Why is it so fucking good?

Why is it so fucking good?

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it's not but you either worship ryan gosling or waifu'd emma and that skews your opinion

My wife and I enjoyed it. I’ll let her know you liked it to user.

Umbrellas of Cherbourg is superior

Literally the only bad scene in this movie is the gay ass intro

Wasn't this one of those flicks that won best picture and was then instantly forgotten? Oh right, it didn't even attain that distinction on account of woke culture.


Brainlet /pol/ retards would seriously have to jump some hurdles to think of this movie as "woke" or sjw shit

It would have been 10/10 /our film/ tier if they actually stuck with the musical element through the whole flick


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This movie tried so fucking hard to pander to the old Beverly Hills jews who vote on the Oscars it's not even funny

Learn to read

>it has a woman in it so it's sjw dogshit

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Isn’t that once upon a time in Hollywood?

The lack of musical numbers tied into the movie. When their relationship was blooming and thriving there was constant musical numbers but when things were turning sour it got quiet

I like that concept but it feels like the jews who produced it were just too scared to make a proper musical

If I watch this movie with my lady friend will I get laid?

>Liberal can't read
nothing new here

Imagine being Jay Bauman

La La Land
>choreographed singing, dancing
>abstract parts like them suddenly watching themselves in home movies because they locked eyes
>genuine chemistry between the actors
>subtle humor
>character arcs

Jay: If there's anything Hollywood likes, it's movies that suck Hollywood's dick!

Pink Flamingos
>fat guy in drag eats actual dog shit
>two people have sex and crush a chicken to death between them in the process

Jay: Wow, this is a masterpiece!

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>this reading comprehension
Do you just skim a post for buzzwords and immediately seethe out a reply if you spot one?

>Why is it so fucking good?
It doesn't try to make fun of his own characters. It's a geniune story.

I fucking hate Jay.

apparently goose only does kino
but i prefer his role in holding three cokes

the ending where they both consider what could have been and how their paths diverged gets me. Think about shit like that way, way too often

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