just great if the Doctor Who theme played during it? Because it's like, about the show and stuff, it's kinda meta"
>"Y-you don't even think The Doctor's theme should play?"
>"Nah, that one's cheerful. This scene's epic! So can you make a small remix or something from the opening titles?"
>"Yeah ok I can do it right now"
>On March 1st, 2020 this is the result
'Clara and Me' would be a great little show, even if they cleaned it up to fill the Sarah Jane spooky-kiddie slot.
You could make a spin-off show about any minor character now, and it would probably garner more interest. What about those pirates who took off in that space ship? What about Rory's dad?
What kind of poor sap has Chinball for a name? I can't imagine such a pathetic existence.
"The Shephard's Boy" is even better when you realise it's an extended remix of a piece from the Day of the Doctor soundtrack (
>"the shephard's boy is now not even the first Doctor, and apparently he had lived several adult lifetimes and journeyed throughout the universe before regenerating back into a kid and being scared of monsters under his bed
Which is what annoys me about the Timeless Child stuff the most. It REALLY takes away from the 50th - the Doctor HASN'T been working out how to save Gallifrey all his lives, and he didn't really save Gallifrey in the end.
I don't count Chibnall who as canon.
holy shit bring Gold back right now.
Has Segun produced any truly memorable piece of music yet?
I actually liked the idea of getting back to a more retro electronic soundtrack. It would just be nice if they hired someone with any sense of style or tone.
I always imagine this piece accompanying a Cyberman episode.
How did the black guy manage to throw that exploding ball so far into the cybermen?
It was his character arc. Remember how in the opener he couldn't throw the ball into the hoop?
Well, now he can.
Truly genius, Chibnall
Or how about this. I'm a fucking genius. Orchestrated music for historicals, and electronic music for sci-fi.
Please replace Segun in this exact instant
I thought it was not being able to ride the bike,
You could even do a bit of a mixup where you assign certain instruments to each major alien and if they show up in an episode you work their instruments into the orchestra/electronica music.
Nah that was last season.
He finished the arc by forgetting about the bike
It's fine, quite good when comparing to the rest of S11 (though that's a pretty low bar to set). It's one of those episodes that remind you how scary Daleks can actually be.
>everything past Moffat's first season is pure rubbish
This. Only way I can see the show being salvaged in the future is reverting things to the end of series five. Have the "rebooted" universe be the foundation for a rebooted Doctor Who.
I have no doubt that the show will improve eventually. What I have my doubts about is whether Doctor Who will get its soul back.
Why though? The Silence arc might not have been the best paced thing, but it's not like it actively damages continuity. Everything about the 50th and Smith's final stretch of episodes was handled fine. Even Capaldi's first couple of series don't don't actively drag the show through the mud.
If Capaldi was written more like House he would have been spectacular. He really shined in Mummy on the Orient Express.
you're making me angry user
Chibnall's run and the whole timeless child story arch was all just a dream created by the dream crabs and Capaldi wakes up as the Doctor
At least Clara would be more charismatic than Jodie, but I think we'd still have the problem of a Doctor that can not die. Where are the stakes now? Come across a threat just pop off regenerations like in Curse of the Fatal Death until it's solved.
>sacrifices himself to save an ordinary teenage girl
>sacrifices himself to save an ordinary old man
>sacrifices himself to protect a single town for centuries
>sacrifices himself to stop the Cybermen and protect the people of just one ship
>last words for the next Doctor: "Be kind"
>cannot bring herself to push a button and sacrifice herself to stop The Master and the Cybermen, who are about to take over the whole universe
>A MAN has to step in and do the job for her
>yells at her companions and treats them like garbage for no reason
>leaves a grieving old man alone because "she's socially awkward"
Where did it all go wrong, bros?
uh, you don't get to bring kino
It's worse than that. It's been slowly established over the course of NuWho that regeneration can be used for other things. It can heal people, it can give off a concussive force, and it can be utilised as a weapon. Now, this is stupid enough, and I wish they didn't keep doing this shit, but the fact that regeneration energy was a precious limited commodity at least meant the Doctor wasn't solving every problem by just blasting regeneration at it. See what I'm getting at? This is a serious can of worms.
>It's possible for sufferers of Dyspraxia to just GET OVER IT when it's important for them to do so
>Where did it all go wrong, bros?
When you started hating women
Does anyone else feel like there isn't enough Dalek variations in the show? Whenever we get to see the Daleks, it's usually just the standard golden-bronze soldiers, with a few exceptions like Ironsides and Sec, but those are just recolors. Oh, and remember that time when new, larger Daleks with their color signifying their profession? Yeah, me neither. One of the few good thing to come from Chibnall was the Scout Dalek from "Resolution". And what about special weapons Daleks? Wouldn't it be great to see more task-specific models, like walker Daleks, underwater daleks, ect.?
