What is the appeal of Xavier?
What is the appeal of Xavier?
Clarity of message
High effort shitpost that is reminiscent of what you pretend YouTube was after the home video era but before let's playing/zero punctuation became a career option.
rapid fire puns
He's real and raw... it's a realistic, down-to-earth show... that's completely off-the-wall and swarming with magic robots. He's has attitude. He's edgy, he's in your face, he gets biz-zay.
Unironically deeper than Evangelion.
This, Xavier is down to pound, too cool to fool, the dressing to life's tasteless coleslaw.
This whole time i thought i was the poochie but maybe i was the pooch-er.
Being so self-awarely shallow that it wraps around to being the deepest shit. Also, stoners.