what the FUCK was this faggots problem?
What the FUCK was this faggots problem?
Bourdain was based moron
I miss Parts Unknown bros
I miss No Reservations
He put his dick in crazy.
SPBP. He got mixed up with a crazy cunt while having a background of having issues himself already. Not a great mix. I thought he was a faggot for going out like he did but No Reservations was good and i'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it.
Being a Jew
Bourdain was based as fuck and you’re the true faggot.
he was dorky lanklet whose entire spiel was going to hipster restaurants and the complaining about their being hipsters there
>Muh tattoos, I'm a hard guy
>Have the best job in the world. Travel and eat food
>Still kill yourself
He was killed retards
He was very anti-hipster but the new ‘hipster’ crowd did ruin the restaurants he highlighted.
By who? Why would they cover up a travel host getting killed?
Yeah a simple travel host who could ever
Well, why would he be killed?
Good question. I wonder...
His was a genocidal white hating jew who hopefully was miserable in his last moments
He had a cool island those kids must have had some fun ngl
I've been slowly watching all of No Reservations for the first time over the past year and it's really ridiculous to watch how he changes from the beginning of A Cook's Tour to No Reservations to the end of Parts Unknown
He talks about killing himself so frequently that nobody should have been surprised when it actually happened.
Wrong guy buddy
The wages of sin are death. Married a roastie that left him for a gym trainer with a fraction of his net worth. Unironic glow-in-the-dark CIA mockingbird media asset, like a straight jewy Anderson Cooper. Get caught up with a the Euro-Hollyweird crowd in Asia Argento and be found in a hotel room, Carradine'd with the ubiquitous 'red towel'. All while being an insufferable hive city hedonist bugman New Yorker waxing moralist (or white-passing apologetic) every fucking episode.
All those words yet you managed to say effectively nothing.
I like your energy but Bourdain was absolutely the type to kill himself over some pussy, it's not too unbelievable
I'd be interested to know more about David Carradine's death, always thought that had an air of mystery to it
Just trying to get a discussion going. Fuck this stupid ass board.
>it's really ridiculous to watch how he changes from the beginning of A Cook's Tour to No Reservations to the end of Parts Unknown
That's prob when he met that crazy cunt, user. I've had a few friends go 180 after they met one.
Eh, he hated white people so whatever.
Mixed emotions for me. I really liked all his shows. But IRL him was a shitty self loathing libcuck that was with an evil chick.
obviously to be a body double for epstein, died same way, and where was he when he died? italy home of you guess it pizza!. its all connected.
i was wondering when the schizoids would tout this one out. taken longer than i thought. hell you could even tie his actress gf=hollywood
holy buzzwords batman
Why was this so triggering?
It's just amicable, inoffensive banter.
The other guy brought it up, what's he supposed to do, sperg out?
On the other hand you have his episodes where he goes into rural southern communities, or explorers white european tradition, scandinavian tradition, and praises the culture and gets along with white people there as well. He was a cultural egalitarian.
This idea that he's 'anti-white' is utterly absurd.
Infant genital mutilation trauma
Don't a lot of people say this guy was an insufferable cunt irl?
>Free Evening
>Plate of pizza and beer
>Comfy sofa
>Bourdain' No Reservations on TV
Fucking great. I miss this little nigga's show.
>White Man
>Tribal Tattoo
Cringey as fuck.
you didn't watch any of his shows
First of all
>muh cultural appropriation
Fuck off back to twitter
He was a white knuckle drug addict who got all involved with crazy fucking #metoo chicks out for blood. I miss the fuck out of him. And about 200 other people who died for opioids.
I miss this little nigga like you wouldn't believe
All jews look the same, or at least look like the same 3 people. You could post any random jew and ask ''what was his problem?'' and the thread would devolve into talking about Epstein.
Cucked to death by the eternal roast
reddit post you just made the thread worse
God I hate rambling wanna be intellectual pseudo-eccentric faggots like yourself. You're literally the biggest moralist of them all, the first sentence of your fucking post is drenched in it.
This post is you blowing yourself thinking you're oh so clever, you think you can take your surface level observations, buzzword the shit out of them and fuck your syntax to the brink of coherence and that somehow makes them complex and intelligent. Go fuck yourself you god damned phony.
very cringeworthy projection and blatant inferiority complex
do some pushups
rip epstien
a simp who killed himself over a roastie
>cringe worthy
Oh no I'm so hurt
You can't just make baseless assertions, it makes you look mad
Great show, used to watch it all the time. He was tweeting bad things about Weinstein (who has irl mossad connects confirmed) and Clinton then he died. Strange
Everything you wrote apply to your own post
keep replying emotionally because some user used words you don't like
jesus christ you stupid faggot get a grip
>"Stop replying emotionally you stupid faggot REEEE"
learn to recognize your own projection or at least practice masking it through language
Wanna know how I know you wrote the initial post
The human trafficking oligarchs of Hollywood ala Weinberg probably had some dirt on him
>killing yourself over a roastie
>based as fuck
Not to mention the "we need a world of coffee-colored people" conversation he had with that German faggot.
fuck wrong screenshot
bruh do you really expect me to believe some random user gives two fucks about your shitty post? fuck off already
you fuck off
go find another post you don't like and call it buzzwords
He also was an outspoken critic of Henry Kissinger. You do the math.
>It's just amicable, inoffensive banter.
