Is this kino?
Is this kino?
trips dont lie
digits confirm. Porco Rosso is kino too
based trips
this shit right here, with a side of
It's the most kino of all animated kinos. Too bad Miyazaki droppe dthe ball with Ponyo, which was fucking shit. FUCK JANNIES AND FUCK P*NYO
gonna go with yis
So good
Ponyo is wonderful tho.
Ponyo? More like PooPoo lmao
Ponyo is garbage
I would like it a lot more without that shrill, horrid little cunt of a protagonist. God I can't stand her or her fucking whining and crying.
Lmao filtered much?
Would put it second behind Nausicaa. Lot of good Miyazaki movies though.
Screw you buddy, I stand by my opinion. Ponyo is CUTE, and one of the finest happiness-at-all-costs kinos there is.
>That scene where Lin talks about leaving on the train someday
Fuck, why does that always make me kinda sad?
Whats so good about it? Im halfway thru and dont see whats the big deal
>dude western influence is bad hirohito did nothing wrong lmao
Same. Ponyo made me so fucking hard hhnngg
Youre on your phone wondering why you cant get into the movie? Just fucking kill yourself
No, animation is for children and shouldn't be taken seriously.
Its just some weird shit i dont see whats so special
Yes. However Akira is overrated garbage and basically The Thief and The Cobbler of anime, except Cobbler had better animation.
Maybe youre retarded? Have you seen a doctor recently?
>unable to refute my factual statement
>forced to resort to insults
Certifiably not kino just like your children's cartoon
Shit opinions require shit replies
I think normals have stopped caring about it enough for it to qualify, but you would have to check some recent reddit surveys to make sure.
How can anime be KINO? Please don't delude yourself.
>>unable to refute my factual statement
but it was literally your opinion not fact
Cobbler is overrated garabage
What's the point if every scene is drab, boring proto Aladdin shit? The guy that spent all that time making it wasted his life.
Almost done and its pretty boring, i guess the animation is good but shit story
I think that was anons point
I used to like this movie, but if I have to watch this one more time I'm gonna lose it. My sister loves this movie so much she's made me watch it four times in the last week, dub and sub. She said we're having another Netflix night so I'll be watching it again tomorrow. Is there at least another Ghibli movie similar to this I can distract her with or is it hopeless?
are you watching the dub, retard? the original, actual audio track certainly isn't whiny.
Why do you hang out with your sister all week and not your gf or friends?
What's their best movie?
The best Ghibli movie?
The Cat Returns
Close but no cigar, this is Yea Forums approved best ghibli movie.
it is, buts it's not the most kino
Yeah, I'm thinking it's kino.
You're going to watch this film with your sister and you're going to stop being such a whiny bitch nigger and fucking enjoy it.
The Cat Returns is dogshit and easily one of their worst. Saying this as a big Ghibli fan.
You think it is, but it's derivitive bullshit.
Ponyo has absolutely outstanding animation, probably the best of all Ghibli films, but everything else about it is mediocre.
Cat Returns is pretty much the most forgettable Ghibli film of them all.
i had no desire to ever see it again after finishing it.
They capture even minute detail that just adds to the impact the animation has, things like the shiver she gets when she squishes one of those little soot guys between her toes. Very relateable
its kino
too bad about that continuation error in the sister's house with the cake on the plate!
>Is there at least another Ghibli movie similar to this I can distract her with or is it hopeless?
I don't know how you can have a single favourite Ghibli, there are so many that are brilliant in their own right. And they are so different too, Spirited Away is different from Porco Rosso which is different from Whisper of the Heart, yet they are all kino. I suppose my favourite would be whatever I'm in the mood for, romance=Whisper, cultural=Spirited, adventure=Porco, etc.
the witch delivering service is the best
Yes. San is also cute and funny.
How old is your sister?
Ghibli films are so bad. Bland and soulless. I have seen them all and I can't recall ANY of the plots, nor the characters, none of it stays with you.
>I have seen them all and I can't recall ANY of the plots, nor the characters, none of it stays with you.
maybe because youre retarded.
It's a kids movie you immature dolt.
Sounds like you're kind of stupid.
unironically agree, tried to seeHowls Moving Castle with my 4 year old cousin and we both just got bored.
