Tfw i found the girl of my dreams that is majoring in english;me majoring in philo and having interest and a minor in...

>tfw i found the girl of my dreams that is majoring in english;me majoring in philo and having interest and a minor in english a-lot of are classes over lap
>solid cutie 9/10 easily
>completely innocent-from a middle class sheltered suburban family-in comparison to me, growing up dead broke, a hispanic in the inner-city of Miami;Carol city
>Always smiling,always giddy,always laughs at my jokes even it their shit because she thinks my autism for cluelessness
>Love being around more then I love being alive questions questioning the ultimate fate and reason for life replaced by the giddiness childish thoughts of her
>Everyone notices me being in a much better just by her influence
>not in a relationship but basically always around each other
>her favorite author is Ray Bradbury
>tfw I absolutely despise Faren. 451:pinnacle overrated normie trash;never finished it got 30 pages in before i chucked it in the bin
>tfw she keeps trying to make connections between every reading our professor gives us and bradbury's writing style
>tfw i give her one of my top 5 books from one of my favorite authors(The Moon and the Bonfire), and she continues to make fucking allusions to in the midst of her reading
>"user pavese's style reminds me of ray bradbury's so much"
>the fires of hell rage in me as I smile and nod, unresponsive to her answer as i've told her how I feel about the hack many times before
>recommend guenon(a big impact on my views) to cleanse this bitches soul
>"user I coudent finish it, its just too boring this guy is just biased towards the East and I can care less about all the voodoo metaphysical stuff;sorry!"
>this fuckin bitch
>tfw i've never felt more pessimistic about life then at this point
Guys I can't anymore she won't even attempt to finish Wuthering heights, i expected so much, now im reading scopie so reminecest,self-reflecting and bathing in pessism, everything always has a fucking catch for me. Having the smallest hope for anything always leads to disappointment never expecting anything never leads to disappointment

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i didnt read any of this

women are meant to be bred, not indoctrinated into having all the same favorite authors as you

does this thread remind anyone else of harrison bergeron?

Waaaah people like different things than I do

nice blogpost, frog
off yourself

Fahrenheit 451 isn't that bad. There's a few simple lines that have always stuck with me, faber's "I care so much I'm sick" with heavy emphasis on each individual word, and Montag's "We never burned right". Anyways, it's not even his best work, I think The October Country is far better.

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>my autism

Isn’t there already a blog thread?

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If you're taking out hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt, why would you want to start a relationship with someone else who is also taking out hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt? What future could you possibly have together?

paying off one another's loans is very sexually gratifying

Wonder what he looks like without the facial hair and accessories

I'll have to take your word for it, but you're implying they could ever finish.

both of us have scholarships, 0 debt. I'm planning to get in to graduate school and hopefully be a professor;she wants to teach highschool or write for a magazine

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We all come to realize that the company of a woman is hard to suffer. Kill your lust user

He looks a lot like Theodore Roosevelt, but I don't think there are picures of him without a mustache.
>this was written by a phil major/english minor
Humanities departmente really have hit the bottom of the barrel, haven't they?

thinking i care about the quality of my writing when i shit-post on a anonymous hindu bakugan trading site

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>she doesn't like what I like

user, cut this shit out before you let a girl you love out of your grasp. Don't be a faggot for once. She at least is willing to put effort into your interests and that is more you could ask out of someone.

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>thinking i care about the quality of my writing when i shit-post on a anonymous hindu bakugan trading fourm

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Your first error was to think her as an equal to you
Your second error is to believe that women have henuine interest in art and philosophy (they don't)
Your third error is to try to elevate her. Women don't want to go beyond their safezones

>south florida forever
>yellow xans forever
>if them folks drop the charges
>we can be together forever

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>I can care less about all the voodoo metaphysical stuff;sorry!"
based roastie
>wuthering heights
wait a tick are you a woman too?

also Bradbury is kino, Fahrenheit isn't that great but the Martian Chronicles and some of his other short stories are neat

im as cliche as it sounds im a hopeless romantic I can't for the life of me not have a romantic interest. the thing is im always able to establish a good relationship and i think make them like
me as much as I like them, its just my autism and self-esteem has made to self-conscious to go for more then a peck kiss
But do I love her as I did before?Am I over thinking a small detail? Im just letting it get to me regardless. I lose interest easily and regret the choices i make constantly I don't think this will be any different.
double post no idea how one of them wasn't filtered

>I'm a romantic
You are going to suffer a lot, my little faggot

Man, reality is going to hit the two of you hard.

You will come to realize that most women will not bother to give you the time of day. She seems to try and read every book you give her. There is more to life than some one who shares specific interests. Be glad you get along so well and don't give up unless she starts to prove to be a drain on your life.

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When you finally pull your head out of your ass, it'll be too late. You'll feel broken and miserable because you pushed a positive person out of your life. And yes, I am projecting. It happened to me, just not under those autistic circumstances.

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fucking tell her the truth about your hate for bradbury dumbass, arent philosophy people supposed have this level of engagment with truth

With truth, yes, but not emotion.

im a big brainlet, ca n you explain what that means for me
nd why you don t tell her

I'm not autist-philosphy bro. I'm just saying that dealing with truth in an abstract sense is pretty different from dealing with the emotional intimacy of a relationship.

>completely innocent
>favourite novel was the articles for first issue of Playboy