Was this the greatest twist in cinematic history?

Was this the greatest twist in cinematic history?

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not that one

You know it wasn’t.

I don't think anything can beat The 6th Sense

I'm open to other options, but I just don't see it

How was this watching it in the theatre back when it came out? I got into the series by watching every film's ending twist on Youtube.

What movie?

It was deec

Stop posting saw threads just so some retard can say that jigsaw wasn’t responsible for anyone’s death

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I watched it in theatres when it first came out

The entire room filled with gasps and a black guy shouted “WADDAFUG I THOUGHT THAT NIGGA DONE GOT SHOT”

I, Ron Stamer, thought it was a masterful twist, perfectly planned and executed!

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Fight Club maybe? Se7en? The Usual Suspects?


Why did he do it though?

>I got into the series by watching every film's ending twist on Youtube.

reading that hurt me a bit inside

Fight Club is a good one, no doubt

That wasn’t a twist, it was just a left turn

The twist was that the guy on the floor was jigsaw? Or that the key was in the bathtub at the beginning

I don't remember either of them being all that central to the plot


Why would you even care about a twist in a movie you haven’t seen? A twist without the context is pointless

The whole movie you think Zepp is Jigsaw though, and Adam kills Zepp because he thinks he’s the serial killer

Imagine caring about spoilers. It's about the journey, not the destination. If I haven't seen the ridiculous endings I would've never cared to watch all 7 movies, this way I wanted to know how it all happened.

To get context, obivously.

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Oh I need to watch it again, I forgot the entire plot

>Scrolling through the satellite
>"The Usual Suspects" has like 15 minutes left
>I heard that was a good film, maybe I will check out the end, see if it is cool
>Watch ending

The moral of the story is I have never sat down and watch that film from the start.

Saw 2 had the better twist

>the key
That was the most bullshit part of the film in retrospect.
Completely unfair to expect anyone to be calm waking up drowning.

People think the ending of Sixth Sense was a big reveal, that Bruce Willis was already dead.
The reveal at the end of Solo was that the entire Star Wars franchise was already dead.

That twist was super gay, and so was that film.

>Hey that guy got shot while trying to open the front door and the windows are covered.
>Make no effort to break through a wall and make a vent hole and further escape as the nerve gas fills the house.

Seriously, it wouldn't have been that hard. Taking down plaster and lathe is easy, and chipping away at mortar between bricks doesn't take that long. They had 2 hours, and one of them was a roided out mexican anyways.

That was amanda tho
Now that I think about it how does a key even get past the drain

The mist

not really a reveal since people knew he was still alive from the animated series

No, has he been prosecuted that would have been a real twist

I'm quite a fan of twist endings. Vague top list:

Citizen Cane ++
My sassy girl +
12 Monkeys
Witness for Persecution ++
Usual Suspects
Infernal Affairs +
Sixth Sense
Donie Darko +
Una pura formalità ++

Pluses for must see.

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that movie has the #3 spot in trash endings, and the #2 spot in worst twists

>no but this is!
>posts pic of saw 3 trap with black guy
Do I have to do everything myself jesus christ?

>Donnie Darko
>Twist ending

What's 1/2 and 1 respectively?

The ending of The Mist is great

stop being a philistine

You have good taste

Why is he dressed like that?

Unbreakable, maybe?

he was going through hip hop phase

No Primal Fear?

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fuck you

I never predict twist endings and even I saw that one coming, so it can’t be that good

That's the beauty of Jigsaw, he never actually killed anybody! The most he could be charged with is kidnapping.

it's not really a twist but i always liked in alien how they reveal ash is a robot

Why didn't Jiggy choose not to die of cancer?

:O !!!!

>Saw 1
The twist exists to shock the audience. If you think about it logically, it also doesn't make sense. Adam wakes up in a bath submerged in water. Jigsaw, in a pitch black room:
>has Adam at least in the room if not carried in
>places Adam in the bath
>submerges him in water so that he'll wake up in around 10 seconds
>finds his position on the floor by the pool of blood
>without alerting Doctor Gordon who is in the room
>while making sure Adam is passed out enough to not wake up
>but not passed out enough to flat out drown and spoil the game

and then remains deadly still for the ENTIRE film for the sole purpose of the dramatic scene at the end. There is no logic to it.

