booked and busy
Booked and busy
God I want to hold her hand
In what? Is this straight to dvd? Man it’s really not looking good for us daisybros...
She seems so pure lads
Do you think actresses ever cosplay during sex as characters they have played. Do you think her boyfriend has fucked her while she is in costume as Rey?
show the date of the article
damn she looks cute as fuck in this picture
I often wonder if she keeps her anus clean and waxed, or if she has one of those big cigar burn anuses
Sounds like the laziest "intellectual indie drama" concept ever.
Fuckin hell, daisybros will we ever catch a break?
>what is pre-production
>3 years of pre production
>literal 0 news about it
It's dead, Jim.
>he thinks all productions go smoothly
God she's fucking gorgeous
I've read the script. It's not bad but Girlie is supposed to be hot. Plus she's supposed to finger herself a bit in the script.
>boyega has more space on her imdb page than she does
do they mean Daddy-o? is it a porno? I sure hope so
Will this company also blame W*ite men when this film flops aswell?
Pipe status: layed
How did you read the script?
Imagine giving a fuck about this bitch
Funny because she's having a better career than him
Can you imagine putting together the worst cast imaginable. Daisy, Boyega, Adam Driver, Oscar Isaac, they all sucked, it was a horrible experience. This is what happens when you put women in charge.
But isn't that from like 2017 OP?
Do you perhaps hate women user?
They were all very good, especially Ridley and Driver.
>she's an Aries
Boyega is more fucked than her
>Implying she'd date a fucking cringe nerd
She dates a Chad
god she is so beautiful
She dates chad looking soiboys. A chad wouldn't hang out with Daisy.
>You're a fag
>not caring about astrological signs
I doubt she has a brown anus. She's still young and grew up in the upper class and brown anus is typical of poor peoples.
oh user, you know nothing about human bodies then
I didn't check but that wouldn't surprise me. I just thought it was a funny pic to post.
Her first notable screen presence was her fully nude dead body in CSI or something at the age of 18. So... meh.