>"Only once (race) is eliminated will there be world-peace!!!"
Yeah, no, if (race) were anyone except Whites this guy would have been cancelled and memory-holed instantly.
But since you're either brainwashed or a knowing shill you're unironically defending it.
Calm the fuck down dude.
>God I hate rambling wanna be intellectual pseudo-eccentric faggots like yourself.
And yet you're defending Bourdain of all people?
I liked Bourdain. His wife is a witch I think he got sacrificed.
>no argument
>replying anyway
It's just not that big of a deal.
Weinstein killed him you idiots
says who, you? kys
He was a massively unlikable faggot hipster
You guys sound like Henry Rollins fans, lol. Fucking retarded cunts
No, he died of an overdose like the little bitch addict he was. Why are you guys so supportive of someone that stood for everything that you aren't?
Depression, self hatred, ego problems, addiction, mental and physical weakness, cuckoldry, anti americanism, hipsterism, misandry, obsessed with "finding himself" I dont think there 3as a more unlikable piece of shit than Bourdain on TV.
Did he insult trumps or something? what the fuck is wrong with you, you fat yokel fucks?
I guess he should have had Some Reservations.
typical jewish neuroses
extremely textbook run of the mill juden
You sound EXACTLY like Bourdain did, retarded, aggressive, and phenomenally self righteous. He would have unironically hated you.
He hated western white people, and was a Jewish supremacist with a penchant for talking down to people, even the ones he had on his show. Its incredibly easy to hate someone like that.
Sounds like a bunch of made up bullshit. Who fed you that line, Cletus?
Have you ever watched any of his programs, why would you trust an international tourist who works for CNN? Jamal?
OK well thanks for your worthless opinion.
It's blatantly obvious you're trying to downplay Bourdain saying something racist and inflammatory because you agree with it.
>mmmm this is so good and authentic but im better than you because i choose to eat your cuisine instead of being forced to through poverty, ahh i feel so guilty about it though
the problem was he was a rich tourist asshole
I think it was the alcohol, he drank too much and some people get really sad on the come down
you know that white people literally do not matter right? everyone is waiting for them to die out and they will leave no mark on history when they're gone desu
Why do you need to trust him to watch his shows? Hating fat, retarded walmart dwellers like you isn't the same as hating white people.
post yfw you realized they used bourdains frozen corpse to smuggle out epstein
yeah, he was a shitty classist that had the same attitude you do. you're just as bad as the faggot nazi you're arguing with. i'm glad he's dead, i just wish more rich people and the people who idolize them would follow in his footsteps.
You do realize Bourdain would have hated you too, right Jamal? Hating useless, fatherless fucking niggers like you wouldn't be an issue for him.
>the alcohol come down
literally cucked to death lmfao
>faggot nazi
Kek, where did I imply any supremacy of whites? Try being less of a victim next time.
You somehow missed every shot in both of those comments. It's like you were vaguely told to hate this guy because he insulted daddy and just went with it. Fucking pathetic.
Time for your insulin shot, diabetes boy. I hope you have $500.
judging by the butthurt coming from both the racist and the classist i think i hit the nail on the head. enjoy your gulag.
Anthony Bourdain: Eliminating White People Is "The Only Solution"
Present an argument against this.
you're taking it out of context, that's my point.
Bourdain frequently bought attention and praise to white culture. Be it traditions in Scandinavia and Europe or new world poor whites in the South.
He celebrated that culture. He did not exclude it in the least, from his travels and love of the world.
But you hysterically want to 'cancel' him for one slight against white culture. Although the man spent his career supporting and celebrating it.
It's literally just banter. The man he's talking to prompts it, and Bourdain, being fully aware of white hegemony and dominance over the world, doesn't perceive what he might say, said in jest, to be of offense to anyone. He doesn't bring it up, and he does what he typically does which is talk on the level with someone.
I've seen the clip.
"I was joking when I said the only soloution to nazism is white poeple being so mixed no one is white"
Choke and stroke
Feed and seed
>you're taking it out of context
I love how this is ALWAYS the go-to line when a leftist gets caught admitting to their Nazi-level racism against whites, men, Christians, the West, etc.
>"Only when the white menace no longer exists will there be world peace!!!"
>"I-I-It's just b-banter, bro....."
Tried to hard to act like lou reed but he didn't play an instrument and wasn't in a band.
Personally, as someone of 100% white european ancestory, I would have no issue whatsoever with 'diluting my bloodline'.
The idea that 'racemixing' is an inherently evil thing, is white supremacist bigotry.
If you accept that, then what Bourdain is saying, is inoffensive, hyperbolic banter.
Traditional White and European culture has a LOT going for it. There are traditions, worth preserving. A highly significant part of those traditions, is food culture. And Bourdain, alongside celebrating the rest of the world's food culture, has celebrated white food culture. He has done an enormous amount for promoting and supporting white culture. Far, far more than you have ever done. And this sentiment, that white culture be 'destroyed' is entirely absent from his celebration of it. Because the clip you're upset by, is literally just isolated navalgazing banter, made by an affable man in the company of someone to whom it's appropriate.
not an argument
>The idea that 'racemixing' is an inherently evil thing, is white supremacist bigotry.
I never said that. I said bourdain is genocidal because he believes white people need a soloution which he does. And that soloution is no white poeple.
