Which fans got fucked over the most?
Star Wars, Game of Thrones or Doctor Who?
Which fans got fucked over the most?
Star Wars, Game of Thrones or Doctor Who?
Probably Star Wars.
>Star Wars
Prequels were what they were, but killing the extended universe was criminal.
Thrones by far. Books and firsts seasons of the show were amazing. Dude made money and didn’t do shit.
Doctor Who - You can still watch whatever doctor you liked best and skip the ones you don't like.
SW sequels - I don't think people expected much after TFA and they jumped ship before the the last movie anyways.
GOT - What was it like 10 years of people just waiting to see the ending? The whole reason I suspect people hate the show now after just that last few episodes is how how hard they got fucked in the ass at the end. It was like a massive buyer's remorse.
Star Wars
Thrones didn't even have a solid story with an ending, at least SW had the original trilogy
Star Wars. The prequels and sequels both took a huge shit all over almost everything good about the original movies. The EU was filled with its own brand of awful too, but at least the EU was easy to ignore. It's impossible to go back to a Star Wars without the prequels and sequels even if it's still easy enough to look at and appreciate the OT independent of the rest.
GoT got least fucked for sure
SW and GoT fan here, SW got it worse. Can't speak for DW.
GoT, because it never got a decent ending. Dr. Who has tons of endings, and Star Wars has the OT. GoT has no closure.
It's between SW and GoT. Overall SW got it worse but because GoT started off stronger and had a good book series to work with and had a decade to get it right the fall from grace was far worse.
Doctor Who. The canon has been completely fucked.
>Star wars erases every single accomplishment made so they can lazily redo ESB's Yoda scenes but go out of their way to make him more pathetic, ultimately everything was pointless and Palpatine won.
>GOT took amazing setup and ended with a wet fart that left everyone confused, leaving them to never speak of it again after they shuffled off the screen with a blown out sphinter and shit dripping to the floor. If its mentioned now, its only to talk about how it shit itself at the finish line.
>DR Who retconned the history of 55 years of stories and a dying actor giving it their all right up to their death bed to push an agenda.
Get woke, brain broke.
>everything was pointless and Palpatine won
Everything was pointless but Palpatine didn't win.
Ok academic
The prequels are better when the dialogue is muted, admittedly. They're also better when the screen is turned off.
Considering they just arbitrarily reconned not just the Doctors past but the entire history of the time lords all for Muh Diversity! Doctor who in spades. The shows continuity is literally in shambles after the last episode.
All three got JUSTed. GoT is the only one that cannot recover, though. DW can be retconned and made watchable again with a decent actor+showrunner, SW can still have good stories, but GoT is just fucked.
game of thrones, no dobut. star wars and doctor who were at best mediocre so becoming shit isn't so hard hitting. game of thrones, on the other hand, was contender for one of top 10 tv shows of all time before they went full retard
I think Star Wars fans fucked themselves over the most. Especially when it comes to the OT.
>W can be retconned and made watchable again with a decent actor
Nope the continuity is FUCKED. Apparently the doctor isn't a timelord, Rassilon didn't discover regeneration, the regeneration limit is arbitrary, the Doctor has HUNDREDS of regenerations before his first, ect, ect Its beyond Retconning, its continuity was assassinated
What happened to dr who?
They changed history for diversity points but choose the one thing the entire show hinged on.
Don't know much about GoT, but the absolute enmity Disney had towards OT fans was openly pushed by their army of shills. Doctor Who as a franchise was probably fucked over more, but the Doctor Who fandom was mostly women anyway.
The Doctor is Space Jesus and his first incarnation was a fat black woman.
>GoT is just fucked.
Only the TV show is. The actual books aren't finished. If you were a fan of the books and got into the show, that's your fault. Martin gives no shits about the TV influencing his work and even criticized the writers for changing shit around in their own version when fans were making good guesses about how the story would go. Fucking retarded.
Doctor Who was never good
Star Wars OT was good for its time but even then it only had so much potential as a franchise
D&D took a dump on GoT and left the jannies to wipe it up with no cleaning utensils
Has to be GoT
Nope actually, a little asian girl then a black boy kidnapped and experimented on by some chick to discover the secret of regeneration.
GoT won’t have an ending. The worst part is Martin is so fucking old and fat, odds are he won’t finish the last book. Let’s say best case he puts out WoW this year, if he takes another millennium to finish ADoS he’ll croak leaving it unfinished for some board of schmucks to piece it together like they did with the show.
GoT has the biggest swing in quality but it was always has been a normie series
SW fanbase got shit on the most. They were mostly male nerds whose franchise got invaded by normies and shrieking feminists who absolutely hate them and shit on them as much as they can.
