This was legit kino

This was legit kino.

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Other urls found in this thread:,_1st_Earl_of_Chatham


Its the first movie in the last few years with SOUL

Probably my least favorite Tarantino movie after kill bill

just post the pic and get it over with. you know the one

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who was she supposed to be? looked like a kid Wynonna but I don't know if the time lines up

>This was legit kino.

Every swinging dick in Hollywood believes their shit is kino.

Ask Scorsese.

Attached: 007.jpg (800x480, 311K)

William Pitt, 1st Earl of Chatham,_1st_Earl_of_Chatham

He hit the looks jackpot and has the bloodline behind him.

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What was that baby in a jar of formaldehyde on your knee and the cigar all about Leo?

They scrubbed the photo out my icloud account before I could post it.

Brad will follow your coattails any day...

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-02-07 at 6.08.41 PM.png (1268x1402, 1.29M)

Shittiest tarantino movie.
Boat scene, Bruce Lee scene and only the mansion fight scene were decent.
It’s hot garbage you tastelless mong

>dude need moar car chases and explosions xD

>boat scene
the 5 second scene with Cliff's wife? Also

>wew acting serious business
>wew sharon tate so pure
>wew polanski so hot
I’d bet you want more feet pics and hairy armpits eh?

>5sec scene with Cliffs wife
Yep. Knowing the context it was great.

>implying Deathproof is better than ...Hollywood
opinion discarded

Film of the decade.

>never knew about Deathproof
>search on google
>first pic
What a madman

Attached: deathproof.jpg (1094x627, 83K)

not him but I'll take the feet with a side of extra violence against women and hippies. fuck it hook me up with double embarrassment of that smug Bruce

The Manson scenes were the best and they should've had Charlie himself in it for a bit longer.

Yeah, I enjoyed it more. It knew what it wanted to be.
Hollywood is just a mess.

At least it was a coherent story, not three movies squashed into one.
>inb4 this is a story about hollywood and people living the hollywood life
Fuck off
He should have more focus in this story. It’s incoherent mess

You're a faggot if you think understanding "the context" was about Natalie Wood because it most certainly was not. Quentin even admitted it had nothing to do with her in several interviews.

There are extras on the bluray and they are shit. He made the right choice.

I agree

I read Meryl Streep somewhere. Weird, huh?

His best movie.