Seriously what the fuck is Marvel doing? Spiderman doesn't deserve this shit
Seriously what the fuck is Marvel doing? Spiderman doesn't deserve this shit
prove it
>Black guy that hates Miles
Uh, based?
Rippa is mildly based but IDC.
He has moviebob seething kek.
What is this dumb shit opinion
How fucking stupid are you
They're not her kids. Or they are her kids, and this isn't regular MJ. Quit losing your shit every time every tiny thing isn't spelled out for you the second an arc starts, and quit using it as a chance to meltdown and get racist. Miles sucks because his writers don't understand Spider-Man's themes- there's no reason to get all /pol/ over it
why are people always shilling their stupid sub 500 subscriber YT channels on this board? No one gives a shit.
I believe it.
Nick Lowe especially hates Peter Parker and Ben Reilly.
All I can say is damn.
I dunno, user, it’s ASM. Losing one’s shit over it seems totally reasonable at this point. How long can they go on making pure shit before we’re allowed to withhold trust?
Whatever that duration-it’s surely passed and you are posting without taking a moment to to think about the context of this conversation.
Maybe you should be the one to calm down.
MCU prints money so the other divisions can do whatever the fuck they want at this point
God I hate that fat retard. Hasn't he made a career out of doing video essays on comic books characters? Does moviebob know that these people aren't, like... real?
This is why competition is good. Marvel getting Disney money was the worst thing that could happen to Marvel fans.
Yes, you're very stupid looking
You're black so you can't have differing opinions, think only what whites tell you to think.
All it takes is reading the books, Night Monkey "fans" are mostly white, all 30 of them.
>Losing one's shit
Why don't you hop over into the bathroom and watch yourself say that.
And if it doesn't seem wrong to you, maybe talk to someone.
>Black voices only matter when they echo (((white))) authoritarian talking points.
The only people I know that like Miles are white. Black people almost universally prefer Peter Parker, Tobey or Holland.
Isn't Moira wearing her skin or something? I don't know, but with how good Peter and MJs relationship was going in Spencer's run it would be stupid to throw this shit around.
I used to think the same way but then I realized that this is all a zero-sum game so I dropped comics as a hobby altogether. It's not really a "competition" when everyone is trying to pull the same thing.
Maybe I'll look into American Comics again when Superman and Batman go into public domain or something, but nah
How much many does he make doing 5 videos a day?
Just stick to indie comics and stay away from the big 2. The problem is people only think Marvel and DC make comics.
>they made Peter a cuck to make Miles look good
>Clone saga, OMD, and other shit tier Spiderman runs were Miles's fault
obsessed much?
nobody cares about marywhore
I decided to look into this asshole.
And he went from being an asshole to a cunt.
I mean yeah he's a typical internet grifter but he has good opinions. Gotta pay the bills somehow.
>rehash Clone Saga, Miles gets a brother, immediately follow up with story about shitting on and tearing original Clone Saga character apart
>Kindred is about destroying the Osborns as nemesis and characters, enforcing OMD and sanctifying Miles' forced love interest
>Slott spends an entire decade tearing down Peter Bendis style
Yeah, checks out.
peter darker
Peter hade more than 50 girlfriends all of them move on to other guys. Miles only had 3 and one them cheated with his best friend and the other one almost got him killed by hydra.
yes that nignog will never be white and thus his opinions just translate to 'ooga booga'
Honestly, fuck him and especially fuck YouTube.
I swear more guys like him and:
>Clownfish TV
>Yellowflash 2
>Rev Says Desu
>Ethan Van Sciver when he went bonkers and became the Fox News of comics and sort of cartoons
keep popping up every day. I don't believe YouTube plays a part in this, but I wouldn't be shocked if they're a big driving force behind it.
Fuck these Nazis.
>dead LGBT kids
God, I wish. No surprise you like Miles though.
Not a Miles fan, lmao
Fuck these lazy ass wingnats taking over comic and cartoon talk.
>marvel does something with their characters
clearly there is NO POSSIBLE EXPLANATION for this except for an elaborate sjw conspiracy. No way they would ever do something like that of thier own free will.
You couldn't be more of a caricature if you tried.
It's not as rare as you think. Peter has always been popular among black comic readers, while Miles isn't popular with anyone.
Just get used to it man. This is the Internet age. I know 4channers try to resist it but even Yea Forums is obsessed with vtubers now. It was inevitable. Instead of getting mad at internet culture learn about it, discover who is actually worth listening to, and call out actual bad opinions. You're just fighting the inevitable.
>Spencer's run seemed like it would undo OMD but really did nothing and just sorta undid Norman fucking Gwen
>Beyond assassinated Ben's character for the third time in the past few years
>Peter's a canon cuckold now
I hate being a Spiderfag. I can't take this pain much longer.
user why is it so hard for you to admit that this SJW shit is just corporate America dividing us? Why do you react so poorly to people simply pointing out patterns?
