>Fuck you, Overprotective Mom, I'm going to go and explore my sexuality!
How come all the western children cartoons advertized as made by and aimed at women have the same story?
>Fuck you, Overprotective Mom, I'm going to go and explore my sexuality!
How come all the western children cartoons advertized as made by and aimed at women have the same story?
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm more annoyed at the seeming popularity of this shit. Is it actually popular?
Having similar themes is not the same thing as having the "same story".
Elektra complex
Because once they hop on the cock carousel there's basically no chance that they'll ever settle down and have non-dysgenic offspring thereby reducing the overall population.
Sadly the West is being attack with PC culture and Woke agendas from political parties and The bad side of the lbgt+ community.
We didn't gatekeep these groups to keep them in their corner to fester like mold and now they are spreading.
Siiigh. Here come the gross chuds.
Go back to twitter and seethe
Yeah but Elon is taking over .
It's just lesbians and media scumbags trying to groom little girls into being LGBTQA or oversexed skanks.
>bottom right
user I can only get so erect
Who is that? she looks familiar.
Print the picture out and poor milk on it
You'll remember her then.
Western brainrot and decadence.
This too.
Just gotta remind them it's all reverse psychology.
Moms want their daughters to go out and be hurt by the world, so that they'll come crawling back and stay with mommy forever.
hearty kek at the last one
Because that's a huge theme in the life of a mother/daughter relationship. Then coming of age, and independence, while the mother has to deal with letting go. It's like real life, but you'd have to either have kids or have had that kind of scenario to relate. No surprise that people in this thread have no relatable experiences in that realm
>crystal lesbians
Thanks for making my point for me, and so clearly illustrated. I'm the dad in the that story though. I just got to watch my wife deal with my daughters crazy years, and have it nearly drive her into a mental breakdown. My son and I just play vidya and watch movies, no stress, no drama.
>Thanks for making my point for me, and so clearly illustrated. I'm the dad in the that story though. I just got to watch my wife deal with my daughters crazy years, and have it nearly drive her into a mental breakdown. My son and I just play vidya and watch movies, no stress, no drama.
Because that's literally what girls are genetically programmed to do when they hit puberty.
We're one of the primates with a fission/fusion form of social grouping, where female adolescents instinctively seek out other groups in which they'll find mates, while males stay with the family group. Girls need to GET OUT and have adventures. Boys need to BE AWESOME and have adventures.
This actually explains a lot of teen behavior, now that I think of it.
>bottom right
that shit blackpilled me for the worse, specially since I dreamed about having a daughter.
seems like no matter how good they have it..
women could have an entire life of success laid out in front of them, and they will still find a way to fuck it all up.
isn't it the other way around? males have the biological need to spread their genes everywhere while females are much more selective.
who's she?
Rich Eurasian chick who fell out with her parents, started doing meth and did porno
I dunno her name, but this is a pretty nice succinct summary of her
Women have child-like minds.
No nigga.
That's not the case.
Men are litterally dropping out of society because they can't trust women and young men are staying virgins forever.
Women are fucking everything thing that moves and a few things that don't till they hit 40 and claim they are over their "ho phase" and want to settle down and are upset with mgtow and the "don't shit where you eat" movement in work places.
Because men are just now more selective, aware of the fact that women will have a child against their wishes(which is in fact worse then rape by every metric), and they can destroy ther lives and livelihoods with a word or just by being emotionally abusive.
If you want to get into archetypes and what not there is the concept of the Tyrannical Father; domineering and controlling the children, vicariously taking their success or failures. Expanded politically, its the Tyrant King/Patriarch oppressively controlling the populous. This has been explored a bunch in media (evil emperor/violent dictator and what not).
The flip side would be the Tyrannical Mother; controlling the children through emotion and coddling them to the point they cant grow on their own. The political expansion would be the Tyrannical Queen/Matriarch removing the freedom from a populous under the guise of removing danger and keeping them safe. This has probably been explored less, but these movies seem to be exploring that side.
I haven't seen any of these, but it would probably be good to have this conflict resolved in a way that isn't limited to 'female sexual liberation'; that seems limiting and like not that good of a message imo.
Dangerously based.
They're all worthless, kid. Every woman. Don't let 'em get ya! All of 'em wanna get ya! They just grab you and pull you into 'em! And then you're forced to stay in and pull out and stay in and pull out! And then they GUT ya. And then they grip ya by the part where it counts. And then they start squeezing things out! Things that are like WEIGHTS around your head! You sit there for the rest of your life, with NOWHERE to go and NO ONE to be! AAAAHHHH!!! AAAAHHHH!!! AAAAHHHH!!!
Those are two different imperatives. Females mating outside their group is a good genetic strategy, as is finding a mate who'll help out with the kid for the first few years. They're not contradictory.
I like Jungian archetypes and analysis, and he lifts heavily from there. I dont much care for his politics, but his myth/story analysis are good.
