What is the appeal of Xavier?

What is the appeal of Xavier?

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High effort shitpost that is reminiscent of what you pretend YouTube was after the home video era but before let's playing/zero punctuation became a career option.

rapid fire puns

He's real and raw... it's a realistic, down-to-earth show... that's completely off-the-wall and swarming with magic robots. He's has attitude. He's edgy, he's in your face, he gets biz-zay.

Unironically deeper than Evangelion.

This, Xavier is down to pound, too cool to fool, the dressing to life's tasteless coleslaw.

This whole time i thought i was the poochie but maybe i was the pooch-er.

Being so self-awarely shallow that it wraps around to being the deepest shit. Also, stoners.