For me, it's Suki Lane
For me, it's Suki Lane
Sing 2 was honestly pretty good. Maybe Illumination isn't as bad as people say.
Why not?
It was only good because it was done by their French team while all the Amerilards worked on Minions shit
oh baby, now this is some of the best fan art i've seen a in while
Yep, there's some good stuff out there
Thanks for reminding me to check for updates on her e621 page.
damn and here i was whacking it to the librarian from the goof movie
All Illumination movies are made by their French team.
Imagine how bad this dog bitch smells
Do people just hate on Minions 'cause it's The Cool Thing to Do™? Sure, they've been overused a little since Illumination was desperate to push their own iconic mascot, but they're still funny and endearing characters. I'm actually looking forward to the Minions sequel this summer.
Literally “popular thing bad”
Not complaining just I'm still amazed how this character towers over most of the cast; until that point character's sizes were relative to their species. Than you have a small dog species like Suki standing over even an elephant.
I likes woman with glasses.
Forgot pic related to comment.
Same here
Sing 2 was a good movie and Buster Moon should be locked up in prison. Both these statements can be true.
>Buster Moon should be locked up in prison
>Buster Moon steals electricity from business next door
>steals water
>finds out the error, and pretends to have the money anyways
>nearly kills his entire cast since he built a massive water tank with fucking window panes like a retard
>holds a concert on property he didn't own anymore, even after objections from the new owner
>doesn't pay the performers a dime, or the promised prize money
Sing 2
>Buster Moon breaks into audition
>commits fraud and copyright infringement with songs he didn't write or own
>hunts down and pressures a retired performer to return to the stage just to save his own ass
>after getting a goon squad out to kill him and the rest of the cast, convinces them to stay in town and in danger
>and hold a concert on property they have no legal access to, even after getting kicked out and nearly killed by the owner
>does it for free, so no one in the cast or crew is getting paid for this either
It's really amazing how he's the MC when nearly everything he does is amazingly scummy.
Yiff in hell, off topic dogfucker tourist.
Could've waited three more seconds
Hot but still never watching an Illumination movie If I can help it.
t. mouseshill
>Fanart police
I didn't said I have them or I will post them
A little skinny, but I do like her face.
Cool. Hope there's a cookie version included.
Look at that SNOOT
Very cute, man
Just remembered some more shit.
>paychecks for entire crew and cast of previous production have bounced
>regularly mooches off of his rich "best friend" who we never see in the 2nd movie
>rides bike through traffic because laws only apply to background characters apparently(and Johnny's dad)
>Johnny's father went to prison and effectively disowned him because Johnny prioritized the show, but Moon doesn't give a shit after losing the theater since it doesn't effect Moon
>doesn't even check up on Pete after nearly killing him with a stage accident he caused
>doesn't check up on Mike after he gets washed away, just asks "Is everyone OK?" without even bothering to listen to any answers
Sing 2
>rides bike through traffic because laws only apply to background characters apparently(and Jimmy Crystal)
>drags the entire cast away from home and a show that is sold out every night, including a mother to 25 children, just to make his own ego feel better because "wah I'm not small time!"
>pushes same mother to 25 children into doing a potentially deadly stunt she's not comfortable with, just for the sake of the show despite obviously being able to rewrite the script at will
>shoves ultra-shy Mina into a love song duet with an extreme extrovert just for the sake of the show, despite her telling him she's never even had a BF before and obviously being able to rewrite the script at will
>completely ignores Johnny's complaints about the abusive treatment from his dancing instructor because "you can do it!"
At least in the first movie it can be argued he's doing it all to save the theater his dad saved for years to buy for him. In the second movie, he has his theater in great shape, and his show is sold out. He puts everyone in danger and nearly dies because he didn't want to be thought of as a small theater owner and wanted people to think he was big league. All that shit, for his ego alone.
Ambitious little shit.
These characters are hot there needs to be more Macro art of them.
I agree
are you a macro growth chad or a micro shrink chad
mostly growth, but i occasionally dabble in shrink
growth way better. Any preferred method?
any method
any characters you commonly fantasize about that dont get enough macro art?
barely any content of her
That's a damn long snoot
>nearly kills his entire cast since he built a massive water tank with fucking window panes like a retard
It wasn't just some massive water tank either. It was a massive water tank that was meant to be used as a scene by dancing animals, including the same elephant who busted a different, wooden makeshift scene by excitedly jumping up and down on it like a retard while singing. The bears managed to kill the tank-stage dead with a baseball bat, so had Meena performed for Nana, the theater would probably have gotten flooded and destroyed either way. Had she NOT performed, Nana probably wouldn't have been too pleased, since without Meena, the play would've been missing two of its best performers, and two out of five songs (Mike probably would've been too busy hiding from the bears or being dead or w/e to show up), and the others weren't all that well-prepared so there's a good chance that they would've screwed up somehow. Buster's theater was fucked either way.
>commits fraud and copyright infringement with songs he didn't write or own
Sounds like a reach.
>after getting a goon squad out to kill him and the rest of the cast, convinces them to stay in town and in danger
To be fair, they didn't need much convincing. They became retarded all on their own.
>It's really amazing how he's the MC when nearly everything he does is amazingly scummy.
Yes and no. Nearly all Illumination franchises have villainous/morally grey protagonists, so it's not that surprising if you think about it. It's pretty amazing for me though, cause I love campy villains, and Buster Moon is probably my favorite of the bunch.
>regularly mooches off of his rich "best friend" who we never see in the 2nd movie
Then he mooched off of best friend's grandma, like a boss.
>rides bike through traffic because laws only apply to background characters apparently(and Johnny's dad)
And he photobombs a random unsuspecting couple! Ain't he a stinker?
>doesn't even check up on Pete
Like, in the hospital? We don't know that, Pete wasn't important enough to devote screen time to hospital visits. I thought Buster looked appropriately concerned for once when he ran after the ambulance (then again, his theater was at stake, so maybe it wasn't about Pete.)
>(and Jimmy Crystal)
Just Jimmy Crystal, which is not a bad thing, given that he was a crazy wannabe murderer.
>including a mother to 25 children
She dragged herself away. Ironically, she was the only member of the cast who was really into the idea. She almost threw herself under a bus just to go to Not!Vegas.
Sex the Suki
Snooter the merrier
is sing worth seeing? i'd be seeing it solo and im in my 20's and a male.
I'm gonna need some artist names for these
For any other reason than "i want to fuck the characters?" because i've already established my want to fuck the characters.