Idk much about doctor who but it seem like the swing matches with the demographic who are the fans of the show anyway.
Bernie Sanders fans
Literal fanfiction. There are only 6 star wars movies.
Doctor Who has had a constant pile-driving since 2006.
Game of Thrones went sour but then went apeshit and tarnished what good was before and the books are not coming.
Despite all that, I still think Star Wars got fucked over the most.
Best stopping point for GOT?
Season 6
Game of Thrones
>public execution, body is paraded around the city in a shameful display for all to see
Doctor Who
>slow, painful death. everybody sees it happening but nobody is doing anything
Star Wars
>silently killed and disposed of, replaced with a strange robotic doppelganger
Star Wars fans
>see 6 of the most culturally influential movies of all time that spawns billions of daydreams for millions of children for forty years, go to complete shit thanks to an incompetent woman and her utter disdain for fans of said product
>main character, literal archetypical hero that has been adored since the 70s, emasculated completely for the sake of propping up new women characters
Game of thrones fans
>kikes that (any true fan of the books recognize) ruined the show from season 2 onward make shitty rushed fan fiction
Star wars by a mile
doctor was always a pile of shit from the very beginning
star wars new trilogy was a mess but still fun movies
game of thrones was just fucking murdered
>star wars new trilogy was a mess but still fun movies
go back to plebbit
season 4 episode 10. after that, watch season 5 episode 8 (hardhome), and pretend the show ends there.
finish season 1 ep 10, then just watch battle scenes and clips of nudity.
it will when that fat asshole finally has a heart attack, and it turns out his supposed got manuscripts were just pages upon pages of stick figure drawings with giant boobs
Wheel of time. We wuz two Rivers n shiet
I stopped watching Dr Who about 70% through Matt Smith's tenure and it was still kinda ok.
I'm tempted to keep going.
Never seen DW, GoT was fucked but at least you can pretend the books won't crash and burn like that, SW is fucked more for sure.
this. at least dr. who and GOT comes with cable package - SW fans had the extra added bonuses of driving, parking, standing in line, buying overpriced snacks and drinks, finding the best shitty seats, putting up with demographics that just cannot stfu in a movie theater, then driving home in utter despair
at least the WoT books are finished. game of thrones wont ever get anything other than the low-quality kike ending
>buying overpriced snacks and drinks
i always bring my own snacks and drinks, Fuck movie theaters.
>'Star Wars Fans'
>implying real star wars fans were those idiot hipster millennial SJWs that went to watch the abortion new movies propping up MaRey Sue at the expense of the originals
>Star Wars was derivative nerd fodder from the get go
>GoT was based on genre fiction, could have been okay if (((those two))) hadn't been allowed to fuck it up beyond recognition.
>Doctor Who has always been a classic twee kids show, it's embarrassing how invested adults are in it, and how they try to pass it off as something meaningful while it's been pushing millennial SJW agendas for seasons.
Artemis Fowl.
Dont its keeps getting worse.
matt smith is pretty bad in between the ponds leaving and the end, but his last two episodes are abasolute kino and worth it alone. Then you get capaldi and regardless of episode quality he is always incredibly entertaining
Season 1 Episode 1, right after the HBO logo shows up.
Prequels are superior to the originals, cope boomer.
game of thrones hands down
what a waste following 8 years of that trash payoff
Star Wars
instead of the doctor just being a timelord who stole a ship to go on adventures he was actually super secretly a special little girl alien who had the power to regenerate and the timelords took that power and used it for themselves.
threfore the first doctor we met decades ago isnt the first and hes also not just a time travelling alien who goes on adventures but the most important being in the universe
Dr. Who and GoT are at least still going and can, by some miracle, turned around. Star Wars is already dead.
watch capaldis episodes for him and clara and then stop when he turns into a woman
I just tried getting back into Who after getting bored in the Capaldi run and I'm shocked you faggots were right. I genuinely don't care much about the politics or canon or being different in general. That's all fine, I just wanted it to be fun. This NuNu Doctor is legitimately objectively bad beyond any clickbait argument. They ran it into the ground worse than Star Wars.
Star Wars, largely since there was so much more that could be ruined, and by God did they ruin everything about it. Every single redeeming factor about the series as a whole was systematically shit upon. Star Wars fans aren't even mad anymore, they're just broken. Its absolutely depressing to see people with such passion for a series lose all heart in it
He looks like a large shoe.
no reason to watch it if you're not going to finish it
no reason to watch it even if you are
Sometimes the foreplay is better than the finish. Shoulda stopped when the titties dried up and the dragon riding started.
