What are the very worst film channels on YouTube?

What are the very worst film channels on YouTube?

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Critikal or whatever his name is

Lindsey Ellis

Did he not delete his channel in shame after MauLer tore him a new asshole?

link to vid?
but no no he didn't

you just posted it

>a challenger appears

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That ugly, fat, smug faggot who thinks art can be "objectively bad" is the most retarded cunt i've even seen, and his fucking cult fanbase is even more moronic when they try to defend his retarded shit.





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He looks like he's never lifted anything heavier than 100lbs

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>a gay alcoholic furry who dropped out of high school and supports beastiality is now one of the most popular film critics in the world
how did this happen?

Stuckmann is a pleb but at least he has enough passion for film to occasionally watch real movies, unlike Reddit Letter Capeshit

5 Random Questions


This. His followers think of him as god and all he speaks is gospel, despite his repeated bias and major flaws in his arguments.

RLM, however, has moments where they are wrong but are wholly entertaining and have valid points on most things. Their recent reviews on the Picard episodes encapsulate this well, where they are wrong on some things (like synths and why that affected the Romulan refugees) but are right on some things and generally have valid points on plot, character and overall conclusions to stories.

rlm is so entertaining that i watch them review shit i had no interest in before or after watchign the review

Hate this communist fag

Hate this faggot even more

Same. They have a really good way of making you entertained in what they have to say, even if it's wrong. IT BROKE NEW GROUND

Mauler to me can be entertaining, but for stuff like EFAPs, its his other guests that interest me, not Mauler himself. I think he doesn't contribute enough that I like him. The guests he can have can be as boring if not more than him. As much as I like Shad as a cool medieval man talking about swords, he's boring as fuck to listen to. Put Mauler and that green carrot dude beside him, and I'm no longer watching your stream. His reviews are also too long for me for how much bias can be in them, so I just don't make too much of an effort anymore.

Probably Mauler.

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channel awesome
it's hard to beat this über cringe

Critikal, IHE, YMS, Dunkey (when he talks about movies), Movieblob, RLM, Nostalgia Critic, Nostalgia Chick (or whatever she calls herself now), Mauler.
Jeremy is better than all of those because he doesn't pretend to know shit he doesn't know about. He's just a normie, he knows it, and he talks from thay perspective.

This, I wanna beat the shit out of him for being such an insufferable waste of oxygen

have you seen beigefrequency's video on him? if not i reccomend

I saw his (Quinton's) video on TGWTG and it reeked of unhinged autism. The fact that he was willing to take literally everything stated as absolute fact and treating the events as if they were fucking war crimes. He goes on a rant at least twice about how he felt like members of TGWTG were friends despite just being a viewer. He even copies Doug in the "clasp the hands together, inhale, and then state your opinion like it's coming from the mouth of god as a fact." He's a fucking sped with the same issues as Doug walker but what aggravates me the most is that Doug is just a dumb normie channel now, it doesn't hurt anyone. Quinton on the other hand has built his channel around "critiquing" movies and "people" and he's so fucking malicious with it. Like with someone like Metuker his shit at other content creators is normally at people who are already outed along with he fact he doesn't pretend to be anything other than an internet asshole. Quinton doesn't, he's incredibly unfunny and overvalues his shit opinions far too much.

don't know don't care


He's actually based and has good taste in film though, I trust his reviews more than most.
Now this fag is dishonest and annoying.
relentlessly bad

Fuck off. His predator review was sheer garbage.

I could never respect him after what he did to Adum

Worst thread, full of angry contrarian hipsters

You mean mark?

yeah that one
my bad

I can appreciate his taste in movies because he'll even like the less mainstream ones and appreciate them for what they went for (ie. Only God Forgives)

but he looks like a total ConsOOMer

And that's why i divorce art from the artist. He honestly seems like a unfun asshole to be around, but you would be hard pressed to find another big content creator that is willing to spend so much time digging up some real niche foreign movies and bring to the forefront.

That's fair. I respect him bringing niche films to people's attention but I just think his attitude was insufferable and he's quite snobby for a furfag. I do think he's a solid content creator for normies and helps film a lot with his niche taste.



The image that makes tranny Yea Forums seethe with anger and hate.

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who did what to the dog fucker?

This post goes for most of "breadtube." I'm pretty left of center politically but god these people are obnoxious communicators who pander to their own echo chamber far more than than they actually succeed with outreach. They're form of messaging is really scummy too, they'll hop onto a trend like game reviews or video essays, do some vids that have nothing to do their with their shill ideology, and then at some point they just completely tip their hand and their messaging becomes so fucking heavy handed. The only decent one is Shaun

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Probably this

Honestly the more uglier and autistic a man his the better his taste in movies gets

The only thing worse than being an orbitting male feminist who hides their tjinning hair and likes dark souls 2 is being a guy so obsessed with aforementioned waste of oxygen you make 10 hours of response videos to his bad opinion.

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100% Based

All of them.