A quick rundown on this movie ?

A quick rundown on this movie ?

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>dump it on streaming
nice, then I can pirate it immediately

everyone wins in this scenario

if they stop making these crap live action remakes that'll be true

I hope they make coomer cut to recover some losses.

How is one tiny spikyboi completely dabbing on Disney?

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>lead actress wishing death on HK protesters
Dangerously based.
Also fuck Disney and their marketing/targetgroup strategies.

>300m budget
>probably the same for marketing
>Disney only gets back about 50% of box office, 25% or less in China

Sneeds way more than 650m to break even.

Why wouldn’t they simply delay it?
>because they will need to spend all that money on marketing again
Yeah but nowadays internet alone with a good shill can be more than enough.

they plan their releases years in advance. They aren't going to let one little flop ruin their plans

>ate the hollywood accounting turd sandwich
yes, you are right bubele. if a movie doesn't make at least a billion we're losing heavily. maybe the state could cut us some more taxes.

>cater to bugs
>get screwed over when they cant help their bug nature

So let me get this straight;
>Movie costs $300 Million to make
>has a marketing budget of anywhere from $150 to $300 million
>mostly marketed towards china where the lead actress wished death on Hong Kong Protestors (meaning it likely won't have any kind of presence there)
>theaters take roughly 50% of the cut while china takes roughly 75% of the cut
So if my math is correct, they'd need to make at 900 Million. Maybe more...
Is this about right?

I'm also confused about who this movie is for;
>doesn't have Shang because?? removing the romance of the movie which means romance fags won't want to watch it
>doesn't have singing or dragon in it so nostalgia fags don't want it
>is insanely nationalistic chinese movie so most Americans probably won't want to watch it
>test viewing by chinese audience was insanely negative and had lesbian romance which was again massively negative and caused a massive loss in viewership causing it to be delayed again and cause for reshoots
>this was also leaked so who knows if China even wants it any more

>implying anyone cares about hongkong protests
It was just Kony 2012 all over again. A bunch of white suburban dorks wanting a cause because their own country is dead and boring. And the coronavirus shit is eating up any attention from the China haters.

Couldn't give a shit about the politics, It deserves to flop for not including best song.

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I didn't hear about the lesbian stuff, but if this is true then there is only one conclusion.
Disney wants to lose money for some sort of money laundering scam
>movie targeted at one of the most censor-happy markets in the world
>add homo shit that goes directly against it
No one could be this dense.

Chinks hated the dragon in the animated film because muh stereotype

I like that what she said was "I support Hong Kong’s police", which turned into "wished death to hk protestors".
>b-b-b-but the police were executing protestors and oppressing them!
That was the mainland riot police that got bussed in after the HK police couldn't stop the protest.

Dane here
This reminds me of the type of people who complain about viking helmets not actually having horns. They get mad about it and do the "Acchtuuually...."
It's a fucking kids' cartoon, if a little comic relief dragon looks cool, then add it. All kids loved Mushu, just like horns on helmets look cool.

Was there really lesbian shit or is it another shit put up by this board? Tried to do some research about it, seems to be a male love interest. Not Shang, just some other dude.

>China bad
Back to Re*dit, bro. Your garbage isn't needed here.

China is bad. A broken clock can be right twice a day, but it's still a broken clock.

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>>China bad

Hey faggot, fuck off, this is a Hong Kong action movie forum. 光復香港,時代革命!

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Post the video where the Asian lady gets abducted by the police for """posting""" stuff on the internet.

I remember reading a post that she saw this copy pasta one too many times.

go eat a dead rat about it

reality is even more hilarious
they absolutely hated the disney animated movie because the scene where the emperor of china vows to a woman of all people. I shit you not it was a big deal.

gentle reminder this movie is a money laundering scam

It probably doesn't help that people are avoiding asian related things, period, on account of the coronavirus
>senseless and funny for $200, Alex

China stinks

>Did they send me daughters, when I ask, for sons?

this song won't fly in current year grandpa

>is insanely nationalistic chinese movie so most Americans probably won't want to watch it
Hero was a huge crossover movie for China. Then again wuxia interest in the west died out and Shadow barely made a blip on the west's radar.