All of them
Gosh this is just a nightmare. It doesn't help that the man has like hyper ADHD and can hardly finish a project to save his life.
Prequels were shit but retained soul and brought some decent ideas the play with.
Sequels had no ambition and neuters and shrinks the universe.
This. I regret the time investment into the shows considering how fucking poorly the last 2 I'll say 3 seasons were. If I'm really being honest stop after season 5. Despite its flaws (and character assasination of stannis) the show never has any emotional weight to it after that.
Star Wars fans will always have the OT and Who fans will always have the Jenna Coleman years, but GoT fans will only have this eight season train wreck.
I don't understand the question.
Just comparing GOT and star wars for what happened in the past 10 years or so, definitely star wars. GOT has the benefit of having several excellent seasons before things started going downhill and there's always the possibility of the final books coming out, having a not retarded ending, and effectively erasing the ending of the TV show. Meanwhile the entire sequel trilogy has been nothing but a never ending line of retcons, rehashes, and failures in planning. Then you have the replacement of the EU, the hostile reaction to fan criticism, the rarity of good multimedia content, comical overconfidence in their merchandise leading to the bankruptcy of toys r us, construction of an entire star wars theme park only for it to turn out just kind of okay, etc. and the whole thing just stinks.
His bloodline continues while the Skywalker line was erased. lol
whenever the battle of the bastards was
>Dr Who
Wokeness gone too far by arrogant idiots
Phoning it in for easy money while just making shit up to try and salvage all the loose ends
>Star Wars
>intentionally ruining the lore and openly taunting/attacking fans because you think you are better than it
Star Wars had it the worst. The leadership went out of their way to ruin every single non-female character that has existed simply because KK is a huge bitch that has a vendetta against the fans.
>The leadership went out of their way to ruin every single non-female character that has existed
They erased every good female they had with the EU as well. Jaina wasn't good enough for KK, she needed to have her own Mary Sue.
See, this kind of shit sounds like something I heard from Who fans before, and it's why I could never get into it. Is it really so different now?
Game of Thrones for sure. Star Wars at least has the original trilogy as a complete work. Who has has so much good to choose from aside from the bad. GoT only has the main story of the series and it was rushed into absolute dogshit by lazy faggot DnD so they could get to their other projects, which rightly got cancelled after their massive failure.
GoT got it the least because the fun I had watching the last season with Yea Forums was the best fun I've had in years.
>The worst part is Martin is so fucking old and fat
I don't know why but this is killing my sides right now.
See Except for his no true scotsman fallacy, you have it wrong.
Reminder fatso will die of fat without ending his saga and bookfags will join tvfags in their eternally BTFO status.
GoT disappointment is pretty much universally agreed on. I have to put up with constantly having Star Wars shoved in my face and being told I’m a bad person for not supporting it. Doctor Who has the work politics shit, but doesn’t have the same level of mass appeal as Star Wars so it doesn’t get pushed as much. Star Wars fans have it the worst for getting the most shit from the movies themselves, the media, and the woke twitter crowd. TLJ fans are legit cult like.
>Star Wars
Got its ending 37 years ago.
>Game of Thrones
The only ending to ASOIAF we will ever get, and it was terrible.
>Doctor Who
Who cares? There are a million Doctor Who series.
Star wars without contest
So you have to be a fucking idiotic troglodyte to get his style? Is he a fucking idiotic troglodyte or something?
>SW can still have good stories
No without a complete retcon
>some decent ideas the play with
Like midi-chlorians?
>Star Wars
Literally one good movie out of 9, who cares?
At least they have the books
>Dr. Who
No one cares about this shit but bongs
battle of the bastards was retarded, they killed stannis so they could give his battles and screentime to john snow. They should have had stannis huge fight against the greyjoys like in the books if they wanted a battle that badly.
Doctor Who. The continuity and core premise of the show has been fucked, and for no apparent reason either. Having the first journey of the first Doctor invalidated for shock value is sickening, and the worst part is the Chibnall is can't even take a stance on the show's politics he's utilized to flavor it. The slimeball is a centrist cuck who shallowly panders to the liberal media to get them to deflect any criticism while also slipping in lines about how the changes don't matter and don't ultimately mean anything as if to try and well the raging storm of trad fans. Well, if they don't mean anything, why did you waste three years of everyone's fucking time? At least Star Wars is easier to compartmentalize into how every many trilogies you want and GoT is a adaptation of another work. Doctor Who is fundamentally ruined.
>Doctor Who
Like what others say, you get to pick and choose series but being a modern day Who fan is your own fault.
