Another Friday The 13th is coming this month and no Jason movie because of the lawsuit

Another Friday The 13th is coming this month and no Jason movie because of the lawsuit

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Who cares?

I do, my boy Jason should get a new movie

How did this look become iconic?
Wasn't even in the first two movies. Was Part 3-6 or whatever really that popular at the time? (Not even including the last ones because I was old enough then to know they were nearly straight-to-dvd shit no one ever spoke about)

Wouldn't it be crazy if Victor Miller just up and vanished haha I definitely wouldn't want that to happen lol

I'm interested to know this too. Jason wasn't the first Slasher, and his look only became iconic from the third film, whereas Michael and Freddy are recognisable from their first film, same with Ghostface and Chucky. How can Jason get a free pass when he was so late to the party?

Yea, curious if anyone can answer. I almost wonder if its not "as" iconic as we think just because we roam around video stores, watch cartoons that reference this type of pop culture constantly, etc. Perhaps our parents or whoever grew up with these movies don't even know of the hockey mask as well as the red/green sweater or Michael mask.

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I thought jason was the first slasher that combined teenage angst /summer camp aesthetic with horror, making it a genre for teens and young adults to see on dates and stuff

Yes of course they were popular. There was a huge slasher/horror craze in the 80's. Friday the 13th, Halloween sequels, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Hellraiser, Child's Play, and the list just goes on.

Sure, but somehow it must have started. Even ifit's just pop culture references, a hockey mask is far more synonymous with serial killers than a razor-glove, voodoo dolls etc. I really want the answer to be more than "Just good design". Why didn't sack-head Jason take off eh?

Sit through 7 hours of Crystal Lake Memories and have all your questions answered.

Jason's mom was.

Na I know but I figured by the time Part 3 rolled around it wasn't hitting the huge numbers the first few parts of each franchise did.

Another Friday the 13th was made? When is it coming out?

Right lol, agreed man. It's interesting

Oh wow...thanks, that seems very intriguing and should definitely answer lol.

IIRC by 3 the franchise was losing money. 4 was meant to end it and 5 was made cheap and fast to capitalise on the large amounts of money that 4 made, despite its intent being to end the series.

That mask is so easy to remember. It's like a logo or cartoon characters face. It's easy to remember an object with a face too and the simpler the features are, the more widely relatable it is. I read that somewhere...
They immediately started using it on the posters and covers too. I remember seeing it in rental stores and associating it with horror long before I knew what it was from.

Thanks for the input guys!

It makes for an easy Halloween costume as well.

The goalie mask is good because it takes something that was rather ordinary, something you could get at any sporting good store at the time and made it grisly and cool.

Being a kid from the 80s I can tell you it is iconic because it was a easy cheap Halloween costume. That’s why. Cheap Jason hockey masks where everywhere

I can also tell you most people who dressed up as Jason never saw a Friday movie because always thought Jason had a chainsaw

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Jason X is unironically my favorite Friday the 13th movie, it's such silly, goofy fun. Also pt. 7 is pretty good since it's Carrie vs. Jason.

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If the kills were better, 7 would be my favourite. It's my favourite looking undead Jason though.

Like the other two major slasher series, Halloween and Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th has some dumb sequels.
But I trust we all agree that it's overall the best series of the three of them?

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I gotta watch these some day soon lol
That seems cool

F13 and F13 2 are my favorites because of the creepy tri city atmosphere

I hate 3rd and 4th because fake Chrystal Lake and obvious SoCal location

>posts Friday the 13th is coming!

>means actual date and not film


Here's my recs if it matters:
>1. Started things up but really isn't that great. One really good kill though the arrow through the throat one
>2. The best of the traditional Jason movies. Good kills, good atmosphere, and sack Jason is fun.
>3. Popular, but I'm not sure why. Kind of overrated, but similar to 2. Jason gets his mask.
>4. Better than part three, but all three of them feel very similar. If you watch them all back to back you might get burnt out since they feel like the same movie. Corey Feldman is shockingly not annoying.
>5. Tried to change it up with Jason not being Jason. Fans didn't like it, and I don't blame them. Otherwise quite similar to parts 2-4.
>6. This is where these movies start going off the rails. The first movie where Jason is explicitly supernatural. Has a very tongue-in-cheek vibe which I like but which turns off some die-hard fans. Quite good.
>7. Jason vs. Carrie. Goes back a bit to the tone of the older ones after part six, but still retains a bit of the goofy vibe. Also pretty good.
>8. Jason takes Manhatten...for the last twenty minutes of the film. Everything actually in the city is great, but it's a bit of a slog to get there.
>9. Just shit, probably the worst in the series. Jason barely shows up at all, and many of the ideas they implement are dumb. Still has some good special effects though.
>10. Jason in space. Shares a lot of the tone with part six, it's very silly and lampoons itself a bit. Also has a lot of fun with sci-fi tropes, Jason vs. space marines, Jason vs. cyborg waifus (literally built to be some nerds waifu). Personally, I love it.
>Freddy vs. Jason: A love letter to both series and a successful one imo. Some very fun kills.
>Jason Remake: Jason can run now instead of just teleporting. Some good kills, but I'm not a fan of the change in style.

