Any Ivy League fags here?

It seems like most Yea Forums posters have the intellectual aptitude required to attend Ivy League schools (and their academic peers), so how many of you actually are?

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I dropped out of Harvard because it's an indoctrination center

I do

can't be as bad as Columbia

I'm in UCSD, which is basically the west coast equivalent of an Ivy League. do I count?

UC SAN DIEGO of all places
>west coast ivy league
You have to be joking, right user?

nice bait.
jewpenn here

What's Columbia like? Does basically everyone around spout the same opinions and ideas?

t. SDSU, UCSB, or UC Merced

You could've at least LARPed Stanford

I'm too much of a brainlet since I don't have the self control to study enough and go beyond my limits. I'm studying Electrical Engineering and Philosophy at a decent Uni, so I wouldn't consider myself the biggest brainlet, but I could be better instead of mediocre.

>the Ivy League for poor people and Tumblr users
no thanks, at least the feminists at UCSD are sane

get out of my thread

I hope to transfer but I doubt it'll happen. It sucks that I only stopped my inert period when high school was pretty much over.
At least I could hope to get into a good grad school, I think I am driven enough to do so.

Was at Princeton for a couple years but it’s a bunch of busywork and propaganda and I thought I’d learn more on my own so I dropped out and started my own business

College is a meme

I've developed a strong resentment towards anyone who's been academically successful due too my own educational failure. I hope one day that anyone who has attended one of these schools (and a few others) is taxed into poverty.

Most Yea Forums posters are Asians and non-jewish whites, which aren't allowed there.

Fuck that, PJ's Pancake House is a god-tier hangout spot.

Cornell reporting in

Would rec. I really enjoyed my time there.

that was so clearly a joke


>I'm in UCSD
cool i just graduated from there.
Warren Math-CS.

rip, none of my friends in the department are at all satisfied with how it's run, I hope you got what you wanted out of it
Revelle Biochem/Chem

Cornell grad but I studied STEM.

Princeton also has a very nice art museum

This post is so clearly a joke too right? You don't really think SUNY Ithaca is an Ivy do you user?

>let's see what lit is up to
>oh shit another bragging thread

Threads like this let me vent about the insecurities I have regarding my poor education, so I;m always excited to see them pop up.

Any one at UPenn? Applying there for grad school there this fall

My gf’s dad went there and hated it

haha good one

community college of the ivies am i right

>I hope you got what you wanted out of it
a job, and yea it worked out alright i suppose. would have loved to switch into some humanities degree, but honestly it isn't worth it at ucsd. we are not good at the humanities at all.

>tfw rejected from every Ivy League English PhD program
>tfw I have no face

Not gay or oppressed enough.

agreed on our humanities, the Revelle GE's are literally just Start With The Greeks And Maybe Also The Romans 101
what a meme. if you aren't accepted, you aren't qualified. if there's such an academic stigma against straight cis white men, then how did I get accepted by UCSD and SDSU?

Aren't these a joke for art? You go to these schools if you want connections or academia. If you want to actually write you most certainly don't need them (at lesst if you want to succeed by your own).

FR. Imagine being such a little bitch that it impossible for you to suck it up and work a little harder than black people and women normally do.

>. if you aren't accepted, you aren't qualified.
This is simply not true. Any decent program runs acceptance rates of under 10%, 10% max. Plenty of qualified people dont get in. It's a complete crapshoot- I got accepted into a top 20 program and got rejected from multiple top 50 programs

I actually cannot tell if you are serious about UCSD/SDSU being good schools or if you're just joking.

Also PhD programs in the humanities tend to have hundreds of well qualified applicants for only a handful of spots. Admission is based on "fit" more than anything (which profs are looking for grad students and whether they happened to be excited about your work). With that said, being black or trans or something is a huge huge help, as they will often either overlook lack of fit or overlook subpar qualifications for these applicants. Just being a gay white dude or a woman or Asian doesn't really help at all though.

I got into Cornell. Then I remembered that spending $240,000 on undergrad is retarded and went to MSU on a full ride instead.

Ivy Leagues are designed to keep the proletariat uneducated. You could get a PhD in English literature at a community college if the bourgeoisie were willing to allow qualified staff to work at such institutions.

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what the fuck is with the Jew stuff on the yale shield?