Nice strawman
I've told you, you've taken that out of context. It's hyperbolic banter. It's not literal. And i've explained to you why you can infer so.
Why would a man who believes white people need to be 'genocided', devote dozens of hours of television to promoting and supporting traditional white culture?
Why is there only 1 example of this sentiment from him?
Based reading comprehension retard
this shit is sad as hell. Give it up, youre simply wrong. Just deal with it m8.
Why are you so eager to demonize a man based on one thing he said?
>dozens of hours of TV that supports white culture
not an argument
>this thread
Yeah, /pol/ invasion isn't real. Suuuuure...
Why are you so eager to defend a man that would have hated you? Your own deep self hatred? Saying "nuh uh!" isnt an argument either, but you knew that already, lol.
Parts Unknown S03E04 in Lyon, France
Great episode. Huge celebration of western culture.
Or any of the other episodes where he visits a European country/ part of America etc etc
shut up idiot.
not an argument
Not an argument.
You've never even watched any of his shows, have you?
mindlessly repeating what someone else said in a hope to give them a taste of their own medicine does not make what you said an argument
I don't care, stop bring up /pol/.
Not an argument
This is our board.
mindlessly repeating what someone else said in hopes to give them a taste of their own medicine does not make what you said an argument
Because I really like his show and perspective and attitude towards food and cooking myself.
Now you answer my question.
And here's another. Do you think if you got followed around with cameras for a decade, talking to people, that you might say one single thing, which people could be offended by and that you don't literally mean?
But answer my fucking question. Why are you so eager to demonize him?
It's crazy how hard you defend s man that would have hated everything you are. It really is.
It's literally a primary source.
What kind of answer could I possibly give? Seriously his show is fucking great. Why don't you challenge your own ideas to see if they hold up.
Give him a chance.
>entire thread sperging out about jews despite anthony bourdain representing none of the stereotypes apart from one out of context clip
>"wtf stop bringing up /pol/"
When no one takes your ideology seriously, you have only yourselves to blame.
It's several people bro. Lots of people around the world loved Bourdain. He's given us a lot. I've loved watching his show. Why do you hate him? Why do you attack him so vehemently? That makes far less sense.
There's no need to demonize Bourdain, he did that to himself. It's easy to hate people that advocate for your erasure. Pretty simple, I thought good people were supposed to against cultural demonization? I guess Bourdain didn't agree, or you. lol
Why even write that, you know what I mean , are you slow
It's you and one other user vs me and at least one other user, seems pretty equal to me.
You're talking in circles and you're not reading or processing what i've said.
Mindlessly repeating yourself is not an argument.
Fuck this dead jew. Even Guy Fieri is more talented than this dead piece of shit.
Whites not only created the Modern World and everything you enjoy about it, but they also ushered in the single most peaceful era of history that humanity has ever seen.
If anything history has shown that the absence of Whites would make the world LESS peaceful.
How's that for an argument, faggot?
he was hypnotized by pussy. then the curtains came tumbling down.
You being a disingenuous cuck is absolutely an argument.
None of the kike stereotypes?
>international tourist
>food critic
>self hating
>idolizes big business
>talks down to everyone
>hedonist to a fault
>openly advocates for cultural removal of others, brushes it off as nothing
Definitely not kike behavior at all, lol.
He said something racist and is being judged for it.
Why does that make you butthurt?
I keep seeing lefties tell people that "FREEDOM OF SPEECH DOES NOT MEAN FREEDOM FROM CONSEQUENCE!!!!!". But then I also keep noticing that there ONLY seem to be consequences for the speech of non-lefties. When lefties actually are expected to be held accountable for what they say, suddenly there aren't any consequences.
I wonder why that is.
I was very clear with what I said, take care.
>anything history has shown that the absence of Whites would make the world LESS peaceful.
Name 3 instances where history proves this.
>Leftists ITT are still defending this faggot.
My shit wrote demonization of culture when I meant demolition, my bad
It's because the anons who defend him see something of themselves in him and it makes them lash out
>There's no need to demonize Bourdain, he did that to himself.
Itscrazyhow predict he was and how that's so acceptable to his fans
Asia Argento sacrificed him to Ialdabaoth in return for a few more years in the spotlight
>I was very clear with what I said
I realize that. You have a position, that you've already reached. You came here to discuss it, but you haven't tried, at all, to challenge your idea against my perspective.
You haven't really taken into account anything that i've said. You haven't addressed it.
And most importantly really, you refuse to actually educate yourself and give his actual show a chance. Do you even know how to download television?
Watch the Lyon episode. See him fawn over white culture. See him visit a school and sit at a table with children, all white. You champion white culture, but you refuse to actually educate yourself about it, or appreciate it. What do you know of Charcuterie? Terrine? Pate? Nothing.
It's bigger than that. Way bigger.
It's not just Bourdain. It's EVERY leftoid that lets the mask drop and has certified, provable, documented evidence of them being racist towards Whites.
It's patent hypocrisy.
They want Cancel Culture to rule all culture, but ONLY for their enemies. They want "Freedom of Speech to have consequences", but ONLY for their enemies. They want their enemies to have to constantly walk on eggshells, while they can do and say whatever they want without fear of retaliation.