I liked Hell Bent for the most part but Clara&Me's space diner ship was just silly. Why would Clara even want to travel with Me? It should have ended with her accepting her own passing and convincing him that he should accept it too, and never break his rules, not even for love.
>Complaining about canon
Literally just soft-reboot the show ignore everything that happened before.
Have a new doctor and only bring things from the past up when you want to include them in the story.
It's basically what the show's already done a number of times, and the reality is, no one really cares about canon all that much.
I hated women long before Jodie came along m8, show was KINO back then
I see your point. Regeneration is The Force now. The Doctor might as well don a cape and make herself an Avenger.
I want the Japanese Dalek to be canon. I think it's cute. It could be a scaled down variant that can get through vents and stuff.
Why does every Dalek sit inside the same basic form of individual travel machine? Shouldn't they be assigned to the soldiers and the rest of the race do other stuff necessary for their continued existance? Who grows Dalek potatoes?
I would say it has something to do with their belief in the basic Dalek being the perfected form. Not that that hasn't stopped them producing variants before, so whatever.
Blame Terrence Dick and Robert Holmes for inpiring Chinballs to wreck Doctor Who with previous incarnations.
Ah, damn. I never thought about tiny Daleks. I imagine it would have a high-pitched voice and weaker blaster, so instead of killing, it would just cause temporary paralysis to a body part, so you only die if it hits your heart.
And imagine gigantic walker Daleks, like those things from Star Wars.
like what says, the Daleks believe that they're perfect. Other than the command/leader variants, any difference from the norm is considered impure and are basically bullied by the "proper" daleks.
What narrative purpose do you imagine them serving?
>Tiny daleks
Evil of the daleks has some
There's a strange precedent for wasp Daleks. I don't know what that's about.
This show has less than no budget and the last time they redesigned the Daleks everybody complained so they silently got rid of them and pretended it never happened
Noticed Moffat starting to take too many liberties, and the show starting to go downhill in various aspects from then onwards. The silence arc was fine canon wise, but Moffat started adding lived years onto the Doctor willy-nilly.
The series five ending is also the perfect opportunity to split the show into two continuities, so as to keep everyone happy.
Yeah, no. You don't get to bastardise a nearly 60 YO British icon then pretend like nothing happened. If canon is so unimportant to the masses, then I'm sure they won't mind the past x years being relegated to "Canon B".
Seeing the youngest Doctor aged to death was a cool idea though. It also hammers in how much he's trying to cling to his last life.
They only care about genetic purity,. Their shells are just a means of extermination, but what truly matters is what's inside.
No idea, I just like Daleks. Maybe we could have an episode where Doc & co are stuck on some planetary base that is preparing for an all-out attack from the Daleks. They successfully fend off the common troops, walkers and submarines, but the trouble begins when tiny hacker Daleks () invade the base. I could see it being a season finale two parter or a special.
>Their shells are just a means of extermination, but what truly matters is what's inside.
In some of the audio stories they show off the Daleks not liking any of the armor/weapon variants
The adding of years wasn't so willynilly because it aged and roughened up the character WITHOUT changing who he is at his core. It's character development, not retconning or doing a 180 like Chibby did.
I didn't listen to the audios yet. Haven't got much time lately.
>chibnall creates an actually interesting villain in ashad
>kills him off like a little bitch
This man just hates interesting ideas doesn't he?
It's literally what the show already did, with Classic Who and Modern Who, and it did it again with the shift from RTD to Moffat.
Canon is largely meaningless, and you shouldn't care about it.
>nearly 60 YO British icon
You said it yourself, ICON.
Doctor Who exists as a character, not as a set of continuous stories. There are ways to hate the modern showrunners without falling back on stupid crutches like "it disrespects canon".
Chibnall sits inside your head
Chibnall lives among the dead
Chibnall sees you in your bed
And eats you when you're sleeping
Chibnall at the end of days
Chibnall lies all other ways
Chibnall comes when Lore's a maze
And all of Who weeping
Chibnall taking Who apart.
Chibnall fears the Fan heart.
Chibnall seeks the final part.
The reward that he is reaping.
Chibnall sings when all is lost
Chibnall takes all those he's crossed
Chibnall wins and all is cost
The Fan's hearts he's keeping.
Chibnall seeks the Writers's pen
Chibnall needs the story to rip
Chibnall sups Who at a drip
And life aside, he's sweeping.
And he set then his course
To a scar on the face of Who
Where the actors lived and died in the churn of one night
Where the character motivations might move in the blink of an eye
And decay was the only true constant
And the gate of Chibnall opened before him
And all of the Retcon was releaved to him
And its terrible beauty ached in his hearts
So through them he ventured
There to do battle with Chibnall, the Beast
Never resting as long as Who is lasting
Until either or both are laid to waste.