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>I'm qualified, so let me in over these thousands of equally qualified people!
do you know how many people have the qualifications necessary for college? it's a negative curve; 95% isn't an A, it's a B+
>I actually cannot tell if you are serious about UCSD/SDSU being good schools
that was not even remotely the point. the point was that a straight cis white man was accepted by two HEAVILY IMPACTED schools in Southern California, the place where you'd find higher preference for LGBT and non-whites

*where you'd allegedly... non-whites if you believed this sort of thing

My counselor sent out applications for me to Columbia and MIT and I got accepted to both for computer science but I really just want a minimal knowledge in computer science and a self study in literature so I turned them down and went to a state uni. Wouldn't have been able to afford them anyways I'm not proactive enough to get scholarships

>anecdotal evidence
no one cares, you spastic

>my anecdotal evidence (i.e. that and other anons were somehow oppressed) is more important than yours

>McGill is not included
fake and gay

I've found that when having conversations with people there's a good amount of ideological diversity.

The problem is that some of the most vocal people on campus tend to be from the radical sjw wing (POC women in particular), and it's potentially problematic to disagree with them. However a lot of people I know (leftists included) find their antics to be pretty irritating. My hope is that this particular wave of campus activism will die out soon but that's probably naive.

Graduated from Penn

Not ivy league but in the top ranked PhD program in my field, we even hired a tenured Harvard prof a few years ago. It's a STEM field though. And everyone in the program (that I know) either had an ivy league/stanford/MIT etc... undergrad or went to a SLAC.

My girlfriend goes to UChicago and will make much more money than me (will probably break up with her), and I go to retard university with a 2.6 GPA :)

did you expect to accepted to both? what were your credentials like?

University of Chicago checking in.

do you know Richard Spencer?

>chicago isnt an ivy league but is better than most of the schools there

Lol I know a lot of people who are in the MA program from which he got his degree. It's not a very impressive program--basically paying top dollar to do two years of advanced undergrad work at Chicago.

Is it true UChicago is more like University of Suicide?

That's really funny to hear

what year is she and where do you go
autistic grad student?

He went to UVA though, so I'm not sure why he even needed it. Most people doing it went to way worse undergrad than him. Also apparently Robert Pippin (big Chicago phil prof) didn't find him very interesting.

We work hard. I like my work, but tons of people hate it. If I majored in Econ or something I'm sure I'd despise it too.

She's a Sophomore and I go to Fordham

Do she like the Regenstein library.

That's bizarre lol. What program was it? IDK much about Spencer aside from a few of his podcasts I've listened to and I don't find him that offensive, but I think he's vacuous

Funny you said that.
Grad Econometrics and Statistics student at UChicago here

I have no idea

you should fucc in the stacc
isnt sanderson based as fuck

Masters in the Humanities. It's pretty basic. I've only really ever met one person in it that I thought was above average. The difference between them, advanced undergrads, and Phd students is crazy--latter two are way more impressive.

Sanderson is a blowhard.

Do you not visit her while she's at school?

She just transferred this year from NYU, so no. We also just got back together in December so I didn't go in the Fall. I'll visit her this summer though.

What's advanced undergrads?

Lol well, Regenstein stacks are a blessed study place.

Third years in the spring and fourth years. When you start doing more advanced academic work on your thesis basically.

Lol I'll text her that user told me we should fuck there

I said study not fuck you absolute barbarian. Please do not destroy the stacks' quiet.

god damnit

nabokov and pynchon went here

stop making me feel so bad

stop bullying me

also levitt is a jackass

i said to fuck,also only cave trolls and goblins study in the stacks
normies use A level and ground floor
good students floors 2-4

A level is for plebs.

An indoctrination center for what? The future elite of America?

class of '12 here. Have fucked on the second floor in that nook.

The real move would be fucking in the Oriental Institute reading room.

To serve the elite of America. A lot of people there are almost robotic. It's hard to describe.

imagine fucking on the eighth floor of Geisel Library in the quiet zone

especially if its an asian qt

Anyone go to Berkeley? How is the Philosophy department?

That really would be but it feels so exposed. Also the fifth floor has more autists.

I suppose on Mansueto is the real apotheosis.

fifth floor is peak autism
pretty much the entire school outside of the coffee shops and normie reg levels

Fifth floor stacks was my place all four years.

Cobb cafe is awful. Grounds of Being is blessed.

>Yale has fucking Hebrew in its coat of arms
haha holy shit

Chicago alumn here. Fourth floor stacks are where it’s at.

To be honest, getting a little insecure that HPS have better networks and chances to make big bucks, but I can’t imagine trading my education for being ahead on the hamster wheel.

on the checkout desk

Why are there so many Chicago people on Yea Forums?

