Just picked these up at a car boot sale for 10 quid. Thoughts?

Just picked these up at a car boot sale for 10 quid. Thoughts?

Attached: B52ADCD1-564F-4070-BB0B-877EF801809D.jpg (1572x2046, 756K)

They're kinda cool but why would you waste your time reading them?

Why not? The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali are very interesting even if the commentary is a bit skewed

>alice bailey
creepy spinster new age quack, also extremely shady character

>extremely shady character

Hahahahaha, imagine the retarded look on OPs face now

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Absolute dust collectors

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Idk maybe the yoga/meditation is legit but the magic stuff. It's not like you're going to shoot lightning out of you hands or heal cancer after spending a few months going through those books.

look up krishnamurti. she hatched a plan to raise this random indian kid and convince the world he was the messiah, but he skipped from the program and ended up becoming one of the most iconoclastic and anti hierarchy thinkers ever.

more like a money grab, scammer preying on naivety of gullible person, like OP

>old boomer-tier translations by translators with no knowledge of the doctrines beyond the linguistic element in its most profane form
Wow I sure am jealous!


They're weird Theosophy books written in English by an American lady who legit believed the shit Blavatsky was peddling...

thats a really cool haul, to be honest. it's awesome that it's like the entire works of this niche occultist. i'm sure they are worth some money too, since they are most likely early editions. very cool. as to their content... well... if you're into the occult, you should really dig them. it's the kind of stuff you'd see at nicer/stylish sorts of antique shops and people DO buy these books for probably 20-50 dollars a piece if they are sort of sold in the right atmosphere.

Books are free at the library.

I tear pages out of library books just out of spite

jealous of the patanjali, looks nice. Never heard of Alice A Bailey, seems interesting

> quid
> shilling
> guinea
> pound
> pence
> crown
why is english currency like this? i feel retarded reading about monetary transactions

you should see how they tell the time

looked it up, seems okay or i'm missing something
most older russians would read "4.25" as "25 minutes of fifth [hour]" and it fucking infuriates me, how can such a language be that retarded in timetelling

Makes sense. 17XX would be the 18th century.

yes, but it's stupid to use this sistem to tell the time imo. "25 past 4" or "four-twentyfive" is much better imo.

Why? Seems like they're both two ways of telling time, neither better than the other.


How is that wrong?

Brazilians read like that too: quatro (4) e vinte e cinco (25).

That is the most perfect system. First you tell the number of hours. Then you tell the number of minutes.

No wonder you're a brazilian, you can't even read english. Fuck off back to your shit chan if you monkeys even have one.

>they don't know about the bongs

Not him, but it's simple:

25 past 4 starts with the number of minutes, which makes for a more ambiguous phrase. It's like saying: ''He went to the house, the man'' or ''It was done to him a bad thing''.

Meanwhile, 4 and 25 is a lot more direct, since it starts with the most important part, which is the number of hours. It's like saying ''The man went to the house'' and ''A bad thing was done to him''.

Listen, you brazilian, two things: stop spacing your lines like a retard, and reread the posts you're replying to. You've completely missed the point.

Sorry, I actually thought I had read an ''in'' before your ''as''.

Regardless, I can read much better English than you can and probably have a higher IQ too.

I bet you also have thin eyebrows, a descending brow, a circular jaw, thin old-man lips, a fat nose, a large space between the eyebrows and the eyes, and very thin hair which will eventually disappear. You and the rest of your filthy Slavic race.

Attached: quote-if-i-was-a-woman-in-russia-i-would-be-a-lesbian-as-the-men-are-very-ugly-there-are-a-karl-lage (850x400, 77K)

Post your nose, lips, and jaws, Slav niggers. With a fucking timestamp.

And you, Russian monkey, post your free speech laws. I wanna take a good look at them. Nigger.

>everyone having a perfectly good discussion about anglo and ruskie time-telling
>hue monkey bursts in and starts talking in his broken english after completely misinterpreting the discussion topic
Why do this monkeys not use their own websites?

this is all because newfags didn't pick up on the meme reference I made here and thought i was being literal smdh

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Come on, you can see perfectly well that it was the Russian who first called me a monkey after I misread a section of his post. How do you think it feels getting called a monkey whenever you post anything at the internet?

'Monkey' is supposed to be an insult to the average physical characteristics of a Brazilian (which, by the way, do not apply to me).

Well then, let us see the physical characteristics of the Slav. Why is the Russian guy SO LAUGHABLY AFRAID to post his own picture? I didn't even ask for the whole face! Is he afraid that he might look like...


my last post was fren
only a muttmerican can call someone a monkey unironically

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-29-10-38-03-278_com.android.chrome.png (720x1280, 193K)

Sorry, then.

Americans look worse than Slavs, anyway.

Making this post at four bongs and sevenqueen bings

There are bitter weeds in England.


She was a Theosophist. Had some very queer views. A lot of New Age spiritual quackery comes from here. I'm sure she's probably butchered the translation of the Yoga Sutras and included lots of garbage commentary which obfuscates their true meaning.

Interesting. I'll keep that in mind.

my thoughts are why

>A treatise on cosmic fire


How I learned to love American Shiva in hiroshime and nagasaki and eradicate the japanese race.

Seriously man.

Also pumping the atmosphere full of carbon is okay because it is the macro expression of our inner alchemy lmao

literal autism