It's a double-standard. Period.
guess you could say he had
Demonization means to unfairly turn someone into so nothing they are not. There is no need to demonize him - he was very clearly an unlikable asshole drug addict cunt. No demonization needed. His show was ok because it was produced by a team of people paid to make his shit interesting. He's like Trevor Noah, bought and paid for to shit on white America. Nobody that works for CNN is clean, especially not journalists. Bourdain was very much a journalist in everything but name.
so did he ever say anything about cultural removal besides one offhand out of context comment? is there evidence he actually believes this and not just said a stupid thing once like all humans do?
You don't understand the liberal perspective. Liberal people believe that white culture and society is hegemonic and dominant over the world. That it holds all of the power. Therefor, it's not some fragile little thing which needs to be protected, and which a single slight is enough to 'cancel' a person over, no matter their work or everything else they've ever said.
This idea that white culture is endangered and white people are being genocided is utterly absurd to liberal people.
It doesn't mean that they are self hating though. Self effacement and self derogatory talk and humor is a sign of strength.
You might disagree, but don't pretend it makes no sense at all.
You incomprehensible faggot.
Bourdain said 1 thing. You're entirely ignorant of the rest of his work, his perspectives, and you're not taking into account anything else that he's said or done. But you want to cancel him over 1 thing.
Now, do you believe in cancel culture, or do you not?
wee-ooo wee-ooo. you're registering a 7.9 on the Bergstein-Goldfarb scale on my kvetch detector
His wife is a pedo and he had to pay off her debts literally with both his money and his life.
>christine sneed
No dude there's nothing wrong with getting shitcanned for saying nigger regardless of context while being able to openly advocate for the extinction of white people consequence free.
There's nothing wrong with that at all and if you think there is you're clearly a racist who doesn't think people deserve equal treatment.
Nihilism and fatalism.
He didn't really believe in anything.
hold up
You're saying what Bourdain said, once, entirely out of context, is equivalent to someone saying nigger, once, regardless of context?
So are both those things ok, or worth cancelling someone over?
What is YOUR consistent and non-hypocritical position?
No my shifty Jew friend, I said REGARDLESS of context. Not "out of context", regardless. Silly little dialectic tricks might work on you and the morons you associate with but try not to embarass yourself here.
How was what Bourdain said "out of context"? All of these Jews benefit from and indulge in western civilisation as they attack it.
Because the things I'm talking about is, for example, the drama where those university professors are getting shit for saying it after multiple trigger warnings based on readings of text which contain it, now being met with demands for, I shit you not, a segregated area for "marginalised" and a Popcorn chicken on campus.
Or perhaps the reason Papa John got fired. There's many examples of this.
But tell me how I'm misreading the context of Bourdain, and I might remind you that saying "oh he's just espousing views he doesn't actually believe for no reason" simply isn't going to cut it.
Absolutely shameless.
And regardless, even if I don't AGREE with the rules written, that doesn't mean I cannot have problems with their lopsided enforcement. I wouldn't expect a dirty commie to live like he's in the USSR and starve to death when he lives in a capitalist system.
A libertarian doesn't not get to not pay taxes because of his personal beliefs, so asking him to not have an opinion on how the taxes he is forced to pay are allocated is not demanding logical consistency from him, it's demanding blind idealism. You kike addled little shits are the most dishonest debaters in the world and I cannot believe so many people fall for it.
never watched his show, but he's handsome
>God I hate rambling wanna be intellectual pseudo-eccentric faggots
>writes like a rambling wanna be intellectual pseudo-eccentric faggot
What did rambling wanna be intellectual pseudo-eccentric faggot mean by this?
>killing himself over a roastie
he was psychologically fried before he even met that particular woman. he was absolutely offing himself no matter what.
What is the functional distinction between 'regardless of context' and 'out of context', in this situation? How is that a 'trick'?
I have already explained ITT, at length, and offered examples, for the context of Bourdain's singular, hyperbolic, non-literal, joke statement, which is his lifelong public celebration of white culture. Whether you choose to disregard that, or view his single statement without it, is identical.
I never anyone say a good thing about this fucker until he died.
So, you believe that, because society cancels people unreasonably over minor slights, that people you disagree with over minor slights should be canceled?
And that the former is unjust, but the latter just?
And you have the gall to cry about hypocrisy? You can only hold people to your own standards. You cannot hold both someone else's standards, and your own, at your own convenience.
That makes you a hypocrite. Your examples are not analogous either.
Because out of context implies it is taken the wrong way.
Regardless of context does not make such an implication. I clarified why this distinction was important with the examples I gave, where the word was not taken out of context, it was simply attacked REGARDLESS OF IT.
And yeah, your defence simply amounts to "He didn't really MEAN it", which is functionally different than what I am talking about.
And nothing you said even addresses the core of the point I'm talking about.
Yes? Equal application is the principle I'm talking about. As I said, a libertarian has to pay the same amount of taxes as a communist. I don't consider that a flaw in the system because people should have to play by the same rules even if I have issues with those rules. I call neither just, where did you get that idea?
I know my examples are not anagolous. They are far more benign than "He was just espousing views unsolicited that he doesn't believe because ???". That's kind of what I'm saying.
Unironically dont fall in love with roasties over the age of 30. I dont care how attractive they still may be, leave those women for the 80 year old sugar daddies looking for a couple last nuts before death.
iirc, she was cucking him with a photographer shortly before he killed himself. Women who reach a certain age without ever having been in a long-term relationship arent built for it mentally and your attempts to extract love from her will be fruitless as there isnt any inside of her from which to draw from.
