I love the fact Slade wore a full face mask that looked like him without the beard.
Ayden Davis
What a hideous page. I’m not new that generally cares about backgrounds but these are the first panels of the issue for many characters they need to have backgrounds. The layout would have benefited from a gutters too.
Jacob Garcia
I mean he created him he can write him however he wants. The character just sucks and doesn’t need to exist
Julian Evans
These are genuinely awful comics. Williamson really shit the bed
Lincoln Cooper
Jeremiah Barnes
Aw man, will they also reveal that this is not prometheus, but a side kick who took his place???
And that was the regularly scheduled mocking of cry for justice.
Isaiah Carter
Adam Stewart
Thanks for storytiming. Shadow War’s been a lot of fun so far.
Carson Lopez
Raptor? Death Tournament? Ghost-Maker? Shadow Moses? Psycho-Mantis?
Jesus, did Batman have a fucking (death) stroke this issue?
James Allen
Yeah, why does this character exist? I hate this plotline. It's so unnecessary. I want Slade far away from Damian and Talia.
Sebastian Morgan
That's...underwhelming. I miss Tomasi and Gleason writing them. This feels rushed, lazy and dumb.
Hudson Davis
Slade has peak sexual predator energy here. Oh well, it's his son, he knew what was going to happen...
Ryan Ross
I'm happy Bruce and Damian are repairing their relationship