I don't get the faggots who complain about how Homer "took over the show." These 3 have never made me laugh once...

I don't get the faggots who complain about how Homer "took over the show." These 3 have never made me laugh once. Homer IS the Simpsons. Every quotable line is either from him, a secondary character, a minor character, or a complete one-off. No one gives a fuck about these 3 turds.
>inb4 but muh 90s bart merch
That just proves that Bart doesn't have much of an interesting character if all people remember about him are T-shirts and catchphrases.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Marge has her moments.


The show was Homer from the beginning. Do people actually say this?

Get fucking killed

Attached: Bronies, this is your mindset.png (307x153, 28K)

I didnt know this was such an issue

It's not, OP is just making up some bullshit as an excuse to start another MLP shill thread

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Is this bot broken?

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bart was intended to be the original main character, but homer proves to be extremely popular with fans so bart was sidelined. you can really notice this shift in the first few seasons

fuck off barneyfag

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Why are you like this

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>or a complete one-off


Why are you ignoring the Rick & Morty thread?

i think they are neat

"Well, pardon us, Mr Gucci loafers"
- Sneed

Why can't you leave people alone is my question?

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i chuckled

Nah, when it first came out Bart was the more popular character (or at least more heavily marketed)

get killed

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>running away
>closing the door behind
they all laughed a lot

Get fucking killed

Attached: Bronies, this is your mindset.png (307x153, 28K)

Formerly snortled.

He cute

Hang yourself

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formerly snickered


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Marge is the funniest character in the show no contest

Sneed is the funniest character in the show no contes

fpbp, Marge can be kino

I love the simpsons! Always see my son using this website so I thought id check it out! I filled out the boxes, how do i like your post?


Get beaten to death

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die out

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moe and barneyfag


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>Moe and barneyfag in one thread
We're reaching autism levels that no man has seen

Moe v Barneyfag
Who wins

Neither of you will be jannies.

literally die

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bleed to death

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what the feed is goin on in this thread

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Simpsons pushes the Jew narrative that all men are stupid, clueless animals who sit around and drink all day. It's harmful to white American society and you fucktards just lap it up. Fuck all of you niggers.

I'd say it's a daring synthesis but I don't know what relevance E G G has to the board.

In actuality it makes the public more docile as the media portrays white men as affable and flawed when in reality they command all the respect and important roles in society. Jews are white too and the only people who are willing to make the meaningless distinction are Pol. (((Hollywood))) gives women and minorities the bare minimum to make them complacent with their lot while pushing up the white man and subverting attempts to raise the minimum.


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eggs come from farms and are used as feed

I just think they're neat!

Season 1
Season 2
I could keep going on, but you get the point. Of the 48 episodes within the first two seasons, bart has a primary focus in 18. Homer has a primary focus in 15. 25 episodes feature characters other than homer as the primary focus.
While he had a large spotlight in the beginning of the show, he was never the star of the show.

> No one gives a fuck about a majority of the main focuses of my favourite show
It sounds like you don’t actually like it that much then.

Get beaten to death

Attached: Bronies, this is your mindset.png (307x153, 28K)

Okay I’m just curious here

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Get beaten to death

Slit your throat

Attached: Bronies, this is your mindset.png (307x153, 28K)

I love you
You love me
We're a happy family
With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you
Won't you say you love me too



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Die out

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