Or rather, people should have to play by the same rules even if THEY have issues with those rules. No need to make that a personal statement.
I come across an interesting if not infamous website, seemingly as old as the internet itself yet never truly explored by the average mind.
*grabs a live chicken and bites its head off*
As I was saying, my journey for fame, fortune, and food has brought me to Yea Forums; known to some as the true birthplace of the modern internet. Specifically I find myself on Yea Forums, a den of the absurd, the dying, the reborn, and the contrarian; dedicated to the "discussion" of all that takes place in front of a camera lens.
*kills the last animal of an endangered species*
I see Aiden Gillen, a close friend of mine who has become a peculiar case; blossomed into somewhat of an ironic god for the ever sarcastic masses of Yea Forums. A simple phrase from his opening lines in "The Dark Knight Rises" immortalizes him in the memetic dreams of Yea Forums. Not long after, I encounter a scantily clad prepubescent girl who makes some vulgar sexually suggestive approaches towards me -- likely the work of the less reputable men who lurk in the shadows of Yea Forums. A fight breaks out nearby, two overweight men with poor hygiene fighting over the sexual history of a B list actress. I smell the pungent aroma of passed gas; it smells good. It smells like beautiful disgusting chaos. I'm starting to feel at home here.
*shoots a doe in mid birth and uses its umbilical cord to strangle the barely newborn fawn*
I ask the locals for their opinions of my own work on television and it doesn't bode well for me, I'm called a pretentious faggot and told to kill myself. The lingering insecurity of my sexual past flares up like a gazelle blown apart by a stick of dynamite, and I leave to ponder about my experiences with Yea Forums...and of course...find something to eat.
*drags the corpse of a homeless man into a nearby kitchen*
Not in your examples, but for what we are actually talking about, what is the difference between you taking Bourdains single statement 'out of context' from his long career celebrating traditional white culture, and disregarding it?
Both imply you have taken it the wrong way.
he was killed by his French Friend who was "joking" about killing him in a Satanic ritual during I think the last season (where he goes to the Alps)
He was an anti-white retard
Humans say things that they 'don't really mean' all the time. In the form of sarcasm, non-literal statements, hyperbole, banter etc etc etc.
The way to determine whether what someone says is literal or not, is to view it in context. There are a whole host of context clues to a statement, and familiarity with the person making the statement and on what platform can help also. If what they have said contradicts something you know further about them to be true, through things they have said more often or their actions, you can infer that they 'don't really mean it'.
This all comes naturally to people without autism.
Specifically here though, this is a scene from a tv show. Have you watched the episode it's from? Have you watched more than one episode? You say that he hates white people. Have you seen his episodes exploring white culture? Do you have any other evidence?
What are you using to judge if he 'means it' or not?
Whether you are disregarding context, or taking it out of context, is the same thing. Prove to me you're not.
You walk a pretty straight and narrow path in my opinion, thank you for your efforts user.
I miss no reservations. Just this pissed off cocaine fiend going around the world calling people niggers while eating food.
thank you sir
>Bourdain said 1 thing.
You're based, and a rare light in this shithole of a board
>Bourdain said 1 thing.
So did Roseanne. And unlike Bourdain what she said wasn't even "racist".
Didn't stop you then.
What is wrong with an episode of television exploring exclusively non-white food culture in Houston?
Many of his episodes exclusively explore white culture.
Does all media have to be accurately 'diverse' and representative in every instance?
>entirely out of context
It wasn't "out of context" you disingenuous shitheel. We KNOW the context.
Stop fucking lying to defend your Jew overlord.
Because he's a hypocrite? Jews aren't known for being long term thinkers.
I'll try and explain it one more time.
Simply personally espoused these views without prompt or reason. He was the actor in this case.
Used the word while reading a transcript for educational purposes. He was the messenger in this case.
Those are completely different situations.
This is what I mean by dishonest debaters. Empty rhetorical tricks and endless pilpul.
Again, this has literally nothign to do with the core of the argument. You're attacking a strawman. Whether or not you prove this point, what does it have to do with some people being disadvantaged by selective enforcement? Which, as you can see by my first post is the ONLY point I had.
I imagine you know exactly what you're doing in trying to move this argument to something inconsequential to it but I hope at least a few people see your shitty, slimy ways and learn something.
Shit I quoted wrong, this is my first post
Holy shit, the Mental Gymnastics ITT to defend Bourdrain are AMAZING.
>H-H-He didn't mean it!!!
>I-I-It was just one thing!!!
>W-W-What even is "racism" anyway? Ha ha ha....
>Y-Y-You're the hypocrite, not me!!!
You slimy, disingenuous fucks just can't call a spade a fucking spade, can you?
Instead you have to lie and deflect and pussyfoot around the truth and write fucking multi-paragraph blog-entries explaining why up is ACTUALLY down and black is ACTUALLY white and how everyone who doesn't agree with that ass-backwards logic is retarded.
How much you want to bet the Mental Gymnasts ITT would never, EVER invest this much energy into defending something Trump or any of their other ideological enemies said?
I'm sorry you cunt, but I did not begin this nonsense arguement about the difference between 'regardless of context' and 'out of context', you are the one who started pointlessly nitpicking about that. And my post addressing it was not even focusing on that.
I was still addressing your core arguement. That Bourdain was:
>openly advocat[ing] for the extinction of white people
He wasn't. I have explained why.