>The Usual Suspects
The only saving grace of the film. It's better than Saw's twist because it recontextualises the film. The plot otherwise meanders along and has very few actual hooks; it's an average movie until you realise Spacey's character was spinning both the cops and the audience. It's not a good enough twist to warrant rewatching the film, though

>Fight Club
Probably the one that jumps to mind since I haven't seen Sixth Sense. The film stands on its own merit without the twist, unlike The Usual Suspects. The twist doesn't detract from the film like Saw. The twist exists to fool the audience and the characters and makes logical sense. It spurs the plot forward and makes you want to rewatch the film to see the hints that you missed and how the twist changes your outlook on the film.

Also, Memento had a good twist that is core to the plot of the film. Fight Club is probably a better twist, but Memento is worth mentioning.

Penis in Crying Game.

the reveal at the end of planet of the apes, or i am your father

>Builds torture dungeons designed specifically for people
>Attaches somebody to a death trap against their will
>Gives people choice of agonizing task or death
>Only gives enough time to succeed if everything goes perfectly
>Isn't guilty of murder

I don't care if you're a troll. There's retards out there who really think shit and it freaks me out. They actually believe they wouldn't be executed if they did any of the shit from Saw.

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>Reveal Ash is a robot
>Reveal company sees crew as expendable and they want the alien
I would say that was a plot twist

#2 ending-Saw 5
#1 ending-Buried

#1 worst twist-Signs

he isn't guilty of murder though

in saw 2 they show him injecting a drug that slows his heart rate and puts him in an induced coma. that explanation makes even less sense to me personally

The twist ruined the film

>The only saving grace of the film

I strongly disagree
I love everything about the Usual Suspects up until the twist. The dialogue, interactions and characters are great. I rewatch it frequently not even caring about the reveal.


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that didn't happen zoomer

Don't worry, I understand, that user just isn't accepting he's starting to age. I don't look up spoilers to new movies, but if I imagine having not seen any Saws in 2020, it's quite daunting to dive into the series when you could be watching almost anything else. I happily look up spoilers for a lot of older stuff to decide if it piques my interest enough.

I wanna fuck her ssssooooo bad

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she is pretty hot

she would squish your balls

The answer to that question...is in these dubs.


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>sell somebody a car
>they get drunk that night and crash the car, dying
>I get arrested for murder
Doesn't work like that. He gave them a choice and they decided to die.

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This scene is so fucking retarded. Why would he randomly grab his lightsaber and show it off in a fucking hologram skype call? Was it not obvious enough that it was Maul considering he is the only Dathomirian that has even been shown in one of the films? Did they think that normies wouldn't recognize him unless he made it excruciatingly obvious who he was?

What kind of bathroom is that?
>two bathtubs
>one urinal
>two toilets

I wanna suck her toes

I wanna suck her tits

The "twist" only works because the movie lies to the audience.

>It's about the journey, not the destination
If you actually believed this then you would have watched the movies first instead of looking at all the endings on YT. God god you are so stupid LMAO

Old boy was pretty good

>does absolutely nothing
Shittiest "villain" ever.

I liked it

The actual films are disgusting and stupid, I just want to see what stupid contrivance they used to end them with

Yeah and you ruin the journey by indulging in spoilers. Brainlet zoomer

Thanks for your input watchmojo.

He is. Schetino abandoned ship on the concordia and people died so he was convicted of manslaughter because of his negligence. He would be convicted of murder if he sunk the boat on purpose and was like "sink or swim losers"

Why did he turn on the lightsabre?

Why didn’t he just use the gun to shoot the Chain?

Were you eating beans?

I was there. I laughed.

How do I feel about Shutter Island?


Fucking boomers trying to live their "prime" again.

>sell somebody a car that shoots them in the face
>nigga had a choice to not buy the car mister popo

I am the biggest star wars fan I know and I did not realize that was maul until the lightsaber, after which I broke into applause

When the fuck did jigsaw sell someone a car? Are you fucking high?

>We gotta make this guy look young because it's a flashback.