>Yale has really cool looking letters from another language in their coat of arms to increase the æsthetic
I concur, such a conundrum if I do say so myself

Wow, an user is from harvard? how it was? like, from the inside, are you rich user? what do you mean by indoctrination? can you elaborate please?

I got into Princeton lol

I'm at Duke, can I stay? Didn't apply to an Ivy, maybe I should have.

Duke is a school I'd consider pseudo-Ivy, along with Vanderbuilt. you'll be fine

See my other post. It really isn't anything special other than some of the faculty. Some people there were fine, but there really was a large class of people (a lot from Asia), who don't seem quite human in my eyes. Overall, the whole thing didn't agree with me and I was unhappy as a result.

*Vanderbilt, why can't I spell anything correctly on the first try

based and redpilled

I dropped out of uchicago and now I go to community college. At least I'm happier.

t. jew

At a Pseudo-Ivy (Carnegie Mellon) for grad school. Thinking about applying to Stanford or Harvard for a PhD in Computer Science or Philosophy


Northwestern here. It's okay.

>but there really was a large class of people (a lot from Asia), who don't seem quite human in my eyes.
people are pretty ghettoized anyway, and they are essentially invisible. you are just posing. asians cant get in anyway my fellow jew

Does it count if I’m at prestigious conservatory? I wouldn’t want to study music at any Ivy League school

if your only argument is Jewdidit, then your argument is pretty weak
>philosophy PhD
but why?

How many people are actually there on merit? Did you engage in any decent conversations?

>yeah right Ivy League students on lit


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I'm not in tears rn but I go to bottom of the list, shitty state school and its soul crushing knowing I could have done better. Bloomsburg (boozeburg) checking in

Nobody cares except you

Cause thats where the name for phd comes from so i think i outta take the thing where the thing comes from

Went to state uni majoring in philosophy and math, haven't met any literate people here

College is a meme, all that
>you go to bounce ideas off others and have critical discussion with professors
is retarded, just open a book and read or do the problems if you're in STEM and do research on line. das it mayne. I've learned more on my own than in a shitty classroom.

Are you implying people get into Harvard without hard work?

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I know the feel. I actually went to community college for my first year and a half, had 2 spectacular professors that were great. Transferred to full uni, haven't had a single intellectual type professor since. None of my peers actually read, obviously. College is for awkward ping pong and smash bros tournaments.

Coasting through public school with A's, retaking the ACT/SAT a few times to get a high score, writing some sappy papers and getting them proofread by your teacher, plus mentioning a bunch of volunteer work you half-ass'd, why not?

Not even that is necessary, user. You can just be born the president's ballsack and you can get in.

>It seems like most Yea Forums posters have the intellectual aptitude required to attend Ivy League schools
I know a kid from Brown that graduated summa cum with an english degree never having read a single assigned book. The bar for ivy league is a bar that seems unattainably high but is moreso a combination of inherited factors over intelligence. When I meet people that are impressed by an ivy league, it moreso says that they grew up in a middle/lower class school district than it being a comment on that person's merit. Harvard/Stanford/MIT are the only schools I would reasonably conjecture that anyone that goes there is definitely intelligent - the rest of the ivy leagues/prestigious schools are just for show. Unfortunately, Stanford kids are all starry-eyed whelps, Harvard are all over-socialized, and MIT kids are anti-philosophical and overly STEM focused. Every school seems to attract and or produce a certain pathology of intelligence. That being said, I only really respect IIT Indias, U Beijing, U Paris, Bologna just for Eco, Zürich, Heidelberg, Amherst, and Williams College. The rest, I'm highly sceptical of their ability to reliably filter for intelligence.

That being said, I went to a B10 degree factory and hated it, but even ivy league doesn't really encourage intellectual pursuits so much as provides a place to ensure the wealthy have a place to make sure their kids stay wealthy.

have you ever met anyone at harvard lol

Twas merely a jest

I'm considering applying for a doctorate at Oxford, I believe I have decent chances of getting in. I just don't like the fact I'd have to move countries for 3 years and leave my life here behind. Is an Oxford doctorate really worth that much more as compared to a "regular" doctorate?

Brown is a joke for a reason

Brown doesn’t give summa

I’m thinking of going to St. John’s or Johns Hopkins for a MA in humanities, but part of me thinks it might be a waste of time. I was depressed for most of my time at uni and graduated with a 3.2 in history from UF. I can’t do much with that, so now I’m joining the Navy but can’t help but regret not double majoring in philosophy or econ at the time. Anyone have any thoughts on this?

No it’s your choice not /lit’s