You seem now to be trying to argue also, that it's irrelevant whether he actually was or not, and that you yourself are the enforcer of ludicrous petty rules you think are cultural hegemony, which you also seem to despise, but whose boots you lick while crying about hypocrisy and being a hypocrite.
We could ignore the wider 'cultural war' or whatever you're obsessed with and focus solely on this. I think if you actually knew what you where talking about, if you were actually familiar with Bourdains ideas about the world, unless you see true egalitarianism as a cruel affront to white supremacy, then you'd agree with him. He didn't want 'white genocide'. You're just wrong.
>How much you want to bet the Mental Gymnasts ITT would never, EVER invest this much energy into defending something Trump or any of their other ideological enemies said?
Why would anyone do that?
>>Y-Y-You're the hypocrite, not me!!!
I have my own standards. My own morals. I only hold others and myself to those standards.
To attempt to uphold anyone else's standards, which I disagree with, in pursuit of 'fairness', would be betraying myself.
If other people betray their own standards, their own morals, that is their business. They will be judged for it. I won't put a black mark on my own soul in pursuit of their sins.
So you're an idealist? You could have saved us all a lot of trouble if you had said as much, there's little point in arguing against someone who doesn't live in reality.
You have no power anyway, so what is the point of abandoning a true moral position to be 'pragmatic'?
What does your 'pragmatism' achieve, in utterly banal internet bickering, besides making you a cunt?
have sex
Based american education
I have a miniscule amount of power, and I understand that the only way I can utilise it and put anything into effect is through collectivisation because I, an individual, cannot stand up to a collective. So I must sacrifice many of my ideals in an attempt to enforce those I consider the most important, because my individual agency in a collective is minimal, and if we all fought for what we believed in as individuals we would invariably be outcompeted by collectives. I don't like it but I can't change it, I am but a man. I will translate this view across politics towards discussion because pragmatism translates across the boundary too, and anyways, as I have pointed out, one of MY values is equal enforcement.
I mean you talk a big game but I assume you pay the tax rate you're obligated to, not the one you believe you should, yes?
Unironically a real #metoo victim
He literally got that tattoo from a tribesman while visiting the amazon faggot
Asia Argento did nothing wrong
You talk like a fag and your shits all retarded.
You can't even cancel Bourdain, because he's dead. He cancelled himself. All you can do is piss on people who liked his shows.
I'm unclear now also whether you actually think he deserves 'cancelling' or if you're just doing as you explain, going along with some dystopic groupthink because it makes you feel powerful.
Either way it's utterly pathetic.
Following the law and following hysterical cancel culture are two entirely seperate things. You influence the former through the democratic process. And you influence the latter through your own actions, which you are accountable for.
You're misinterpreting my motivations.
And no, I am not going along with groupthink. I have more power with discussion than with my ballot, and if I can cause the thinking of one lurker to bend slightly towards mine then my effective power increases by a miniscule amount. I'm not trying to go along with the groupthink, I am trying to influence it, as that is the most feasible option to me from a pragmatic standpoint, due to my belief in the impotence of individual agency.
There isn't really any functional difference in rules written or unwritten, as long as they are enforced. The state is not some sort of otherworldly being, it is simply the guy with the biggest stick. That doesn't mean all the smaller sticks don't exist. So I disagree entirely with your point on that and there ain't dick you can do about it.
I have an aim, however pathetic and trivial and however unlikely I am to accomplish it. You can bitch about it if you want but, as is my way of applying agency, but your words have done nothing to sway me, and at least up to this point you have at this point failed to succeed in your own pathetic and trivial aim of getting me to stop badmouthing some dead Jew. Both of us are probably wasting our time but I don't really care about that.
What is your aim?
He knew too much about clinton’s pedo ring
First and foremost I'm against the selective enforcement of this "cancel culture".
Secondarily I would be against it entirely, but as I have established, I'm a pragmatist and I don't see a feasible way to that end because judging from this site and most other discussion sites, as well as nearly everyone I talk to in real life, people love to bitch and moan about perceived injustices. Hence why I consider the former to at least be attainable, and hence why I work to that end, because fixing the former utilises this love of bitching and moaning rather than trying to fix it. I am also fulfilling my own desire to bitch and moan and generally enjoying myself I suppose.
Why am I choosing this as my medium? I'm not going to bitch and moan about it to my friends and acquantances in real life or on social media, there's enough of that going around and as you said, I'm being a cunt, might as well do it in anonymity. As well as that, large userbase, turbulent discussion, high range of discourse, habit, and so on and so on, and as I said, I am entertaining myself here, pathetic or not.
Lose weight.
So you don't have an actual argument/contradiction? You're just parroting some comeback you heard someone else say, regardless of context?
>I want none of this shit
>there's some shit
>might as cover everything in shit
>but only anonymously
>i'm a cunt
>fuck it
I didn't come here pointedly, I was idly scrolling and saw the discussion and decided to join in. Entertainment would be my primary motivator.
Otherwise yeah, better to cover everything in my own shit than to get covered in that of other people.
Near every thread turns out like this. If you're not enjoying rolling in the shit then why even be here?
He was openly critical of "muh patriarchy" and then got walked over by his deranged criminal pervert wife and topped himself to the surprise of no one.
Burnt out dopamine receptors from drug use.
