Post a better death scene

Attached: RENGOD.jpg (1920x800, 759K)

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i literally think about this scene every day

>voice message failed to upload

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>tfw when holding court in the street

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FUCK. Fantastic season. Shame the normies hated on it because it was too "hard to follow".

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Ultra Based

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Funnily enough, from the better film which that mess is "inspired by" (plagiarizing?)

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They came out 15 years apart, that's good enough for me. Good robbery films are rare these days.

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fucking bitch said no

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I forgot his message didn't even go through

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That scene in Killing Them Softly where Ray Liotta's character dies.

Heat is one of the most based movies ever.

i liked this season and this scene a lot but was it really fucking necessary to have his message not go through? i get they were trying to say it wasnt anything his kid didnt already know but fuck it just felt like an unnecessary kick to the balls

this was pretty sad. if you ignore the funny fingers scene this is a pretty good film