Chibnall waits at the end of Who
For Chibnall is the end of Who
His time is the end of canon
And his moment Who's undoing.
I was thinking the TARDIS materialises on a Dalek warship in the days after their complete extermination of all life in a galaxy. What do they do during the long trip to the next target?
>Moffat started adding lived years onto the Doctor willy-nilly
It was much stupider when the doctor went through 3 out of 13 regenerations over the span of just 5 years in his 907 year life
why would the cybermen turn someone down for conversion anyway
>actually interesting villain
what made him interesting? He was no different to tim shaw last series, just with added cyberman pandering
The canon being a bit loose in the first place isn't really an excuse to throw the whole thing under the bus though. But I agree, we don't necessarily need a whole retcon arc, as long as we can just move on and pretend this never happened like 80% of the TV Movie. You could dispel everything as a joke five years down the line.
>This reminds me of when the Master tried to fool me into thinking I was a "timeless child", whatever that is. We were all a bit strange in 2020
Imagine what?
When a new showrunner takes over, I'd expect the show to just move on and forget the old plotlines anyway.
Unless the BBC does the thing I dread and hires someone from HBO or some american network to take over.
Doctor Who will end with the 60th anniversary and be rebranded as the legacy era
Doctor Who will then be rebooted with a completely new production, starting with a new first doctor leaving gallifrey
Pretty Clara!
Hold up, The Dalek Bumpsâ„¢ are not screwed into the casing. They are actual spheres resting in hemispherical indents, as shown in "Dalek" and "Asylum of the Daleks".
Doctor Who should end now, have 13 regenerate into The Curator and he goes back in time to babble nonsense at 11 for a moment.
That's dumb. There's literally no reason to ever do that. You can just bring in a new Doctor, and largely divorce yourself from established storylines anyway. But if you completely reboot, you can't do crossovers, you can't play on the Doctor's long history with his various enemies and friends. There's no bonus to this, unless the writers feel so constrained by just having a few basic rules to follow like the first Doctor actually being the first Doctor, and Daleks being from Skaro rather than Ireland or something.
Capaldi coming back as showrunner and being Malcolm Tucker behind the scenes while Chibnell is forced to stay on staff and show up every day or they'll retcon his bullshit fanfiction but isn't allowed to write for the show.
Just sit there every day getting called a cunt by Malcom.
Doctor Who is the ONLY show that doesn't need rebooting, this makes no sense
>Capaldi did not have as many seasons as Baker did
I am still mad as fuck.
>Capaldi reviewing Chinballs script for the new season
nah, no one cares about the show anymore. no one would watch if it got rebooted, it's time to just let it die
depends. if she doesn't get any more work, she might dip into the method acting field, acting as Mistress Bitch of the Galaxy. you might even be able to afford that if you save up your dole.
Quentin Tarantino
He made the right choice leaving when moffat did. It wasn't until after he had talks with chibnall that he decided to actually leave. Just fucking imagine the shit we've seen in the last 2 series but with capaldi, not even he would be able to save it
>watching the timeless children
>just been revealed that the doctor is the timeless child
>there's still 30 minutes left
Jesus fucking Christ it's so boring, there's fuck all happening. It's just people having boring conversations with the odd bit of Cyberman shooting thrown in.
>next Doctor is another female and has a sonic toering
So Yea Forums's show of the decade.
I originally wanted Capaldi to stay on so we could see a Doctor get written by two different showrunners. I couldn't be more happy that he left when he did.
Imagine Capaldi in The Timeless Children.
Imagine Capaldi in the scene reading with Sacha Master after he spent 2 years with Gomez.
He'd prolly kill Chibnall before the episode was ever filmed
You'd need Moffat+Gold+Capaldi to make it work. Even Capaldi on his own would suffer with a showrunner like Chibnall.
>Exploitation-inspired Doctor Who
Honestly? KINO
wonder how moffat, gatiss, and capaldi really feel about this clusterfuck.
moffat/gatiss said they don't have a problem with it but you know that's just media schtick.
Will be interesting to see if we get any Big Finish stories referencing this, or if they just ghost it and pretend it never happened.
Japanese fans hate him too?
it just shows a complete lack of respect on chibnall's part. especially the whole master being bad again thing, since pretty much all of capaldi's era was about the master being redeemed.
this one's chinese I think
I think the only way to make the Master reasonably evil again would've been to make him the Timeless Child.
He goes mad from the revelation and his memories of all the abuses he suffered to create the Time Lords undoes what 12 did for Missy.
It still would've been fucking awful, but it's better than the trash fire we have now.
