Any movies where the protagonist is depressed and suicidal for no reason?
Any movies where the protagonist is depressed and suicidal for no reason?
>burn his kids alive
>probably dreams every night of their screaming pain he didn't get to hear
>no reason
you wouldn't be able to take the stress pain and depression
Not only that but,
>Wife leaves you because she can't stand to be around you
>Rest of your family aside from your dying brother hates your guts
>Turn into an alcoholic
>can't or doesn't know how to genuinely express his feelings
the most heartbreaking part was the cops gun having the safety on.
Oh my gosh! He's literally me!
Why didn't he just get over grilling his entire family alive?
I got the vibe from that one great scene with Michelle Williams that she forgave him but being around him monumentally fucks her up so she couldn't stay with him. Understandable really.
I mean any normal man in his situation would be suicidal
he just wanted to grill
i never understood pointing a gun at a person trying to kill them self.
He might have the best reason to be depressed and suicidal out of any protagonist in a film in the past 10 years.
why are you falling for some of the worst bait I've seen in awhile, are you a newfag?
was he buying dog food?
You're right, but he is a literal pariah in the town. The bar scene where he got into the fight confirmed this. Everyone views him as murderer.
his bait turned into a genuine discussion of the movie, invalidating the initial shitty bait.
No, I just want to talk about this kino. It's stuck with me more than any film in recent memory. I've never seen a better portrayal of someone absolutely broken.
>I can't beat it.
He's suicidal because of erectile dysfunction.
An emotionally unstable person that is trying to kill themselves could see people coming towards them and not want to be stopped so they try to shoot them as well.
It's a reflex. Cops just think "gun" and immediately go for theirs as a response.
never had a wife or kids and never did anything even close to what he did but he's literally me. I feel and act the same way.
It's classic handbook cop training to see a gun (usually with a verbal command of "he has a gun!") and then respond appropriately.
or could intentionally egg them on to shooting them, thus giving them what they wanted. they all knew why he was there. let him kill himself. i'll never understand the societal aversion to suicide, especially justified suicide.
premium bait`
They might be pointing the gun at him in case he gets free from the grip and fires the gun. They would most likely just incapacitate him.
>they all knew why he was there
He was there to be interviewed by the police after the fire. It's only when he is told that he isn't going to face any charges that he decides to punish himself and try to commit suicide.
Because they're holding a gun and can at any moment point it towards you? Are you a retard you couldn't think of this yourself?
OP here. I meant any movies that are like that, that actually exist?
I really liked this film. Good stuff and surprisingly optimistic while alo being believable.
She isn't fixed as well, they both need to move on, trying to be together again would be a dumb move to ignore what happened. Plus he could never forgive himself, he wasn't punishing himself for the pain he caused her, but for everything. Her forgiving him won't bring back the kids so it's not enough
looks like forsen
its a small town police station, and its like 4 am. they know his house burned down and his kids are dead. let him kill himself.
if someone points a gun at their temple, pulls the trigger, but it doesnt go off, you know they werent trying to kill anyone but himself.
Any movie with a female lead who is depressed and suicidal.
What is Joker.