I picked up all of these for $20 (Canadian) at a garage sale...

I picked up all of these for $20 (Canadian) at a garage sale. Which one should I read on the subway for maximum social alienation?

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Hold mein kampf in your right hand and taliban in your left

you got ripped.


Max isolation would be columbine. Max disgust would be muh struggle. Max contempt bush book and max fear Taliban poems. The latter to me unironically sounds interesting Af. Tell me more about it?

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I rarely read poetry so I don't have much to compare it to. I expected it to be very religious but it's actually more nationalistic. Gives an interesting insight into how these Taliban guys see themselves, like lions of jihad fighting against the ever-evil Americans. You can tell these Afghans are very proud and knowledgeable of their history.

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>Reading translated poetry
just learn pashtun you entry level faggot

I read half of the Bush book for a school project. It’s ok, a little fascinating how someone do lazy, dumb, and lacking moral principles (was an alcoholic) became president

You got ripped. It should be 4 books for $4.

Why in the fuck would you pay $20 for that?

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He got jew'd

I guess you could say it really makes you think

Is $5 for a book unreasonable? I like reading and I like owning books. I could probably find the pdfs online for free, but I like having the physical object. I don't buy much stuff I don't need, just books really.

at a used book store sure $5 is reasonable. at a garage sale? 25 cents

I’d love to say take Mein Kampf but as a non German and probably written in English stay away from it it’s “mein Kampf “ nicht deiner du minderbemittelter Sohn einer jüdischen Hure plus his style is just unpleasant to read no real substance it’s like looking at a white page for a while and not understanding
Sure you did something but without actually getting something from it that’s just my opinion I’d take the G.B and Taliban book only to confuse my surroundings

damn, that poem made me tear up a little.

Making shit tier propaganda is something even soccer teams and Congolese dictators can do. Their lives don't matter. It's hollow coming from vicious barbarian turds who brutally murder women and children wholesale. The cover is cool though.

featuring such classics as
>Ode to a Goat
>Paean to Muhammad Muhammad's shredded corpse

>ew gross wypipo
That dressed up "proverb" is literally "we're a bunch of a fucking retards who murder each other". Nothing to see here folks, just a bunch of sandpeople who never made it to stage one civilization and ran into Islam on the way.

Post some more please user. Are there any about beauty or truth ?

Based reactionary poster is based.

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This. Even used book stores are cheaper

mein kampf is an unreadable pile of garbage

It's a fascinating insight into an accordingly fascinating man

you could take a dump on the ttc and no would care. read what you want yty

Tailban poems is top tier art hoe bait if you are white. Reading that on the subway/coffee shop in a major city like London would net so many girls. You need to be obviously white though, any shade of brown would l look like threat. Even a Spaniard reading this would be threatening.

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I made posts about this book some months ago, when I was reading it as research for my play. It's actually a very good collection.

I think that the older poems were better. There's one really good about a shepherd that i liked it. I was searching the archives for that thread but couldn't find it.


bizarre political compass

>omg pastoral poetry is so deep!

wow it's like you picked up on a literary trend that ended 400 years ago. But the Taliban (not gross wypipo) wrote it so it's so cool and edgy.

There are several poems in the collection. In the thread I made I quote several of them. That one about the shepherd is actually very different from the ones in the Latin and Greek tradition.

Like I said, I was doing research. Turns out those guys were far better poets than I expected.