This character is NOT a monkey.
This character is NOT a monkey
love this shit
Nice try OP.
Turns out... It was a chimp all along.
When I realized the guy who did this also did the Earthworm Jim show I felt like an idiot for not figuring it out sooner
little monkey girl
The Disney umbrella girl aesthetic?
God I wish she had my babies
>The princess’s sister
>Their parents
What was Disney trying to say?
this is Sette from Unsounded. she's a lion.
>Dave and his siblings are mixed kids
>Fang is constantly called a monkey.
>She's literally being called a racial slur as a running gag
>The funny thing is she really DOES look like a monkey
How did this show not receive any backlash/the censors never picked up on this
Because it's just a children's cartoon? I really dont' get that shit by the way, there's plenty of white people with monkey-like faces. Why should any other race cause outrage over stuff like this? (especially if its a cartoon)
Candy is called beautiful and ladylike fang is called feral because shes the opposite what's racial about it because some crackers called blacks monkeys
Fang looks white.
>there's plenty of white people with monkey-like faces.
We're whites ever called monkeys as a racial slur though. Yes it's VA children's cartoon, but you have to still be aware of a couple of things. For example, in the Billy and Mandy episode where Grim became human, human grim was shown to be white, he was originally going to be black but having the black man as a slave to too whit kids would look insensitive so they had to change his skin tone to white
You're full of SHIT!
>because some crackers called blacks monkeys
Yes it's a racial slur
>Fang looks white
Well she's black
She's tan at best.
just let him finish. he's on to something here.
She's still black user
Yeah but that's not the context fang is just very unlady like this was made by someone with enough drive to create something not your average do nothing pol tard
Have we seen fang with her hair down she's pretty cute aside from the running gag
idiot, they are either all white or all black since they have the same parents. And if rap and other black media has taught me anything, you can say whatever slur or profane thing you want as long as you're black and no body cares if you call white people a "monkey"
Looks like fairly oddparents. What show?
Doug the Gladiator
Disney's Conan the Barbarian
Daniel the Warrior
I Hate Fairyland
>idiot, they are either all white or all black since they have the same parents
Well they're mixed kids
Right. The narrator sings that she's a chimp. She says "Not a monkey!" because she's a zoology pedant.
>no body cares if you call white people a "monkey"
No shit, no body would care because "monkeys" isn't a racial slur towards white people, like you can't be daft. You wouldn't go up to a white person and call them a racial slur that insensitive towards Asians.
I'm mixed, if some one called me a monkey I would just go on with my day, their opinion would just lose all worth to me. You really oughta get thicker skin user, being offended by 20 year old cartoons is not healthy for you.
you call a white person "cracker" and see if they get as violent as a black would for "monkey".
>Disney's Conan the Barbarian
It's more like He-Man, but no one notices because they created the Dark Lord Chuckles the Silly Piggy instead of ripping off Skeletor.
>You really oughta get thicker skin user, being offended by 20 year old cartoons is not healthy for you.
I never said I was offended, don't try to spin this around. I was just pointing out how something that's pretty much racially insensitive got past the censors.
That smug self serving attitude is why people think youre an uncle Tom I'm mixed as well when people insult you like that it's not just you they are insulting it's everyone from before he fought so just you'd have a right to stand up for yourself and not get lynched
I wanna breed that MONKEY
>BBL's in a nutshell
this artist still doing art?
Yes, but he posts very infrequently.
>get insulted
>don't stand for yourself and chimpout
that's some housenigger behaviour
I really wish I had a Raisins pic of her.
yes user, everyone is black
>We're whites ever called monkeys as a racial slur though.
Constantly on black twitter.
The fuck?
Their mom is literally black? fucking retards.
Is that a petition?
It is a humble request, thrown into the void. And I can think of no one better suited to fulfilling such a request.
Yes she is
I was being sarcastic dumbo
She's Udrogothian. Udrogothic?
Thanks, hombre.
I can tell you right now, it's not the same. I know it sounds weird, but the slur towards black people has a history to it than just a bunch of people on Twitter. You see where I coming from?
What are you calling me a retard for, I know her mom is black
There's no racial component present, log off.
>There's no racial component present, log off.
>A black lead gets called a monkey
The intention wasn't supposed to be racial since the joke is that Dang is ofen times feral, but it just so happened to be racial because of the characters ethnicity. You don't have to be daft
Stop talking shit!
She's called a monkey because she acts like one, you fucking donkey.
You don't think I know that user? I know what the gag is. It's just that it's ba Black kid. So it comes off racially insensitive.