I don't get it. Who did this appeal to? Is it supposed to be some video game but real life premise? Someone explain

I don't get it. Who did this appeal to? Is it supposed to be some video game but real life premise? Someone explain.

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It appeals to "nice guys" and whores

it's just a meaningless film.

Yeah that's all I've gotten from it. Is the video game shit supposed to be real in the movie like some numale's daydream?

its just out of date now but it appealed to millennials/genY when they were in their 20's

Yes. It's set in a world with video game mechanics. It's not that complicated of a premise.

there wasnt any shame in referencing things back then, a video game reference was a pro, not a grounds to be told to go back to redit. this was when we felt it was our culture.

just like now referencing some 4 y/o Yea Forums culture is called cringe by some.

I miss shitting on this flick on Yea Forums.

15-25 year old males circa 2010
>low social skills
>likes video games
>likes anime
>likes Arrested Development
>flashy effects
The market research group that put together this thing probably just came to Yea Forums

Everything you posted is wrong.

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It's based on a comic book

What about nice whore guys?

nope. you're just underaged

It's directed at faggots. Only people I know who liked it when it came out we're the kids that "experimented" with sucking dicks

nope, i'm right.

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This movie ruined a whole generation of women


This song is the only thing that comes to mind when I think about this movie nowadays.

Me neither.

Literally one of the worst movies I've ever seen. I had to force myself through that one. I guess is meant to appeal 'different' type of teenagers mainly from U.S and Canada. As an sophisticated European, that movie was absolutely horrible and cringe as fuck.

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Incel thread

online shills. no one actually saw it but there were a LOT of threads.

it's an action movie where the fight scenes have no suspense because they are wholly cartoons. it doesn't work on any real level.

>different type of teenager
>different than me, a cool teenager
Underage detected

I was here when Yea Forums just dismissed it as hipster garbage.
Then my friends sat me down and made me watch it with them.
Pretty sure it's become problematic, but I loved it.
So, me?

Build a time machine, go back to 2010 and post on Yea Forums a comic where the punchline is "The cake is a lie."
The only acceptable reference was Andrew, Son of Dob

Attached: file.png (680x696, 1.05M)

Your mom owns a dildo

canadian cucks i suppose

>awkward dude fights a shitload of people to win over his dream girl
alright, sounds kinda coo-

>awkward dude fights a shitload of people to win over a whore who fucked all of them

It's just a fun, easy to watch film with witty humor and a great cast. Anyone who thinks it's problematic shouldn't be watching fictional movies in the first place.

She fucked like 3 max

Im from toronto u just dont get it you fucking american pig

That's 3 too many to be worth fighting for.

Go post some rage comics and knock that card stand down then faggot

Seriously though, how do you expect woman to know how to fuck with zero experience? Oh wait, you have none either and just insecure. Have sex.

I don't. I expect to learn it with her. Have fun with your soiled, already broken in women.

but it mocks them

I ate this shit up in middle school hard. As I got older I realized everybody in the movie except Scott's sister and Kim is a complete piece of shit. Scott's a pedo, only punishment he receives for cheating and lying is brief depression. Ramona is stereotypical alt-girl who gives it up on the first date because she's desperate to be loved. Wallace is man-whore and treats Scott like shit. Band leader dude whatever is a annoying narcissist. Knifes is outcast who wants to be stereotypical alt-girl.
Went back and rewatched this like a year ago and realized this is basically how most alt-people act

Also it reeks of psuedo-counter culture.The bands sound like White Stripes alt rock shit you can hear on radio stations. Scott and his friends are muh retro gayum and nintedofags manchildren. Classic Hollywood shill bullshit

what about Envy?

Attached: brie envy.webm (640x360, 1.25M)

pretty clear you didn't post on Yea Forums in 2010. stay owned.

>nooo I have to find purino virgirino so I won't be insecure in bedderino

i'm convinced the only people who dont like this film are basement dwelling hugless kissless virgins
normal people watch scott pilgrim and are either mildly entertained or indifferent. Only you sad fucks with your "purity of the art of video games and comics and film" or whatever get a poopy diaper over an average movie.

My Girlfriend at the time and I saw it. Its a mediocre film based on a comic book. Its meant to appeal to 20-somethings

Attached: ScottPilgrim.jpg (250x375, 33K)

Nothing to be proud of.

I actually like the comics, they have a completely different comfy feel to them. The movie somehow managed to make all the characters, even Scott, completely unlikable, and the plot itself just doesent work well when it has real actors instead of cartoons

Attached: comic-art-scott-pilgrim-comic-book-wallpaper.jpg (1582x1050, 389K)

Scott was meant to be unlikable that was the point of his character the problem was that the actor they got for him was too nice and passive. He couldn't portray his more asshole qualities and moments all that well.

comic Scott was a likable dumbass, imo
movie Scott just felt like a cuck

Is that a Slime on his shirt.
Gooreat taste

Attached: Metal Slime.gif (38x38, 482)

That comic at least has some integrity.

What's lacking integrity now?

she had some plastic surgery done after this?

it's a movie based on a comic book that took it's liberties based on the comics artistic freedom for video game based references

I don’t know either and most people praising this bullshit are leftie reedit tier zoomer hipsters

How fucking new are you? This shit was already a joke here when the movie came out. It was already cringeworthy even at the time. Just like something like The Big Bang Theory. Everyone always made fun of the retards who watched that shit.

Don't forget he is ditching his Asian girlfriend who loves him.

that appeals to them because they want to delude themselves that they're one of the good ones and not a 'typical' nice guy

i remember watching back when i was 14 and i thought this movie was a cringefest

this, dumping Knives for Ramona just demonstrated awful judgement and made Scott even more unlikable

a whole generation? who the fuck even saw this movie? i knew zero people irl and it flopped

>Don't forget he is ditching his Asian girlfriend


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Have you ever seen a Kevin Smith film pre-Yoga Hosers?

Slightly different era, similar target audience.

>Who did this appeal to?
people who liked this kind of awkward character michael cera played often

Those aren't real human beings right? They look like someone let their retarded cousin play with the character creator for too long.

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Read the graphic novels. Scott's entire nice guy attitude is shown as toxic and Ramona is shown as an indecisive liar. The movie downplays how dysfunctional O'Malley wrote their relationship to be.

If you like the comics, read Lucky Penny. It's like a gender-swapped Scott Pilgrim.

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