I still don't understand this. Is it supposed to trigger Chinese web crawlers or something?

Explain to me why this pasta is repellant for insectoids. Never understands whats truly behind this.

Remember Hero was shilled in the west by Tarantulino himself.

Chink internet is 100% government controlled and if their systems detect that copypasta (which has shit about Tiananmen square massacre etc), they cut off the internet of the person who reads it. Get cut off enough times and they'll probably dole out even harsher punishment IRL

Oh I'ma velly velly solly master Chong me do a beeta next time does amelican dogs raugh at us

poo off asshole

T.has never used internet in china

I have and I got sent back to Finland because someone sent me that pasta on PSN

Uhm.... seeing as these movies directed by females are failing one after another, who the fuck still produces them?

It's not about not having Shang or Mushu, it's about not having fucking anyone but Mulan in it.
Not the trio that makes jokes, not the royal writes which was also part of jokes, not the Hun antagonist. Like wtf is this shit? How the fuck does it look like if you cut everyone but Mulan? Because Mulan wasn't the only part of animated movie.

Zog has so much wealth accumulated they can keep dumping this propaganda on us for decades and pretending they're financially successful until everyone gets onboard with the new global order

I liked Hero. But I prefer Red Cliff

It will make their computer's censorship detector spaz out, possibly costing them social credit points

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Lmao, based!
Insectoids will never recover.

>Let's remake Mulan in live action
OK, yes, not a bad idea.
>Let's be more culturally sensitive
Sure, some of the stuff in the old film is pretty questionable and there are actors who were cast purely because they are Asian, on the theory that is close enough.
>Let's get rid of Mushu
Eh, OK, see above about being more culturally sensitive, but there is still an opportunity to do him right.
>Let's get rid of the songs
Bitch, I'm gonna fucking cut you. Mulan without I'll Make a Man Out of You IS NOT MULAN.

Surprise surprise, the remake without the bits everyone loves and that can sell it is gonna do poorly.

>song that is literally about Hua Mulan dabbing on men
Nah dude. They love that shit.

I have never met anyone who hates that song. It transcends everything. There's not just the base level satire involved, it criticises the kyriarchy as well. Also it is as catchy as fuck.

I feel like no one can be this stupid or out of touch.

So I'm convinced Mulan is a scam. Maybe Disney have to dump a considerable portion of their laundered money or maybe they're just gonna dump billions into the movie for no real reason than; shit we got all this undeclared money, how do we get rid of it? Make a shitty movie built entirely on chinese nationalism then sell it to china, then buy tickets but don't go. We make .50c on the dollar legally.

Doesn't the guy who sings it admit his mistake when Mulan becomes strong? Isn't the whole point of the story that wonen are just as capable?

>had lesbian romance

please tell me you're joking

I am going to watch this solely because of Liu Yifei. She was so fucking cute in White Vengeance (which was also a cool movie even besides the qt3.14).

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First article on google. There are hundreds from dozens of different sources.

I fuck you, what the hell are you fucking, climb for grandpa!

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Fuck off chang, Hong Kong will never be yours

Can anyone dump some pics I think she's really attractive

Good. Fuck this SJW movie.

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nigger I gave you a name just fucking google it

Hope that bat was worth it...

It's a movie aimed squarely on the China audience during a time when China has closed 70,000 movie theaters because of the Kung-Flu

I don't really get chink censorship. Homos are just as common there as anywhere else. They still have fucking gay bars and homosexual prostitution/"masseur". What the fuck is the point of REEEEE'ing at fiction with it? Like the party rails against something, but 5 seconds after the important "official"/event leaves town the whores are back to work and people are back to bribing. Leadership is so fucking stupid and counterproductive.

When she has backup of magic dragons and sheer incompetence as competition.

>this 1/10 bait is all you need to get those yummy yummy (You)'s from the 2016 newfags.

Is it out yet?

That's sad. I'm interested in how they will spin why she joins the military. Surely they can't have her joining because she wants to save her father from going? That's sacrifice and love for a man. How will they change that?


It's amazing how little these retards understand what women want. Having the love interest be a gigachad in a position of authority is the stuff that leaves cucumbers in the theater after a fifty shades showing.