Why do "anarchist" like him?

His thought is similar to that of fascist, but he claims to be anti-authority. Do anarkiddies not realize fascist are the only true "anarchist" because they do not let spooks like "morality" and "anti-violence" hold them back, while also possessing the necessary strength to protect their property? The idea of equality is a "spook" as well. Who is to think all people want to be free when people clearly desire their own repression? The idea of freedom is just a "spook" as well.

Attached: Ego-and-His-Own-Stirner.jpg (242x354, 19K)

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>His thought is similar to that of fascist, but he claims to be anti-authority.
Such a contradiction.
Somehow you miss his effrontery to authoritarianism. Something fascists are lock-goose-step with.
>The idea of freedom is just a "spook" as well.
Did you even read the book?

Yes a couple of times. It's a shit book. I just think it's funny anarchist parade it around when there are white nationalist who also like Stirner.

Fascism is literally the gayest possible political ideology. If you're going to submit and become a bottom-bitch cog at least do it for a perfect being like the Christian God.

Are these spooked WN kids supposed to convert for having read him?
Are they self aware at all? —oh wait, no. Their heads are made of concrete

Stirner's thought is directly opposed to fascism and nationalism. I don't know if your reading comprehension is just incomprehensibly low or if you have a warped view of what fascism is. In any case, you clearly haven't understood the book.

This is the ultimate test to know if someone will be a master or a slave in life.
Protip: you are the slave

Okay, ya or me. 4/10

Go away now

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You don't seem to realize the fast majority of the population is hardly conscious of anything besides what they are told to be conscious of. If a group is able to exploit this and protect their position in doing so then they should do it should they not? Any argument against it would presuppose some sort of morality which is a "spook" according to Max.
They just take to heart the ideas of morality being a spook and see the herd as a resource that can be exploited and protected, so they can rightly claim it as their property. It's not just WN it's either it's the same line of thought used for any sort of authoritarian movement.

This is not a bait.
If you can't see the obvious sequitur from Stirner to Fascism you were literally born to be a slave for the master class

Vast not fast* I am shit at typing

Stirner was against all normative claims or 'higher essences' put above him. Fascism puts the white race above you as your 'higher essence' and demands full subservience to it and the state. You seem to be very dumb my friend.

Read Stirner’s Critics. Watch a few yt videos. You don’t seem to get it yet

Fascism never put the so called white race above anything.
You seem to be very inferior my friend

Yes this was the main point I was trying to make in my original post, but you elucidated it much better. If you read Stirner and leave an anarchist you have a slave mentality, but if you leave a fascist you have the mentality of a master. Based and Redpilled my friend.

Good boy, work for your superiors

It's such a dumb argument Stirner explicitly denounced german nationalism in the book. You should improve your comprehension before tackling works of philosophy.

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Thank you friend.
This is the truth: it's a very istinctive understanding. I was a "leftist", no-border and pro-LGBT rights in my teens, albeit disgruntled and with a feeling that something was off. Then I read stirner. The very week I did I started lifting. In less than 3 months, I was a "nazi".
Plebs will literally NEVER understand this

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Ah, it's bait. Abandon thread lads.

Stay mad slaveboy, and reminder to use that rage to work harder

holy fuck op is retarded lmao

Please elaborate. Or do my ideas just threaten you so you must dismiss them as "retarded" to preserve your world view?

It’s a troll thread

As I said before, they will literally never understand. It's the ultimate test to know if someone is destined to be a slave or not. The idea is so alien for them they think you are trolling

Stirrer is an arch-liberal.

It couldnt be facist or nationalist since both of them require a ethical code to follow and put above you at all costs. But it could very well strike up as a wierd authoritarian regime. If some upper class united to pure egoistical means.
If all people were pure egoists agaist the state i would bet my ass that we would go back to a tribal/community state, women would lose their "rights" and the powerful would create small communal hierarchies.

>If you read Stirner and leave an anarchist you have a slave mentality, but if you leave a fascist you have the mentality of a master. Based and Redpilled my friend.

You got it backwards.

Fascism effectively implies nationalism - in any case historically it does. It's also a response to capitalism.

And Stirner is an individualist for sure.