Is turning red good for you?
Is turning red good for you?
honestly, I was too obsessed with it for a time, but now it's a healthy obsession.
My unhealthy ideas were based (*ahem*) in religious delusions, really.
That's why you're on Yea Forums, right?
honestly I'd get roasted so hard if I was in my obsession mode and posting on here at the same time.
The movie is healthy, I don't understand how to attract so many failed Incelman!
>WHAT?! the girls at my school growing up were horny the whole time?? i missed out on so many opportunities and it's obviously their fault etc etc
>MrEnter of all people BTFOd this movie so hard Yea Forums now has to like it
In all honesty Mr Enter's review is pretty on point. Granted he lays it really thick with the 9/11 shit he's still not wrong. It's a bit weird the 4-town concert is lacking security, that jets weren't scrambled to deal with a literal kaiju, or that Mei's mom is letting ride public transit by herself despite being so protective in a post 9/11 world.
stfu, we were stanning this movie before his ugly ass got his grandma's disney plus password to work.
have you tried to ask on an already existent thread instead of open a new one?
>Mei's mom is letting ride public transit by herself despite being so protective in a post 9/11 world.
I guess you don't know what a city is...
Why doesnt the giant panda just stop the plane from hitting the towers?
Hey that one *also* has a cringe OP... but I think that thread was from the heart.
Don't know, it looks like shit so I won't watch it nor allow anyone in my family to.
no, but investigating 9/11 is
She look better with black hair.
Red fits her better.
> MrEnter of all people BTFOd this movie so hard Yea Forums now has to like it
Not wrong. It’s hard to hate mr enter now that Disney and Hollywood defense force of bread tube now made him a boogeyman..
I don’t get it. Why do bread tube get upset that Disney getting taxed more in Florida? What happen to tax the rich?
The only red I wanna see is her cute little thing when she spreads it.
I want to hold hands with this smug bitch.
I want to get off Mei's Wild Ride
Femanon here, I unironically want to fuck Mr. Enter. This is not a troll post, I genuinely think he's one of the hottest men alive. I've been following him for 6 years now and I've been crushing on him all this time. Whenever I hear his voice it's like I'm in heaven. I touch myself to the thought of him shouting about squidward torture porn while he's penetrating me. I'd do anything to make him sleep with me at this point.
Ok how about this? Consider...Maybe, 9/11 never actually happened in this fictional movie about magical spirit pandas.
I would hope she tries dying her hair back every once in a blue moon (or red moon). I don't want Mei to fully abandon her natural asian hair, let alone associate it with a time when she never truly felt good about herself
Suspension of disbelief. I didn't watch this movie expecting hyperrealism, I watched it expecting a compelling emotional drama. It delivered on that.
>In all honesty Mr Enter's review is pretty on point.
>mom is letting ride public transit by herself despite being so protective in a post 9/11 world.
It happened like that in real life. Despite a more paranoid populace, things proceeded business as usual on the day to day. Kids still went to parks and whatnot in 2003 and they took the bus to school. Also truth is most kids didn’t discuss 9/11 at great lengths, they still concerned themselves with little kid shit because they assumed adults would catch Bin Laden by like 2004 and the war would be over.
>I watched it expecting a compelling emotional drama
well... I'm not sure I *expected* that... not sure what I expected except "horny" and "periods"
But yeah, I liked the angst in the movie too.
>I don't want Mei to fully abandon her natural asian hair, let alone associate it with a time when she never truly felt good about herself
hmm... she does stop to admire her black hair...
but I don't think there's much of an indication she wants to go back...
well I guess he's your Devon to your Mei.
though I was avoiding this place because I thought there was too much negativity.
Okay Cinemasins.
I used to like their videos... because I was stupid.
If Mei was the age of 12 in mid 2002 instead of 13, you could argue Ming and Jin conceived her on June 6, 1989
I don't care, and I didn't watch it. I'd rather do something more important with my time than bitching.
>I'd rather do something more important with my time than bitching.
literally why did you leave this comment then...
>I'd rather do something more important with my time than bitching.
Rather contradictory.
Or consider that the setting of 2002 is completely arbitrary and this movie about magical pandas didn't need to expressly mention it's time period.
It's literally less work to assume it's a fictional world where real life modern events did not actually happen, considering the actual contents of the film.
He was right with the movie not needing to take place in the early 2000s. It didn't even need to take place in Canada. The boy band could've easily been replaced with some K-pop band. That would've got the movie more publicity.
>they have to take his words super out of context and blow one line massively out of proportion to even have a counter argument
He really blew their assholes wide open, didn't he?
you guys memeing? Since when did Mr. Enter get the time of day?
I guess when it comes to Period Panda movie, anything goes though.
oh if you haven't heard of Mr. Enter... good
is it like Mr Hands
Motgerfucker was killing it, here's to him pissing off the twitterfags
I can't believe mr enter is based now
>This movie became so controversial on social media and a huge victim of culture wars, Mr. Enter of all people became mainstream because of the 9/11 take.
For a Pixar film, it’s pretty fucking cursed. I almost feel bad for Domee Shi who’s probably not even aware about the internet flame wars and just wanted to make a fun personal film.
>le bad movie because the army never shows up
Never watch a magical girl show
Mr. Enter became even more of a laughingstock than he already was over this movie.
>Why do bread tube get upset that Disney getting taxed more in Florida?
Which of the BreadTubers are actually raising a stink about it? I haven't seen any.
What's the point of referencing real life events then?
The movie is based on the author's experience in the actual 2002 Toronto, not Mr. Enter's US perspective War on Terror paranoia.
Your telling me Cell is going around eating people and destroying property but the army never shows up?
Further proof the Saiyan Saga remains the undisputed best
Goku has never beaten vegeta officially in a fight
if anything all this attention will make her work live on in imfamy, like all those Prequel memes and YTPs