Hey Yea Forums...diarrhea

>Hey Yea Forums...diarrhea

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Peeeter I'm carrying digits


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>an eye for an eye,a tooth for a tooth
*grimace in the darkness

Look Lois, I'm gassing millions of minorities and blaming it on general disease and famine! hehehehe, frickin' sweet.

i'm carrying dubs here, user

heheheheh recently unclassified documents confirm that the satanic sexual abuse panic of the 80s and early 90s wasn’t entirely a hoax

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fucking epic.....

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I'm taking Peter

What the..

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Whoa, what's going on here?

Ok this is just plain weird

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Huh? Joe is now Peter Griffin? Joe could never be as awesome as Peter.

I just don't know what to make of this!

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why does Peter now have Joe's physique but Joe doesn't have Perter's?

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Peter was wearing a girdle, I think.

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holy shit guys is this real?????????? o god

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What show is this a reference to?

I personally thought Seth went a little too far in this episode

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Peter Griffin in real life, wow... That is too funny.

What are neels?


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Looks like Brian put on some weight.

I saved up some calories,uh?
In this case I will have a piece of pie

kek good one user

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Damn Brian looks like THAT?

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Homer Simpson vs Peter Griffin? Awesome and funny.

Homer wouldn't stand a chance

You're giving me a bad time Sans Underrail

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beavis and butthead I think