If you weren't able to detect the end was going to be shit by like season 5 you had it coming. You also have the books and a pretty good comic adaption to fall back on.
>Star Wars
I'll say Star Wars because it's inescapable. It feels like I can't go a full day without hearing about "The next thing" Disney is doing to fuck up the franchise.
go to the episode "the Doctor Falls" and then stop at the point where the doctor talks about stars. You'll know what I'm talking about.
Matt Smith's run sucks because it gets dragged out. Especially with the Ponds.
Their dead, their divorced, ones stuck in a paradox or something. It's horrible.
Doctor has gone from "logically OP from surviving the Time War and living ten thousand years" to "Mary Sue who can do no wrong and never fails and is always right boo hoo trump bad"
>I'll say Star Wars
Why? It's extremely easy to disregard all Nu-Wars.
Real talk:
The Doctor was found as a little black girl next to a dimensional gate by a formerly unknown female Gallifreyan/Shabogan founder named Tecteun.
Tecteun found out the child could regenerate endlessly and experimented with it. Afterwards, the Shabogans siphoned off the child's regeneration energy for themselves, making them the Time Lords. The child's memories were erased and it was forcefully regenerated into the First Doctor.
Also, the Master slaughtered all of Gallifrey, then invited the Cybermen in so they could use the dead bodies to create regenerating Cyber Lords (don't ask how dead Time Lords regenerate).
After killing their former leader with his Tissue Compression Eliminator because he had a "Death Particle" inside his armor, the Master absorbs the Cyberium from him (complete database and basically Matrix of Leadership for the Cybermen).
The Doctor then threatens to release the Death Particle inside the tiny cybercorpse
to completely destroy the Cyber Lords and the Master, but finds a useful idiot played by Sir Barristan to do it in her stead. Gallifrey and the Cyber Lords are utterly annihilated.
This is a dumb thread because every user will just pick the one they are
>most invested in
>most pissed about
>It's extremely easy to disregard all Nu-Wars.
Everyone talks about it and it's all over media outlets. I even see pictures of it on bags of fruit at the store.
Never seen GoT but it seems like they got fucked the hardest.
SW fans have the originals (zoomed fans have the prequels too)
Dr Who has always been a show where people have their favourite and least favourite doctor and episodes. The only thing that's changed is that everyone's least favourite doctor is now the same one.
GoT has some good seasons but it never got a satisfying ending that the other shows got.
jesus buttfucking christ. Chris Chibnall didn't just spit on the corpse of the show, he raped it, eviscerated it, and then squirted shit in its entrails.
Imagine paying attention to ads
GoT, and I'm not a GoT fan at all.
SW fans got their complete saga, the disney films are glorified fanfiction. Who has been going for far too long already, should have ended with Tennant. GoT was the only one that actually needed a proper ending.
There's a line in there from the Master talking to the Cyber Leader. The Cyber Leader is only half converted, without an emotional inhibitor, because he fully believes in their cause anyway.
>You look rough! Or is that intentional? Didn't mean to eh... conversion shame you heh.
>Everyone talks about it and it's all over media outlets.
And? You have no reason whatsoever to consider Nu Wars canon. at all. It's not written by George Lucas and it's decades removed from the original movies. How can Star Wars fans be mad about it, when they already got the end of the series in the early 80's? That's retarded. With Game of Thrones, there actually isn't an ending other than the TV show, so GoT fans have way more reason to be mad.
>RU had it's own brand of awful.
You've never read/played them. The original EU was mostly gold. The EU being shit is a meme.
You stopped at the absolute best time. Its all downhill from there.
Doctor Who
>Star Wars:
You can still enjoy the Original Trilogy and have closure. You can even enjoy the prequels and have closure. You can safely ignore the sequels entirely because they are basically self-contained.
>Doctor Who:
Each doctor is its own storyline. You can safely ignore the last couple of SJW doctors and still have closure.
The fat man was ultimately revealed as a hackfraud and with definitely die because he finishes writing. The decade long show started its decline at season 4 and ended like shit. Every open plotline will end like shit or be forgotten even if the fat one finishes the book because he basically confirmed the show's ending.
Downhill is generous
Basically a free fall down a cliff where sometimes it hit something on the way down, slowing its momentum for a while so it didn't look as shitty for a bit
What are the best Star Wars books and writers?
I've yet to hear one good argument against midi-chlorians that doesn't boil down to
>It fucked with my head canon of the force
Star Wars has been a cultural colossus for 40 years, GoT fucked themselves but they didn't ruin anything they didn't create, its a zero sum game for them. Star Wars started higher and ended lower, they are the cuckedest