Nope, no, uh, not quite my tempo

Nope, no, uh, not quite my tempo.

Attached: whiplash-notmytempo.jpg (1093x513, 199K)

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This dude was a real jerk.

>Literally throws a chair at a student and then smacks them repeatedly

guy deserved it

Was he rushing or dragging?

I had a dream this guy was a wrestling teacher and stood over 9 feet tall and was beating the shit out of everyone.

When I'd conduct Id throw shit at my classmates all the time. Whether they were playing good or bad. Kept them on their toes and let them know I was listening to each and every one of them.

ridiculous movie

I burst into tears watching this scene because Simmons character behaved exactly like my dad. The only difference was he was a Chad who wanted me to be good at sports even though I was a total spaz who was shit at sports and couldn't talk to girls. He also sexually abused me until I was 16 and my mom and I moved to another state. Sometimes I fantasize about bashing his head against a wall until there's nothing left.

Why didn't he just slap the shit out of this boomer right away

based dad

like, they play a flat so you chuck a pencil? or they're rushing so you throw a shoe?

i mean, the dude was ripped and Neimen was a twink

Jazz really isn't that serious. He needed to calm the fuck down.

but he didn't know and that was worse

It's not supposed to be realistic. I've had asshole band directors who were ridiculous but never to the R. Lee Ermie levels that J.K. Simmons expressed in the movie.

I also really enjoyed the theme and message of the movie. How far is too far to achieve what you want? Is tearing people down to push them to their limits really ok if they wind up achieving their goals because of it, or will they be left as less of a person afterwards? Good stuff, also the music was okay.

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Yes actually. The band director would leave me in charge while he did blow and boned the "Art-for-retardeds" teacher, so I would conduct and lead the band. Instead of using wands I would get a big cup full of 30 or so pens and start flinging them full force (unless it was like a flautist right in front of me or somebody who looked like they were having a rough day then I'd hold back a little) at people who were messing up (dragging, rushing, missed cues, played out of key, etc.). If nobody fucked up I'd still whip one because fuck em if they can't play without distractions, I just wouldn't aim.
My crowning achievement was whipping at a percussionist who kept missing the cymbal cue and actually hit it on time.

Nearly got into a fight with my middle school band teacher. I said something about how people with aids deserved it and he got furiously red about some child he knew who was born with aids due to a poor blood transfer. I was like 12.
Still play trombone anyway, dumb fag.

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What was his problem? He should have used a drum machine if he was that autistic. Also
> unironically listening to drum solos

>Music nerd makes a sports movie except about music
>other nerds praise it as a masterpiece

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Yes it was

>tfw you realize the story beat is basically just typical shounen "you will never be able to do thing/achieve goal!" and the mc does it anyway through hard work or bullshit plot devices

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this made me kek fsr

That's how real life usually works user.

Not really. A majority of people fail then waste away the rest of their life just trying to get by.

So says the loser who failed and then his life wasted away.

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Why didnt he just play with a click????

Actually my life hasn't even begun yet so... rip you idiot.

Who are you trying to convince?

He was actually playing on time. But he full of himself. That’s why Fletcher continually berrates him specifically instead of everyone, everyone else is passable but Neiman showed real promise

Why didn't Miles Teller just join a rock band or something? He kept saying he wanted to be remembered and stuff but that won't work if he joins a jazz conservatory because who gives a fuck about jazz anymore. What was his goal?

to be the best

the twist is that his ears were fucked up. They were always playing at perfect tempo


He could go to London. Electronica Jazz, Acid Jazz, Breakbeats, Prog Jazz etc. are really popular over there.

Was your dad kevin spacey?

It was just Damien Chazelle's fundamental misunderstanding of the current musical landscape, which was confirmed when he made the same mistake with La La Land. Pay him no mind.

this. It was only shocking since he was flipping shit over fucking jazz lol. In the context of sports it's just "eh, crazy coach"

>some psychopath threw cymbals at the greatest drummer of all time so I'm gonna take that anecdote and base my entire teaching philosophy off of it

Yikes... what a dumb fuck. A true talent that would never be discouraged doesn't need a shitty teacher to psychologically abuse them.


It was..............okay.

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Me too buster brown.

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tfw check his twitter and find out he's actually an NPC