Anyway, have fun! It's a really enjoyable series if you like slashers.

Awesome, thanks! Saw the first two and enjoyed them well enough.
7 and 9 seem particularly interesting to me. Plan to get through them all sometime soon!

7 and 8 I meant

the last movie was pretty awful. i mean i think they've done everything they can do with jason as a character. there have been way too many F13 movies, halloween movies, NoES movies. come up with a new IP instead.

part V is unfairly shit on, it's a good movie and more in line with the original's mystery killer plot. I like that they tried to do this and it still had 'Jason' in it doing all the things Jason usually does so I don't understand the complaint from people that he's not being Jason. Roy even has super strength and all that just like Jason. Also I wish they had completed Tommy Jarvis' arc from 4 and 5 instead of making him a goofball in 6.

In the remake the jacket bothers me enough that I can't get myself to watch it.

You can skip the remake and you won't have missed much. Jason building an underground tunnel system is retarded and completely out of character.

The capeshit of the 80s

It's the most average, and thus the most longstanding. It doesn't have the highs of Halloween 1/2, or NoES 1/3, but it also doesn't have the lows of Halloween 5, 6 and the Dream Child or Freddy's Dead. It's just consistently "fine". Within that "fine" there's a spectrum of course, but it's never as bad as Freddy's Dead, nor was it ever as great as Halloween.

How is it out is character? Jason is a survivalist which he would have to be if he was living in the woods all his life.

And only overrated lumbering Kane Hodder Jason was slow and didn’t run. Potato sack Jason ran.

I also don’t get the bitching about the best. Jason never had a universal outfit like Myers mechanic outfit or Freddy’s sweater and fedora. Jason clothes ranged from hillbilly to lumberjack

I always saw Jason as a vicious wild animal, killing to protect its territory but otherwise just acting on instinct. The dude was retarded, he was tricked by a girl wearing his mom's sweater for fuck's sake. But living on his own gave him the cunning of an animal and allowed him to survive.

Building tunnels and shit makes him seem like some crazy prepper who just wanted the kids of his lawn, it requires too much foresight. He doesn't have the animal ferociousness that he does in the old films.

I agree. In 3 and 4 Jason is wearing a Green Shirt, in 2 it's dungarees (despite them all being within two days of oneanother), and in 8 he has a slick jumpsuit on. His outfit has never been consistent.
For a re imagining of Jason (and a condensing of the first 4 films), I really liked it. It had what fans wanted and expected (great kills innawoods) but with a slight twist, Jason was a vietcong murder-machine. As you say, Jason in 2 ran, he ran in 3 (tough possibly in a dream sequence), only undead Jason never ran.
He's definitely ferocious in the remake, but he's crueller to boot. Jason has always been a "get off my lawn" guy, and his lawn was all of Crystal Lake. Now we just have a spin to explain how Jason knows where everyone is all the time, and how he travels so fast. He's still a stupid motherfucker, he kidnapped a girl because she looked like his mum, he still had a little shrine to her. It's all there, I really don't understand why people vehemently dislike the remake. It's miles better than the Halloween and NoES remakes. I rate it higher than half the F13 films for fucks sake.

>triggered by a jacket
What are you, a homo?

>say hi to hell!

If it was FvJ's weird black-head and scraps of hair, I could understand "That's odd, but okay". But a jacket?

Triggered by a jacket but cool with Jason being scared of water in FvJ

I can understand a deep-seated child Jason being afraid of water. And that's what Freddy reduced him to in the dream world. Adult Jason isn't afraid of water.

That pic is an amalgamation also sneed