That's one of those things. The Master is always going to come back because he's one of the big three villains. They didn't have to do it so soon though. We went four whole series + specials between Simm and Gomez
Lads can someone recommend me a pornstar that looks like clara. I've got to COOOOOOM
capaldi is probably glad he got out in time but also furious at how much it got ruined. i hope he knows how much people appreciate his contribution.
Clara is still one of my favourite companions, because she had a big fat bottom.
Remember when the Doctor left the Paki Master to get holocausted by the Nazis?
I was about to post this. God damnit.
what the fuck is this show about. I read about 2 paragraphs and thought it was a transformers thread.
why do bongs have such a retarded manchildren famous show? it's like with harry potter.
It's a medical drama.
You just KNOW.
This is true. What pisses me off is that Moff left such an interesting window for the Master's return. Missy fucking died doing a good deed, she discovered a part of herself that could be like The Doctor, and she liked it. Whenever they pop-in again, they already have that interesting jumping off point with The Master dealing with being good. It's INSTANT drama with a lot of directions to go. It's the actual "wow this opens up so many story possibilities" that NPCs say about the timeless children.
This is a modern tv show, and like any modern tv show, we expect for previous character workings to be continued. Which is why it's so frustrating that 13 barely mentions Missy, from her perspective she stayed with her for DECADES, being a good friend to her and trying to get her to see her own good side.
I don't even care that Sacha Master is before Missy, Moffat even put in the extra work to allow that to happen like the absolute bro he is, but The Doctor should be FURIOUS to see him back to being an evil moustache twirling bad guy. She should mention and talk about it.
But no. Chibnall's continuation of the Master is just to ignore whatever the fuck happened before, and for what? For the weakest Master in nuWho that barely has anything interesting to say or do.
lads I just realised that capaldi was absolutely /fa/
Big BUTT Clala
It would actually be great to have a whole era where they commit to not bringing back any of the big three villains, except maybe as cameos. They could commit to really developing the Sontarans or the Rani or something instead.
I did mention a few posts ago that Clara was ne of the best due to her big fat bottom.
Bill had a better ass
yeah they need to stop with the daleks, cybermen and master. i'm surprised they haven't done another proper auton story or brought back the sea devils
Sadly that's a photoshop
Yeah but she had a 2/10 face
Given that tits are irrelevant Clara was the whole package
Yeah but she looks like a downy
I know, don't care though, it's sufficiently convincing
remember that the Judoon are now capable of teleporting into a TARDIS, making them more powerful than the Daleks. This is how dumb Chibnall is
I'm disappointed that the series never commented on how fat Clara's bottom was.
Jesus Christ.
remember how in episode 1 of the series they even explained that nothing can teleport inside of the tardis.
written by the same guy too.
There's plenty of material for a talented writer to try to salvage the Timeless Child plot.
>Master is always jelly the Doctor thinks he's better than him
>As Missy, begins to see the Doctor as her equal
>Somehow stumbles upon the "truth" the Doctor is actually super special ancestor of all Time Lords
>Driven back to his old ways by the revelation
>Discovers that "truth" was forged just to have such an effect on him
>Has to team up with the Doctor to uncover the deceivers and get his vengeance
Too bad it's never gonna happen.
Also remember that this happens a few seconds after the Doctor walks into the TARDIS. There was nothing stopping Chibnell having them arrest her before she steps inside, or follow her through the doors, he's just incapable of thinking that hard.
Name a worse redesign
And it was a Chinballs episode too.
It's serves the purpose of making them more sympathetic, but they probably should have kept the third eye.
How did we come to this. I explicitly remember disliking season 7 but now when I rewatch it feels like peak television compared to chinball's mess.
Here's some concept art for the 2010 redesign which was never used
they had to make it so the lesbian one looked good on screen
How to fix the timeless child arc-
1.Make the timeless child the master instead
2.change literally nothing else.
It's a kids show.
>half human on my mother's side
doesn't sound too bad now does it?
It's still pretty bad. How would that have even happened? Timelords are notoriously isolationist.
I miss the good old days, when we got stuff like this:
So were the leaks about black doctor being the 0th doctor true? I'm not watching this shit to find out and Harrys review isn't out yet
his father was also a rogue, he stole a tardis and had a child with some earth girl.
It's very cliche but I'd take it over the doctor being a reincarnation of something else.
Jewel Bancroft
Really destroys the elegant simplicity of the Doctor just being some guy who got fed up with his people's shit and wanted to go exploring, or alternately some guy who ran away with a highly destructive weapon because he didn't want the Timelords to have that power.
Thanks user
Built for BBC
>tfw chibnall gave the show terminal cancer
>Opens his run with a character who survived cancer
>Ends the show with terminal cancer
Was it kino?
Every nuwho cybermen design
you ever see the show konosuba? Its having the same effect on my penis that it does