Featuring Victor and His Amazing Friends! (And also Betsy and Her Amazing Friends.)
Destiny of X Storytime: Knights of X #1, Sabretooth #3
Bump if you're reading.
Question of the week: So...those FCBD spoilers. Do you think that Moira is actually going to skin MJ? I think it's going to be a fake out.
it's a fake-out I doubt another editorial office would allow them to servily impact another line
Fake out
Now what do we think about Dark Web with Maddy?
I'm not so sure, I like Wells and I loved Hellions, but I did not like SM Beyond and I hate what they've done to Ben.
Oh hey, they're finally doing something with Apocalypse's Grimoire.
Huh, a reference to Curse of the Ebony Blade.
when was the last time we saw a scene like this but with the genders reverses
for the last 5 years men are alwqys depicted as weak and stupid and woman as strong, brave and powerful but literally never the otherway around
sexist and unrealistic stuff like this is why manga is winning since they still have classic masculine men and feminin women and none if the cringe woke shit
Aw fuck Wells did write Hellions, I'm gonna be honest I'm hate the habit of writers moving to another book and just continuing their storyline sometimes it works (X-force into Uncanny Avengers) more often than not it doesn't (Hickman's entire career)
Come on, (You) didn't even try this time.
You will never be white, gook.
And now for Sabretooth.
So Mordred is officially retconned as a mutant now?
Finally the good X-book
So this issue takes place before the first Hellfire Gala. Last issue took place before XoS, meaning that they have been there in The Pit for a pretty long time.
There have been so many delays that they've just done away with the checklist dates entirely.
It's been like that for a long time now. Even before the printing delays that we are currently experiencing, there were still plenty of release date shifts.
"All mutants are equal, but some mutants are more equal than others". "Animal Farm", I love and despise that book at the same time.
And they are saying a great truth here.
Maybe they can use cerebro to copy Peter's mind and give it to Ben as a solid to pete
Next week: Giant-Size X-Men: Thunderbird, Marauders #2.
And that's it! If you liked this, support your LCS or whatever.
So Knights of X is NuExcalibur?
Should it be avoided as well?
Fucking bootlicking narc faggot