What did she mean by this?
What did she mean by this?
plebcomics is still alive?
She posts on twitter now.
Wasn't the cancellation announced months ago? Why didn't pleb make a comic then?
If you put lesbians in your shitty show, it will not become better. It will be a shitty show which also contains lesbians.
people who make art thats nothing but shitting on other peoples' art, no matter how justified, is always just super fucking lame. Has Plebcomics ever made anything remotely cool or original or has it always been this same shit?
Her art is really good. Now I wish she made her own original thing. Hopefully she's working on it and not only doing this.
Remotely cool, debatable. Original, she does plenty. Do you not have access to twitter or something?
This is like those Doug Walker skits where he makes the actors dress up as the caricature of some random movie director he doesn't know so he can depict him as a loon and impart his great wisdom on him.
I don't think she's working on anything.
Owlsistas... how do we cope with this one?!1?
This is true, but the fact that a woman wrote makes it come off as cringe and spiteful.
didn't cancelation happen before she started publicly shitting on Disney ?
>a literally who complaining about a showrunner whos show lives rent free in the minds of politicians, disney execs, and retards on this site
>all over two dykes
owlchads... we cant stop winning!
>preteen lesbians
Wait, that isn't what Yea Forums want?
>Middle school during the Bush years
Damn, what was that like?
I wish Pleb could get out of her funk and draw regularly again, I miss her stuff.
Plebcomics is one of those things that could’ve gone somewhere of the creator was interested in doing anything more than just scrapping with the far left. We lost the war with tumblr years ago because people like Pleb didn’t know how to consolidate their ideas and get them into the wider mainstream consciousness. Her stuff would’ve helped counter the narrative that all sjw activists were noble seekers of equality instead of seekers of attention.
No, a lot of her criticism of Disney was posted before her show officially stopped production. And of course she would retweet what Alex Hirsch would say about Disney as well.
>got cut short with all supplementary cancelled
unreal cope
I'm pretty sure anti-SJWism was already pretty popular and mainstream by the mid 2010s though.
>popular and mainstream by the mid 2010s
LOL what, it's only getting popular now
>makes literally everyone on all sides seethe
How does she do it
Plebcomics is a cartoonist.
Dana Terrace is a cartoonist.
Dana Terrace has worked on Gravity Falls, DuckTales, The Mitchells vs. the Machines, and other projects, and got her own show, The Owl House, which lasted two seasons.
Here Plebcomics (who has worked on no shows or movies), is making fun of Dana Terrace for not being a more successful cartoonist. This is similar to watching Dobson complain about artists that do not know how to make it in the industry. It's funny.
This, I love how we hate Dobson yet here is half of the thread simping for pleb
Lots of Fallout boy if I remember right
Plebcomics be like “I don’t actually hate gay people or there art, I support freedom of speech” and then makes this
>This is similar to watching Dobson complain about artists that do not know how to make it in the industry.
There's a lot more to why people rip on Dobson than just him criticizing industry pros
Yes, but it’s not a substitute for a good show.
Pen15 basically gets it.
This is just a shitty Luke Webber thread in disguise
It's hardly seething when it's poking fun at her show getting canceled. Personally, I'm salty about TOH having so much potential as a concept, but devolving into a gay sitcom with some vague plotline that makes S1 of SU look coherent. She could've done so much more from the start, but she didn't.
True, but watching an absolute failure try to lecture more successful people in how they should do things is definitely part of the fun.
You know, I was just thinking about how this felt like a Luke thread. Although I guess even Luke's more successful than plebcomics. Possibly happier too, going by
This, it's one thing to dunk on the dregs of tumblr but this shit is sad. It's obvious projection in this context too
>is making fun of Dana Terrace for not being a more successful cartoonist
I'm pretty sure they're making fun of Dana Terrace for not being a better cartoonist and fucking up a show that had great potential. No one should be immune from criticism, and no one's punching down here either.
>No one should be immune from criticism
What’s the criticism other than “lesbians bad”
Not exactly surprising though. She always came off as a "but I reserve the right to say that having gay characters ruins a thing by going full-SJW" sort.
>no one should be immune from criticism
Certainly not the cartoonist that's literally doing a "I'm coolly-collected, smart, and stable while the other girl is ranting and unstable" comic.
>no one's punching down
Nobody said there was any punching down.
Lol shut the fuck up retard.
The joke here is not "lesbians bad", it's "adding lesbians to your poor-perfomring show is not going to save it, better stories will".
>Certainly not the cartoonist that's literally doing a "I'm coolly-collected, smart, and stable while the other girl is ranting and unstable" comic.
It's the oldest joke in the book, it always works, like it or not.
>it always works
If I post any left wing comic that also dose it, I would rightfully get shit on it
>it always works
Yeah, no.
>in the minds of politicians, disney execs
No one from that group gives a shit about Owl House, the only people who care are 4channers and Twitter (which are frankly the same people these days.)
Reminder that every plebcomics strip is just pic related.
No, sticking to a shitty tired formula doesn't make your comic good. She tried to be topical with something that's already been discussed to death, adding nothing of her own except an art style that hasn't progressed in years. Frankly this comic wouldn't have gotten any attention whatsoever if she'd made the same observations in a text post, without drawing some wacky faces.
And it would still work. Just like any shitty wojak post works. Like I said, you don't have to like it, but it gets the job done. Always did, always will, it's the essence of parody.
>Frankly this comic wouldn't have gotten any attention whatsoever if she'd made the same observations in a text post, without drawing some wacky faces
Almost as if that's the whole point. You can say the same thing about any political cartoon.
god dammit, i was hoping for a site that didn't have utter shit organization
And the only times her art has ever gotten attention on the platform is when she goes "this show is for SJWs and it sucks."
It's a cry for help.
Didn’t she got doxxed or something on her heights on tumblr
>being a spiteful little bitch makes you miserable when there no outrage culture war to circlejerk about
Tumblr girls doxx each other?
She's one of those weird people that base their whole personality on going "I'm not like those weird people that base their whole personality on being a SJW!"
tumblr was full of them
they almost made a girl kill herself because of SU fanart
Luke has created a LOT of things. Some of them are shitty, don't get me wrong, but as much as he's self-sabotaged his own career, he's tried to create things and tell stories. Bikini Cowboy, Dungeon Crawlers, Forsaken God... As near as anyone can tell, plebcomics hasn't tried to make anything of her own. She seems pretty unhappy, which isn't surprising because literally the only time her work gets attention is when she's trying to tear down other artists' work. That's gotta be poison for her self esteem.
For her own sake she needs to make some stupid fun comics about shit she LIKES, not just going on about how much she dislikes things, or "my daily life sucks" diary comic shit.
Except the show's ratings shot up when the lesbians were added (especially compared to Amphibia which is still meandering), and the story keeps getting exponentially better with every episode
Lesbian shit is just for cuckholds in denial
Abolish porn Stay true 2 god