In the Cologne episode he and a guy he is talking to literally say the world will be a utopia once everyone is brown, and that the only reason mass immigration doesnt work is because of the "racists" resisting it. I loved the overall show but once I saw that it made me hate him and realize hes just another (coincidence).
Wait can you read? It's ok if you cant little goblin creature.
You were fine not sure of the other guys mental capacity.
Wait what? I was just about to post that scene and saw this. You are trying to defend him saying the world will be a utopia once whites are gone and everyone is brown and mixed up? What about the refugees dont work just because the "racists"? I still like the show but wtf is wrong with you?
Upload this Babar book please and thank you
Just admit you hate white people. Why is admitting this simple, obvious truth so hard for leftists? All this tiptoeing around it doesn't fool anybody
Oh its you! In the pic! Can I get an autograph?!
Pretty much this, I still enjoy the show but that was an outright disgusting conversation and if it were about literally any other people they would have flipped their shit, not to mention that every brown country sucks ass and their "logic" is reversed. Being more mixed up would simply make them easier to rule, you can already see it today, everyone hates eachother no one has eachothers backs.
You're right they aren't exactly good long term thinkers, their hubris will be their downfall. This is still worded very strangely though.
good riddance
Middle East
South America
Toronto(in progress)
South America.
We literally have a case study on what browning down will do to society and, to the surprise of literally nobody with a functioning brain, it can shit up an entire continent.
Have you been living under a rock? I'm not saying to be hateful, but sub saharan blacks didnt even sail, discover madagascar, have animal husbandry, or really even farm until "the evil white man" came. Up until recently South Africa had the largest hospital in the world. Guess who built that? Guess who built the government buildings in Zim that the government who previously kicked whites out of use? Guess why they starved until they let whites back in? Why does this keep happening and you can't see it? I dont feel like more examples. South Africa is a real time example and it won't be long in the grand scale of things before it becomes full shit. They will just kill those that remain and steal their shit and then leave a vacuum for China to fill more than likely.
Move over dead fuck, number 1 and most BASED food traveler coming through.
Is this bait or unironic racial marxism?
posted this before, I worked in the office that made his show and these were the whispers passed around after he killed himself
>obsessive/addictive tendencies got the better of him after he found out Asia was (possibly) cheating on him
>people on his crew talked about how he would always talk about Asia as larger than life and acted like a lovestruck 15yo around her and Asia clearly seemed overwhelmed by it at times
>crew also said he seemed in a funk after the photos came out and while they were on location
also I don't know if it ever made it into a news article but he hung himself with a bathrobe belt
that's not important, I just think it's a morbid fun fact
>Up until recently South Africa had the largest hospital in the world. Guess who built that?
The British built it in WW2 to treat Commenwealth soldiers.
>Subsaharan blacks didn’t farm
The Khoisan were farmers and taught the Dutch settlers how to farm the land while the Bantu discovered iron smelting.
3 years after his death and he's still making Yea Forums cucks seethe kek
>Mmmm this salty whale anus is so tender. It's like an explosion of flavors in my mouth. The texture is just right. To die for.
Hilarious. That's even debated. You know how those people's are treated now? They are totally ignored. Even Zulu know they are being treated by the average gibmedat black. There have been motions to preserve their old hunting grounds and some lands but the new wave of blacks have voted against it. You are retarded and blind. They want your shit. I guess you won't realize it because it's slow enough for you to lose interest and start fapping to tranny porn, but it will happen in our lifetime.
Probably was at an orgy with Robin WIlliams and Epstien
>Ex girlfriend cucks him with a bunch of muscle head MMA/Jiu JIisu chads
>New girlfriend cucks him with a 17 year old, while he has to defend her casting couch "rape" from Harvey Weinstein.
Of course he offs himself
They're not living under a rock, they're living in a constant state of wilfull delusion. There's no point in pointing these things out to them because if evidence and rational thought worked they wouldn't be like that in the first place.
It's as Uncle Ted said. They don't actually want to solve the problems they talk about, they just want to satisfy their immediate emotional needs. That's why, taking their stated aims as their actual aims, going by any logical metric they are retarded, because you're misattributing their aims.
Taking, for example, a Pareto approach to reducing the Black homicide victim rate, it is blindingly obvious where the resources should be applied. Black murderers are responsible for ~90% of them. But this doesn't satisfy their emotional needs so they allocate 90% of their resources to the other 10%, which would be statistically retarded if you're retarded enough to take them at face value. Of course they invent justifications for why attacking whitey will actually solve this issue, but none of them hold up to scrutiny. They heavily overstate the effects of poverty on crime despite statistics showing otherwise, they trot out some nonsense about nebulous social factors that can only be strenuously maintained if you ignore literally everything else in this world but "Blacks vs Whites in the USA", if you consider Blacks outside the US, or other minorities in the West (Japs are the obvious one) the argument completely falls apart. They will make up any amount of thin justifications to keep doing what they do and not one of them holds weight, but they'll always be able to invent another one or simply discredit arguments against their solutions on circular grounds by applying their own pathological thinking to others.
Stop thinking they're good people with bad or the wrong ideas. They're legitimately horrible people only looking to satisfy their own petty emotional needs.
>Khoisan are being ignored and marginalized in S.A.
I think you’re confusing the Khoisan in South Africa with those in Botswana.In 2013 the Botswana government forcibly removed them from their hunting grounds to make way for a diamond mine.
