Evola will go down as the most important thinker of the 20th century

Evola will go down as the most important thinker of the 20th century
More and more people are starting to discover him

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guenons better desu

This, even if you don't accept the practical side of his writing (e.g. getting initiated, joining up with a tradition etc), the metaphysical and symbolic side of his work is mindblowing

...no. It's going to be either Heidegger or Spengler. Maybe Halford Mackinder since his concept of the Eurasian Heartland as the geographic center of global politics (published 1904, so technically 20th century) basically influenced all geopolitical thinking in the 20th century from Haushofer to Kissinger to Dugin. It's also the only real explanation for the United States and England fucking around in places like Iran and Afghanistan. Read "Geographic Pivot of History." It's short, simple, and explains everything that doesn't make sense in modern geopolitics because it is the reason for those things that don't make sense.

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>anime fag
>making an actually interesting post
th-thanks, screencapped for later



>Reinhard May refers to Chang Chung-Yuan who stated "Heidegger is the only Western Philosopher who not only intellectually understands Tao, but has intuitively experienced the essence of it as well."[99] May sees great influence of Taoism and Japanese scholars in Heidegger's work, although this influence is not acknowledged by the author. He asserts: "The investigation concludes that Heidegger’s work was significantly influenced by East Asian sources. It can be shown, moreover, that in particular instances Heidegger even appropriated wholesale and almost verbatim major ideas from the German translations of Daoist and Zen Buddhist classics. This clandestine textual appropriation of non-Western spirituality, the extent of which has gone undiscovered for so long, seems quite unparalleled, with far-reaching implications for our future interpretation of Heidegger’s work."[100]

Guenon would've had a field day making fun of him

Evolas work is mostly a commentary and expansion on guenon


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It's not a competition, bro. You are allowed to think more than one person is interesting and important. I enjoy Freud as well as Guenon and Evola

Freud is burning in hell where he belongs

>Evola will go down as the most important thinker of the 20th century
>Most important
>What is a superlative
I dont even read freud or particularly like him. I dont even think there could be a most important thinker but insofar as we assume there could be he would be it


There is no hell you hot religious peice of ass. And if there is we're in it right now.

Evola covers a wider range of subjects and in much deeper detail


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Yeah, im not the OP, though so I don't care who wins the "most important person " competition. But if I were pressed to give an answer, I think in the long term Guenon will prove more important even if at the moment he's comparatively neglected.

>"Decline of the West" by Spengler
>"Man and Technics" by Spengler
>"Geographic Pivot of History" by Mackinder
>"Sickness unto Death" by Kierkegaard
>"Forest Passage" by Ernst Jünger
>"Snow Country" by Yasunari Kawabata
>KJV New Testament
>three Pure Land sutras (Infinite Life, Amitabha, and Amitayurdhyana)
I'm trying to get into the Kyogyoshinsho right now, and then I want to find an English translation of the so-called "Jesus Sutras" they found in what is now northwest Gansu Province of PRC. Translations are expensive and hard to track down, and the original texts are supposedly safely housed in Japan and France.

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I love Junger but his writing can be really boring when its not a memoir
I read On Pain and The Worker and damn that was a slog
I admire the fuck out of him though, a true hero


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A pseudo-Islamic Freemason who ripped his thinking from various Hindu texts and swapped the aesthetics around has no place criticizing a man for taking cues from eastern religions.
Talk about overcompensating...

>A pseudo-Islamic Freemason who ripped his thinking
Guenon didn't rip his thinking, he cites in his books almost all the eastern thinkers and texts that the major ideas in his works come from, often quoting the exact passage. There is a huge gulf between that and straight up taking passages from eastern works and then dishonestly presenting them as your own thought which is what Heidegger did. I love how you said it was Guenon who was "ripping" and that Heideggar just "took cues", that's the exact opposite of what happened, it's like you decided the best defense was to just go full-retard.

from various Hindu texts and swapped the aesthetics around has no place criticizing a man for taking cues from eastern religions.

He's less drab in German. Spengler is the same way, although my German isn't good enough to read "Decline" untranslated.
Who do you prefer?

You're both retards.

takes one to know one

Good thread.

What the hell was wrong with freud? Dont greentext me, be specific so I can listen to you.

thanks, but I'm not OP

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Ok he talks a lot about what he dislikes about psychoanalysis, but he doesnt refute anything, much like a typical Yea Forums post.

Is it just because psychoanalysis calls for a perspective on people that doesn't invoke god in some way? PS I'm not an atheist so dont spaz on me.

heh, i made that meme

How does rationalism correspond with a lessening of intellectuality?

I have Revolt of the Masses by Ortega y Gasset on my reading list. Apparently he was influenced by Spengler. just mentioning it in case you haven't heard of it.

>The philosophy version of WE WUZ KANGS

Kripke or Russell are some of the most important thinkers of the 20th century

Literally whomst?

Evola and Deleuze.

I can see how you might actually half believe this if you live in a weird reactionary bubble on the internet but you can't seriously believe that Evola is becoming popular with the man on the street.


I obviously disagree with the idea that Evola will ever be considered the most significant 20th century thinker but he is certainly getting more popular. I have seen at least one of his books in stock at both of the major independent bookstores in my city in the last two years after never having seen a physical copy of one before.

what philosophers are 'popular on the street' other than Plato, Aristotle and Socrates? I can think of French existentialists like Camus and some may be name famous like Nietzsche or Kant. Evola's metaphysics will have an affect on metamodernity. He's not who you think he is because of a terribly written wikipedia article and bad memes from reactionaries who have never read him.

Well I have read him and I stand by what I say.

Spengler will not be forgotten, but I doubt he will be greatly justified either. Call it "Psychohistory, call it "Cliology", or something else, but the allure of developing a science of history is perennial and, often, intimately linked to the even more seductive desire for eschatology. No doubt there will be someone group of people at some point this century who resurrect the dream of being able to predict the course of civilisation, and with easy access to big data on all manner of minutia they might even get close.

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What the fuck does this have to do with Freud

No doubt haunting the caverns of the abyss of his own accord after God asked him if he truly believed half the tripe he wrote about mothers' anuses and such.

For the average person Spengler doesn't matter. His conclusion is purely philosophical, that we should accept the natural course of history, completely free of ideology. But most people have an idea of how they think the world should work, and very, very few know how the world actually works. Spengler won't be forgotten but he will never be relevant either. He wrote that after the year 2200, after Western culture has petrified into its final form, no human will be able to understand his work. We can see the beginnings of this already, as the public penchant for true philosophy has been dead for a while.

de-lusional, op

>United States and England fucking around in places like Iran and Afghanistan.

why ?

>Evola's metaphysics will have an affect on metamodernity


Britain and the US are unironically dumb for believing this theory if they really believe it, as they managed to drive Russia and China together through it. Furthermore there's nothing IN Central Asia except churkas. American activities in the ME are mostly done for the sake of Israel.


through magic