>three parallel claws
>every decapitation/appendage removal shows one clean slash
Three parallel claws
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Yea Forums is back that way, DCfag
Fox, you mean.
And what happens if you cut him in half? Does the lower part regrows the upper body or the other way around?
>capeshit elitism
share your soi stash
this too, why didnt little laura swipe nu-wolverine's head off or at least try to? in fact nobody ever goes for the face in these movies, its retarded
You can't cut through adamantium, dipshits.
His neck/spine is still reinforced with that allegedly indestructible metal so you probably can't but I already know some comic book fag is going to prove me wrong
You can with an adamantium blade.
but both logan and nu-wolverine get impaled at seperate points in the film. five or six consecutive impalements and bam, he's cut in two
not even a comicbook fag but I remember logan losing a hand so he basically had a stump with 3 claws jutting out of it. Don't know how that happened though
In one of the movies?
so does laura even
naw it was on a comic book cover
That's an alternate universe without the real Adamantium.
See Adamantium is completely indestructible and if sharp, cuts through everything (except adamantium)
But Marvel writers were idiots and made a weaker form of adamantium called "secondary adamantium" which is basically just hard steel.
Yeah but the gaps between each vertebrae can't be covered or else he wouldn't be able to bend or move, same with all his joints.
Actually comics are retarded and Wolverine's healing factor bonded the adamantium to his body in the best way it could, so his joints are still flexible but indestructible.
He wouldn't be cut in half since his spine would still be intact
I think that's covered by "lmao it just works bro", if he could be cut in half by forces separating him by the vertabrae then he'd be BTFO by a regular explosion close to his back, no?
>if sharp, cuts through everything (except adamantium)
Why don't his claws just drop out of his arms then?
Even if he somehow lost the adamantium in his hand wouldn't an injury like that just make him regrow a normal hand with normal bones? Isn't his healing factor retardedly strong in the comics, to the point where he can effortlessly regrow limbs or regenerate entirely from a drop of blood and other stupid shit?
here's some explanation with a pic
so his skeleton cant be harmed but his flesh will heal? so if his heart gets ripped out will he be okay?
That's retarded but it's also comic books so I'll allow it.
But where does all the meat come from that he grows back nearly instantaneously?
the back art of the death of wolverine comics had a skeleton with the claws sticking out of it but the hand was silhouetted good series in the end he's killed by various metal poisoning
That's how it would work as far as I know, I don't read the comics but adamanium is supposedly indestructible once it has cooled. Say you detonated a grenade by his torso and blew away most of his flesh - he'd still have his spine, hips, ribcage etc intact and would regenerate all the flesh. I dunno about being able to survive without and regenerate a heart, seems like something that varies from comic to comic depending on the powercreep.
It's pure magic son, don't have to explain shit. Just other cells dividing and healing like we do, only exponentionally faster.
comic book lore is pic related because there are so many iterations and loopholes and shit
Yeah but the cells need material to use to divide. Unless Logan is shoveling food into his face constantly there's just nothing for him to reconstruct like an entire arm's worth of flesh with when he gets giant wounds.
see also Wolverine's power would be sick to have if you wanted to make some fast gains, your muscles would literally repair and grow in real time so you could just improve your lifts in the same session non-stop
The X-Men's powers come because the X gene gives them access to the X dimension. Cyclops vision is because his eyes are portals to the energy portion of the X dimension. For Logan, he can spawn in giant amounts of flesh because his X gene accesses the meat dimension.
Where is this film set, in the DOFP timeline or alternate universe?
Logan could only be set in the Days of Future Past's ending's timeline. The first timeline is what becomes the Sentinel death squads future, which is overwritten with the events of DOFP. However it seems like many events still play out the same in this timeline like Ellis Island and all the events of X-Men 1, 2, and 3 at least, and Wolverine Origins.
>xavier fights for mutant rights for decades
>they finally create peace between Mutants and humans and erase the sentinel timeline
>mutants still die and xavier and the xmen are dead 5 years later
So basically it was all meaningless
>Yeah but the cells need material to use to divide.
His X-cells contain nearly infinite energy that he can convert into matter.
>old white men die so mexican children can go free in canada
Fuck this movie.
No because the little band of ethnically diverse mutant refugees got away at the end of Logan so the entire X-Men timeline up till then was worth it.