Why is comic Terra such an irredeemable bitch?
Why is comic Terra such an irredeemable bitch?
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I'm reading this in Carolyn Lawrence's voice.
Because she's a deconstruction of the "girl next door" type so beloved of comic book writers at the time.
This. Honestly, I prefer her this way. All the adaptationa are like “Teen Titans: I CAN FIX HER”
Someone on that creative team is a diddler apologist. My bet's on Wolfman. There's a later issue where Deathstroke pulls the "I may be evil, but that bitch...". Yeah.
TTG had her stay bad. And while it didn't last, Tiny Titans had her annoyed st Beast Boys flirting attempts
How tho?
To distract you from the fact that Slade is 100% culpable.
And she's SMOKING!
You know they should lean in on Terra being a complete bitch, being total villain, and ship her with Slade. They’re both terrible people, she’s an adult, why fight it?
How is Tara Terrible?
Because Wolfman REALLY hated Kitty Pryde.
Also this.
>Betrayed her friends
>Endangered lives
>Moves rocks
>Betrayed her friends
Because she was being groomed by Slade
>Endangered lives
Because she was groomed by Slade
>Moves rocks
Because she was groomed by Dr.Jace
>Because Wolfman REALLY hated Kitty Pryde.
That I can agree with. Fuck that OP bitch
Stop. She’s a piece of shit with or without Deathstroke. Evil knows no gender
>She’s a piece of shit with or without Deathstroke
I don't see how that's possible seeing how Slade is the one who recruited her.
Nice try, simp.
>trust me bro, the guy who has every reason to lie about this wouldn't lie about this.
>Tara is evil because..
Slade is a lot of things, but he has no reason to lie to Garfield. Lying spares Beast Boy of indignity, Slade doesn’t give a shit how he feels and tells him how it is
People can be psychos on their own.
The Terra white knighting is pathetic
This is the page I was talking about. What the actual fuck is this insane cope, Wolfman?
Exactly. We're just supposed to take the murderous pedo's word for it, huh?
And I'm just supposed to take Slade's story at face value?
Even though everyone but him in that story is dead and can't corroborate anything he's saying?
These stories were written decades ago. Slade didn't lie, Tara was evil, Wolfman was forever consistent on this. The only ambiguity is what you want to believe, but it isn't supported by any of the text.
>but he has no reason to lie to Garfield
He has every reason to lie because remember, it was entirely his plan to use Tara as a mole to kill the titans.
>These stories were written decades ago
Doesn't mean we can't think about this critically now.
Think about it, what did Terra actually do that's supposed to make her more evil then Slade?
….that was BEFORE this moment, Einstein. The ruse is gone, he has no reason to lie now. I seriously hope this is shitposting
Killed a man he wouldn't.
Slade takes jobs, Terra kills for fun. It's a LE vs CE scenario.
>Think critically
Which translated from you is “How can I twist this to make my Waifu seem less monstrous?”. Remove your autism from the equation
Do we have any evidence beside Slade's word?
>"The homicidal pedophile has no reason to lie to one of his sworn enemies, so obviously he wouldn't lie!"
>The ruse is gone, he has no reason to lie now.
Yeah he does, do you not know the context of the scene? Beast Boy is planning to murder him here, he broke him out from Prison specifically to murder him. Lying to protect your life os a good reason to lie.
Hey genius, the truth hurts Beast Boy more. So yeah, Slade isn’t bullshitting
I mean, this right here looks like pretty good evidence
The many issues Wolfman wrote after this revelation where he never presented any evidence to the contrary and in fact doubled down on Slade being an anti-hero.
But where's the proof? All we have is Slade's word that Tara killed this african king
We don't even know if that african king is actually dead.
Women that are just plain assholes exist, basically.
There's no evidence that this is the truth though.
>Terra from DC is evil
>Terra from Owl House is evil
>Terra from Kingdom Hearts gets possessed and is susceptible to evil
Why do writers hate evil?
Then why didn't she just kill the titans when she had the chance user?
Why do writers ha
No fuck it, you’re all gonna greentext And image react to hate evil my point’s not fucking getting discussed
Hate Yea Forums
Hate life
Hate self
Hate everything
For all we know he did killed that african king and merely placing the blame on Terra.
I never know how Wolfman thought Terra was a burn on Kitty, she and her seem to share nothing in common.
