Which thinker defines the 21st century thus far?

Which thinker defines the 21st century thus far?

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The Big L

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All of the above


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>*crack* *sip*
>climbs into Farming Simulator VR arcade booth with John Deere expansion pack

>becomes permanently lost eating fertilizer to become closer to the nature of plant-based capitalism
>forms Cybernetic Lawn-Care Unit
>becoming-mulch has a future for you in Neo-Milwaukee

why is Land the greatest lads

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Jared Taylor, Uncle Ted, and Norman Finkelstein


>tfw Boomer Nick delivers lawnpunk to own the ecofascists

Serial Experiments Lawn

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I gotta give it to my boy Rei Koz

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Jay, Valentina, Mars, Santini

Surely le based balkan maniac?

based chaser


Back to twatter please.

Christian Europeans from the latter half of the 20th Century e.g. Jacques Ellul

Probably Ishiguro

As a direct definition? Probably Elon Musk. He's a snake oil salesmen selling retro-space eco-futurism on the tip of an empire made of triangularly stacked dumpster fires. The 21st century is a hipster in the Midwest doing boutique heroin on his lunch break in a shopping mall filled with immigrants who came to buy plastic garbage for cheaper than the plastic garbage was back home, just hoping that maybe this hit may be his last and he can finally join the rest of his people in the ground. God knows the only good white man's a dead white man in this world after all.


>t. brainlet

I have read Kaczynski and he is not positing rational arguments for a lot of his material and he even admits that a large basis of it is opinion.

His argument for revolution is really bad, his argument for the unevitability of destruction under industrial society is much stronger. He says it is not possible to control society in such a way that we can preserve a system that is not optimal in the short term, but this is not necessarily true. Beyond this he suggests that this will inevitably fail because of the domination of other self-prop systems. His own revolution idea is an even weaker candidate in the idea of self-prop systems. He is clearly in fantasy land when he says "total destruction of industrial society" is a clear and simple goal.

Ted has some very rational ideas and gis concerns are well founded but when it comes to course of action he is very clearly someome who despises tech ological society and is trying to retroactively justify his violent nature (and violent solution) to himself and others.


based and correct-pilled

That last sentence is probably true-ish. His argument for revolution is pretty simple if I remember right -- industrial society causes untold suffering, this suffering will only increase as industrial society expands, so it's better to collapse industrial society as soon as possible through revolution because that'll be less bad than waiting till the system crumples under its own weight.

Uncle Ted, without question. Ecofascism is the new alt-right. If the left can't come up with a viable solution to climate change, the new far right will embrace a pine-tree-centered Nazism. His work will be prophetical.

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This is pretty accurate. Unfortunately Spheres is not really as popular as Fanged Memena or any of the French assholes but it's pretty much all of those works and more combined.

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None. Still too early. We havent got any great minds yet.

Rupi Kaur. I wish it weren't like it is but it do

>eco fascism
Isnt this kind of redundant? Fascism is already about protecting nature

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Joe Rogan

noise does not equal information. Developing a good bullshit filter is one of the most useful skills. user, read Antifragile from Nassim Taleb to develop yours.

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