I'm sorry, I came here from Twitter.
I am a lurker, but I mostly posted animations and my art on Twitter.
I'm staying here because I know it'll be a godsend compared to whatever hellhole Elon Musk will throw Twitter in.
Indie comics are no better in this regard. I just read actual books now
You know I think this backlash might wrap up whatever mystery fake out this is faster. Consider the following:
>Old fans still seething about OMD
>New generation of readers jumped on Spencer’s #1
>Public consciousness acknowledges/likes “Peter + MJ” thanks to movies.
>Instantly alienating any possible new readers with this #1 given the context and unfriendly jumping on point
So between this and last issue ending with MJ asking to move in only to have a mystery glowing man appear raises some questions to Lowe’s game here. Why else did he leave a damage control editor note?
Oh right, how did I forget
>Moira is gonna wear MJ's skin
Let me off this wild ride.
Spidy is for Black Cat anyway, so, who cares?
Clearly the answer is to rob Spider-Girl for ourselves and publish new issues.
This pile of shit was written months in advance, besides, the entire point is to rile up readers, only this time there's no OMD undoing bait at the end of the stick and Wells is well on his way to become more hated than Slott.
Fuck off Felicia
>mj gets hired by emma frost to do shit at the hellfire gala
>moira kills mj and wears her skin to sneak into krakoa
>we will learn that unbeknownst to everyone mj was a mutant the whole time
>mj will be resurrected on krakoa and she will be black for movie synergy
this is my completely ridiculous prediction that i know won't happen but i think would be funny
>Thinking about catching up on spider titles
Welp glad I didn't
Dude, people like Eric D July don't do anything except read news articles (from dubious reliable sources), gives no original thoughts other than "TRANS GAYS BAD" and rinses and repeat.
He and dozens of other people are fucking leeches.
Trans gays are bad though.
>No one gives a shit
>Take the time to post
My sweat zoomer child
>Makes a random statement and somehow connects something that has happened in cape comics since the 80s to SJW shit
>Plugs his shitty stereotypical angry, comicsgate podcast that barely pays the rent
At least onlyfans thots are nice to look at. These clowns literally add nothing to society
Him calling Miles "Peter Darker" was funny.
Depends on their age I think.
As a millennial I prefer Tobey, but my younger zoomer cousins are utterly obsessed with race so they're Milesfags.
Whatever, they ain't leaving the United States.
Anyone that has a problem with that can fuck themselves.
I know of some trans art friends that seem interested in coming here.
there's a couple good ones around. i mean literally a couple.
Holy shit that is what kids think is a grifter now days?
I don't like those people either but you come off as a whiny little onions bitch, hope this is bait.
That's not an original thought, it's an intrinsic self-defense mechanism which the internet proved right in the most horrifying ways.
I think Lowe failed to understand that Kindred mystery was forgiven because A)MJ and Peter remained strong together and B) there was the OMD addressing everyone was waiting for. Here neither exists and he seems to think a different mystery alone should suffice. Given everything I stated in the other post, we should see Cap HYDRA levels of pushback on social media that could course correct
Lmao why did you put him with the rest of your boogiemans?
The make us feel persecuted and invoke other strong emotions. Maybe I can fight the culture war if donate to them.
Don't hate me for saying the truth.
Here's an actual question.
Why hasn't Marvel responded to the popularity of Into the Spider-Verse with comics about the characters from the movie? A Peter Porker comic drawn by KC Green would be amazing. Or Peni Parker drawn by Guruhiru.
Black Cat is for scissoring with Odessa, she is Bi and thus is considered full gay snd belongs to the lesbians.
Honestly the most annoying ones are the ones who don't read comics much but feel qualified to talk about it because Muh Culture Wars. If you know enough about comics you'll be able to know which ones read comics and which ones just read them just so they could talk about SJWs.
But I can't feel entirely sorry for Marvel or DC at all because they cultivated an anti-fan culture over the past 20 years, where this Youtube culture could be created in response. A cottage industry of people who don't read comics but talk about culture wars, bringing more negative exposure to both companies at a time they don't need it, and creators are less believed because they were on Twitter all the time making fools of themselves and sometimes participating in the wolf-crying.
Real talk: if i stick to Miguel O'Hara, will I be better off?
Sorry user, but not all lesbians have vaginas.
Black Cat is built for girldick.
Jesus he's so condescending it's frustrating.
>Here neither exists
OBVIOUSLY everyone will want to see where we take THE CHASM™ in brave new directions.
Most onlyfans prostitutes look like shit though, it's like fifth rate Suicide Girls or something.
I wonder how mad this dude is over the Miles Morales game being a financial success.
She's post Op dick is gone. She didn't steal all that shit for nothing.
>Sowell poster males
What? No spell-check?
Only if you read PAD's Spider-Man 2099 comics from the 90s, and then stop when he leaves.