Idk if this is pasta but I thought it was pretty well written
No but I may be thinking of someone else but the same point. I cant look it up now but it sounds like Gricoi people? Theres another group too. They made pacts with and somewhat interbred with the settlers and the mandela and after government basically let them die out. Dont forget they were also heavily influenced by communism. >mandelawithfistinfrontofhammerandsickle.jpg
You and ted are 100% right but I only still talk to them because I used to be a leftist, never that bad, but I simply didn't know enough yet thought I did. It was mainly from being private schooled and going to college, thinking I was "better" and being backed up by all the media (not knowing how bad they were and they still hadn't gone full blown yet). There's more to it than that and I'm probably wasting my breath with them but sometimes I just feel like I have to try. I feel like maybe if I'm not a full on asshole and find the right point I can plant a seed that they'll realize later.
Wow this is one of the shittiest threads I've ever lurked. How come whenever you faggots argue you just toss what the last person said back in their face?
>Hurr Durr kike kike kike kike kike
>nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger
>No u
That's it that's the thread, you don't have to go any further, it continues like that
I could believe this
It's like jewish posters don't even try to pretend they're not jews.
>no one will miss the people who built/kept functionig the countries brown people leech off of
What exactly do you think will happen if white people disappear? The Americas and Europe will be the new Africa, everyone capable of remembering what they used to be like will miss them.
I know you're either trolling or jewish, but whatever.
>white hegemony and dominance over the world
If that made it ok to talk smack about a race, it'd be ok to criticize jews. White people being better at building countries does not mean the world would be better without them (in fact, it's the opposite). Even you jews should be scared. For a people who can only leech off of succesful people, you should be more scared than most of what will happen when your hosts die. Of course, you've never been very good at avoiding those golems.
See my comment above. Your time's up too, Bergstein.
>The idea that 'racemixing' is an inherently evil thing, is white supremacist bigotry.
>only white people are not allowed to preserve their race
> as someone of 100% white european ancestory
I really want to doubt this, but it's true, some NPCs can really be this brainwashed. I'm guesing your "white european ancestry" is more like Ashkenazi, though, by the way you post.
I can see his point. If everyone was the same race we’d finally be able to move past identity politics and focus on technological advancements.
Hey berg, why did you ignore this post?
How can people still think this? I mean, I get it, jews know it's bullshit, but how are real humans dumb enough to fall for it?
>It doesn't mean that they are self hating though. Self effacement and self derogatory talk and humor is a sign of strength.
No. They were taught to be self-hating, by Jewish people who pretend they're white, until real white people (generally women) bite it and start propagating it. You're right that they see it as a sign of "strength", but that only comes with rigorous-yet-passive brainwashing, not natural development.
if you have true depression nothing can help you.
"I've never thought, "Well, some beautiful blonde will come in here and give me a fuck-job, rub my balls, and I'll feel good." No, that won't help."
It wasn't a "one-time thing". His "celebration of white culture", which you keep mentioning, is just touring in their countries. Even the most white-hating people in the world prefer visiting white (aka, good) countries.
Like every jew, he was consistently anti-white regardless of thinking white countries are the comfiest to leech off of.
No we wouldn't. This is gonna sound gay but there's an episode of the fairly oddparents where timmy wishes everyone in the world was a gray blob so no one would make fun of people and they still argued about who was the grayest and the blobbiest. If we all had the same skin color, then we would look at eyes or hair color or something. People will always hate eachother and bigotry will always exist. Anyone that thinks otherwise is dreaming.
But they are denying the difference in races. Its utopian for a reason. They aren't talking about a what if, they are talking about the real world and saying it will be better. The reality is the world would be a haiti.
Literally retarded.
Have you not seen what victim olympians are like ALREADY?
All-black activist groups bicker over "lightskins" and "half-blacks" being less oppressed than them already. LGBT groups bicker that bisexuals or gay men or even "passing" trannies aren't as oppressed as the rest.
Dividing humans into groups is a basic instinct that will never go away. The people who claim that's wrong, or bad, are the ones who suffer the most and always end up being hypocritical and creating even more divides.
That's funny because I read his whole post in Bourdain's voice. Sounds exactly the kind of shit he'd say in all his shows.
>If everyone was the same race things would be a lot simpler
>So, shall I call for an ethnostate? Clearly segregation is the key to a happier life for all
>No, I think we the smart thing to do is encourage selective genetic based breeding to make sure everyone ends up the exact same shade of brown, a system that would take many, many, MANY generations to come to fruition and falls apart the minute two out of the 7 billion people in this world decide to not participate
Well it would be nice for our species if you didn't breed for one.
This is like wanting to go from the front door of your house to the back door and deciding the most logical means of doing so is to circle the fucking globe.
People have come up with so many different words to classify themselves that it's just creating more groups for people to fight about. Gays and Lesbians hate eachother, everyone hates trans people, everyone hates bisexuals, black people hate black people, muslims hate muslims, yadda yadda yadda. They're all hypocrites.
The only people who buy into the multiculti meme are
A: Less likely to have white children
B: More likely to die a violent and painful death
The Jews are playing themselves in the long term. Literally breeding out the trait they rely on for their survival.
As has been said, they are not long term thinkers.
buddhists with iphones, muslims with strippers, hypocrisy is the name of the game in every religion
What an antiwhite nigger lover. Im glad he killed hmself.