What twist? the head in the box is not a twist, it's just a shocking event

His palms are sweaty, knees weak arms are heavy
There’s blood on the ground of the boiler room already, long spaghetti
He’s nervous
But on the surface he looks dead already
He’s laid out, and his victims keep on forgetting
What they wrote down, the speakers they get so loud
He closes his mouth and no words come out
He’s walkin how, and nobody’s jokin now
The charges bounce, “not guilty”, gavel, “pow!”



>sell an alcoholic some booze
>they die years later
>cops come and arrest you for murder
Again, not how it works. They were free not to buy the alcohol but they CHOSE to do so.
How did he fund all of his traps anyway? Obviously he had a side hustle.

He looks like the kind of guy that would say nigga (under his breath) to fit in.

>The Usual Suspects

fucking this
this ending was ruined to me in my childhood by another movie that was making fun of it
so when I actually sat down to watch the movie and saw the ending it did absolutely nothing for me since I saw it coming

>Wake up drowning in a tub
>Your key is part of the drain
>Wake up in panic and lose your only means of survival
How the fuck was that fair or his choice?

The best twist in movie history is Night of the Living Dead.

You fell for what the doctor said

for her to be like "ooohhh wow im scared and sad"

Recently watched The Crying Game. I had heard about the twist sometime before, but I couldn't place it based solely off the Netflix blurb. The first time there was a long held shot of Dil's face I immediately though "Huh, she looks like a man" and immediately remembered the twist.

The Sting.
The Prestige


A car isn't designed to kill you if you twitch. In fact, a car is specifically made to NOT kill you.

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>pretends to be unconscious for the whole movie
>reveals he was actually awake the whole time
The most they could have charged him with is nap kidding.

The greatest twist in was that they can only charge him with kidnapping and even then it's flimsy

>"Im a man of god, basically jesus 2.0 and only kill bad guys".
>btw I killed your INNOCENT wife even thought you are a GOOD guy because Im a BAD guy.
yeah that the premise went over the board was pretty shocking.


You have never seen Angel Heart

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It's a shame about Mickey Rourke. He was a handsome dude, and was being set up to be a leading man in film.
>Rourke has allegedly turned down several roles in high-profile films, including 48 Hrs., Platoon, Top Gun, Beverly Hills Cop, Rain Man, The Silence of the Lambs, and Pulp Fiction.
After he seriously went back into Boxing, and then his decision to get plastic surgery it really ruined his acting career for a long time.

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The greatest twist was that jigsaw never committed any crimes because he gave his victims a choice. He couldn’t be charged with anything.

What’s even more bullshit was that one of the guys couldn’t complete the bucket helmet trap because they were unconscious when it started. Jigsaw gave them a free pass for making a mistake. But the key in the bathtub guy doesn’t get a free pass.

>First ever red hologram in the star wars universe

Is this really how this scene was edited?

cringed desu

Slicing the cops throat?

Unironically better than what it was spoofing.

this legit terrified ppl I remember

All I gathered from this comment is that you are a NEET with no friends

>crime syndicates holotransceivers have better color support as they are commonly used for holosex sessions


So he lay on a freezing concrete floor for hours covered in karo syrup listening to those stupid fucks talk about him? Great twist.

Insanely predictable. You could call it within 15 minutes. Good movies though. But the obviousness of the story, which I knew zero about, dumbed the movie down to me.

So he really shit himself tho that’s hilarious

you guys think competent filmmakers made this?

the twist of the century

He lived

Most overrated artist of all time.

>That was amanda tho
He did an absolute shit job of finding and training a competent partner, so it's still on him.

>2020 I am forgotten

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saw in theatre when i was in highschool

the twist was amazing...gasps throughout the audience. literally blew my mind at the time.

way more memorable than 6th sense desu. the twist in 6th is more of a pop culture icon rather than something inherently great. but when a dude whose brains you thought you saw splattered all over the floor gets up and you realize you were HEKKIN BAMBOOZLED the whole film, it was super satisfying

>think it's going to be comfy shota /ss/
>random beach rapegang strolls past and turns the "story" into the most basic bitch NTR plot imaginable, complete with rapedrugs and "oh no, I can't let them spread the video around of us being raped! what would our neighbors think? I must let them rape me again"
>somehow lauded as being one of the best NTR manga out there.
It's got good art, I'll give you that.

moon had a good twist
psycho's was good for its time but everyone knows it now