Why are you projecting redeeming qualities on Terra when everything we’ve been told is that she’s a piece of shit? This isn’t even writer intent to hint she’s good, this is pure cops on your end
>writer cope suddenly means that the literal pedophile did nothing wrong, and the traumatized girl who was bad touched is literally Satan
No one said or even insinuated Slade was a good person. You’re the tard pretending none of this is on her. Slade didn’t make Terra a horrible person
I love how she’s supposed to be like, 14, and they gave her the cigarette to show that she’s EVIL
>posts two panels of generic cartoonish baddie doing a moustache twirling speech
>"Wow, irredeemable!"
I hate that word.
You're upset that a writer wrote a story with a message you didn't like. Well, too bad.
Because everything I'm being told sounds like bullshit.
>don't blame the killer for hire who recruited a teenage girl with mental problems then had sex with her
>instead blame the teenage girl with mental problems who was being groomed by a man 40 years older then her
>"I decided to take advantage of the fact that everyone would assume that she's [Terra] a Kitty Pryde type character and totally turn them all around, Wolfman says, "It was never planned to be a rip-off or anything. The character came first, then the realization that the X-Men also had a young kid in it. I was there and the decision from day one was that, 'OK, let's use that, let's play against that. Let's play against everything the readers are expecting and throw them for a loop."
They're both average-looking teenage girls as opposed to knock-outs and that was novel at the time.
>Why are you projecting redeeming qualities on Terra when everything we’ve been told is that she’s a piece of shit?
If I, some random stranger on the internet, TOLD you that your mother is a whore, and that I have my dick in her mouth right now, would you believe me? Of course not. So why do you automatically believe the word of an assassin who fucks kids when he tells you one of his victims is somehow more evil than he is?
>Slade didn’t make Terra a horrible person
No, but he did make her into a villain.
>No one said or even insinuated Slade was a good person
The fucking writer did user.
Hi Linkara. Bruce fucked Babs and there's nothing you can do about it, Lightbringer.
And if you aren't Linkara you're doing a good job of impersonating him.
You’re willfully being ignorant because it doesn’t fit your headcanon. Take your hurt feelings elsewhere
Beast Boy could always research the claims and realize he was telling the truth.
>So I said, “Everyone keeps complaining that we’re like the X-Men” and the X-Men had just gotten Kitty Pryde. I said, “Why don’t we really screw around with them completely?” — this is the fans — “…and make them think we’re stealing Kitty Pryde only she’s gonna be bad from Day One.”
>You always had characters pop up, certainly at Marvel, who were bad that get redeemed. But this character would never get redeemed. She was insane. In fact, she was the catalyst for everything. She wasn’t working for Deathstroke. He was working for her in many ways and she was leading him because she’s crazy. She’s a total psychopath… and she’d be 15. And she’d be smoking and she’d be trying to seduce him.
>The very first time we see her, she’s trying to blow up the Statue of Liberty. It’s just that all the fans assumed because we went out of our way to make her cute — but not too cute, with the buck teeth and everything — everyone would assume that she was gonna become good by the end and that was never the case.
>First thing, we made a promise that day that we would never renege on our view that she’d never become good. It’s sometimes hard to do that with characters you like. You want them to become good or something like that. But we never liked the character enough—because we knew what we were doing with her—we never allowed ourselves to fall for the character. Because that’s bad. That’s bad storytelling. You’re doing what you want as a fan at that particular point, not as the creators. The fans had to accept what we were doing and not do the same stories that they had read 14,000 times before. You know, at Marvel, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch were villains who became good guys and I could go through a whole list of ’em.
She's evil, she was always meant to be evil. You got catfished by a fictional woman.
Or maybe literally anyone could figure put that this is bullshit?
Because Slade is a killer for hire who has problem having raping an underage girl who he recruited for his revenge murder plan against some teenagers.
I just don't any reason to label Tara as evil and irredeemable when Slade is the one entirely responsible.
You’re just being stupid for (You)s aren’t you?
>First thing, we made a promise that day that we would never renege on our view that she’d never become good. It’s sometimes hard to do that with characters you like. You want them to become good or something like that. But we never liked the character enough—because we knew what we were doing with her—we never allowed ourselves to fall for the character. Because that’s bad. That’s bad storytelling.
Ironically that's exactly what happened with slade which is arguably even worse storytelling.
Because no you're saying that the pedophilic assassin deserves to be redeemed because you like him.
>she'd be trying to seduce him
>"She was coming on to me!"
... Dude.