Only women like this shit, I don't understand it. There is nothing to the films, they just slip by sheepishly.
Sad and low effort
pure animu kino coming through
>another whiny protag
Why are nips so obsessed with crying children? Pretty fucked up desu
I have nothing against animation, eva was kino through and through. Imagine showing up in Yea Forums saying that you fucking loved the masterpiece that was Fast and Furious. Nobody will take you seriously.
Seconding this, Porco Rosso and Sen to Chihiro are my overall top picks when it comes to Ghibli. Monoke, while a good film with great animation, is stupidly overrated. My Neighbours The Yamada's is the ultimate pleb-filter, gorgeous animation.
The fuck is your problem with Ponyo?
most japs are depressed and shinji is literally a commentary on depression
Cunny kino.
I liked it but you can see it wasn't intended as a real film release. The animation is really lackluster.
Official directed by Miyazaki Ghibli Rankings:
1. Spirited Away
2. Princess Mononoke
3. The Wind Rises
4. Porco Rosso
5. Kiki's Delivery Service
6. Totoro
7. Castle in the Sky
8. Nausicaa
9. Ponyo
10. Howl's Moving Castle
Kino is about craft, themes and ideas. Spirited away thus qualifies.
But you're probably one of those people who think Black Panther deserved an oscar.
You guys are alright
>howl at the bottom
Fuck you
Dude was so lonely he had to eat people to feel something. I'm glad he finally found home and not lonely anymore.
Btw which one is his eyes?
Howl is a movie for girls
lowest doesn't mean bad, it's still a 6/10, calm down.
he doesn't have eyes, hence why he's called without a face
Why? Because he looks like a femboy?
I said fuck you
sister and gf are one and the same
not him but Howl's structure is by far the closest to a traditional disney movie fairy tale. It also has the most cheesy romance out of all miyazaki movies, really speaks to the sensibilities of young girls i think.
that's the worst ghobli though
Most overrated film I've ever seen in my entire life. There's not a single other movie as famous that is as poor as this film. It's like one long Naruto episode. I'm glad Yea Forums hates it, there are plenty of anime that blow it out of the water. Looks pretty though.
Not him but agreed.
It starts so well and fizzles out into fucking nothing by the end. Granny Sophie is the only thing to remotely save the film.
>watching for the plot
Honestly, most Ghibli films are great.
I had a massive crush on Kiki.
Kiki a cute
She's great. Works hard, never gives up, cute as a button.
They're not bad just overrated.
enjoyed it but nausicaa, princess mononoke, and howls are my shit
Loved that about zero planes constructor and umm that about mini-girl stealing shit in a giant house. Ariette?
The rest i saw was kinda meh
Nausicaa - ok it must have looked cool in 1950.
Spirited away - random shit keeps happening
Howl Castle - same
Mononoke - gorgeous but the story is a bit random? Still great visuals.
Porco - 10% of time is cool pig doing cool adult stuff, the rest is childish
Why does everyone love Howl's castle so much?
It one of their most boring films.
i like it but the end is a bit rarted
It's a kids movie, watch hidaeki anno's live action films.
It isn't really. It just has pacing problems. The moment house falls apart is the moment I loose interest in it
opinion on howl's seems to be split 50/50
i'm in the boat that finds it really lackluster and cheesy, the other boat just loves it.
i think of all of miyazaki's films howl and nausicaa suffer the most from his no script approach.
if you can't sit through the entirety of a film, good or bad without looking at your phone you are a brainlet. Develop some focus you clod.
if you can't use your eyes independently kim peek style you are a brainlet
Anime can never be kino
mononoke is the only ghibli film i remember the plot of. just cause the director understands basic composition and pacing doesnt mean they're good films
WOW ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Except that Nausicaä basically had a script in the manga that it's based on.
I legit just watched this for the first time.
It's so fun and creative but by the end it was kind of exhausting.
Just because you have problems with your memory doesn't mean they're bad films.
It does, endeed.
Women will never understand
and mononoke no hime
makes the ghibli kino trifecta
I'd put this top 3. It doesn't ever seem to get much love though.
bc the ppl haven’t seen it