What's the source of that image? I'm curious about what the rest of it says.
Morel Orel is retarded and so are you for trying to use it in this context.
I dont think he really is political but was turned into a political figure by the outrage that someone „with a platform“ did not conform to norms set by activists. Even worse that he as a university professor made that environment feel „less safe“ ideologically for them. The free speech argument he made seems vindicated with the fun ways the canadian government acted recently.
>Tldr: Reeeee, think what I think and don‘t question it!
>tfw won’t live long enough to see emmy and her nandroid sisters with artificial wombs become a reality
>tfw even if you were immortal and lived that long it still wouldn’t happen because women would overrule/cancel that shit within seconds of being proposed since it’d pose a threat to their entire worth
something similar is happening already to a certain extent btw. You hear stories about how they shut down these sex doll brothels from time to time since they end up becoming more popular than actual prostitutes.
I know that feel user.
I still have some hope, however small.
>The free speech argument he made seems vindicated with the fun ways the canadian government acted recently.
Recently? What did they do now/how recent was it?
I agree with your point about being vindicated on the issue of free speech. Though I'd say even if he didn't intend to be political, he certainly is now and regularly gives his input on political subjects.
>>tfw won’t live long enough to see emmy and her nandroid sisters with artificial wombs become a reality
I honestly don't see why you want that.
It's from the lawcomic. lawcomic.net
The section starts here: lawcomic.net
>Girls need to GET OUT and be whores
what did you mean by this?
Nta, but the general idea as presented here is that women have a monopoly on the sexual marketplace due to social structures and a monopoly on reproduction due to biology. By building robots that could compete in both of those fields, women would lose their monopoly and be forced to become 'better partners' or lose out and be replaced by mechanical alternatives. Its pretty sci-fi and requires a very pessimistic view of women and society writ large.
No, I get that but I don't understand why you want a woman bot. I can't stand women whatsoever even a "perfect woman" would annoy the hell out of me, I can't stand femininity in any form.
user, artificial wombs and viable eggs already exist.
Robot partners aren't actually wanted or needed.
Many men are just monks who don't want sex or a relationship anymore because we've been burned and or are just emotionally broken.
However, the idea of a baby factory where a man can go pop out a few knuckle children and in 9 months have a child is 100% science fact and doable right now.
Where are the sexual themes in Brave? Just lost there.
checkin those dubs tho
I wish.
Problem is that most men want femininity.
But it's been twisted, denied from men, and weaponized against us.
So we cant trust it most times and a lot of media made by rage baiting scumbags is poisoning the well on both sides.
Men telling other men that women aren't shit and women telling women to be duplicitous bisexual gold digging whores.
Problem is women can't stand you either
>Why do cartoons teach boys to like women?
>Cites incel mass shooters as evidence
I don't understand anything in your post.
All what men want in a girl is for her to take care of the house, the kids, be able to cook a nice dinner, be pretty, and most importantly be loyal. It’s as simple as that, man. I’ve dated exactly 6 girls in my 31 yrs of life, and fuck dude, these broads don’t even know how to cook a fucking egg anymore. They don’t know and they don’t want to cook.
With a robot, ideally it would be able to achieve all those things.
You’re correct, but I can’t help myself. Deep down I want a partner by my side.
It’s like Patrice O’Neal said: “Men want to be alone, but we don't want to be by ourselves”
Explain how that is a problem to me.
>Braev is about exploring sexuality
Her work hangs in galleries and the social circle she runs in either don't know or don' care. If they know it probably amounts to a fun story after a few drinks before the other guy at the table one ups her with the story about his eventful plane trip to a territory near the Virgin Islands. She was never in any real risk.
does the idea of dying alone childless and being the end of your bloodline not bother you in the slightest? just a quick reminder that nothing you’re doing right now compares in terms of significance to having kids. It’s our purpose, and the only way an average joe can leave his mark on the world. Otherwise you might as well not have existed.
I guess you could end using one of those fancy lab wombs I’m dangerously close to losing all hope in women so I’m probably gonna start thinking about it.
No, none of that holds any relevance to me, and I believe nothing has any significance whatsoever. The idea of bloodlines and legacy sounds useless to me. I don't care about effecting the world i wish to be forgotten.
>does the idea of dying alone childless and being the end of your bloodline not bother you in the slightest?
Now show shove your insecurities up your ass.
>You’re correct, but I can’t help myself. Deep down I want a partner by my side.
>It’s like Patrice O’Neal said: “Men want to be alone, but we don't want to be by ourselves”
That's what occasinally visiting an escort and bars to hang out with friends is for.
Overall, most men are happy alone and would rather go childless then have one against our will or with a woman who is fundamentally unfit as a mother wife or human being.
Thank you obvious paid depopulation/self sterilization shills.
Your five pence was well earned.