Crimson Peak is Del Taco's best film by a huge margin

Crimson Peak is Del Taco's best film by a huge margin.

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I think The Devil's Backbone is the best, but Crimson Peak is definitely up there. Visually stunning.

Agreed, love this movie. It seems a lot of the hate comes from people who feel bait-and-switched because they went in expecting jump scare horror and got gothic romantic drama instead. 10/10 film

bad marketing really fucked it, like the drive trailers that made it look like a fast and furious movie

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>mfw I don't really like Horror but love Gothic Romance
Thank you Based Del Taco.

Which reminds me, is Penny Dreadful worth watching? I hear that it's so-so and then it gets absolutely dreadful.

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Attached: Crimson Peak Wincest.webm (1280x689, 2.97M)

3rd season seems like they rushed through all the plot they had planned because eva was leaving but the writing is still really good

Criminally overlooked, fantastic chemistry between the leads. We almost got Emily Watson and Benedict Cucumberbatch as the leads too, I can only imagine the trainwreck this would have been otherwise.

Attached: Mia Wasikowska Crimson Peak.webm (1920x1034, 2.94M)

Worst movie actually
Its so fucking predictable and just another copy paste ghost house horror movie

Peak del toro atmosphere.

is that motherfucking loki

>It seems a lot of the hate comes from people who feel bait-and-switched
I will admit that this happened to me. I was super fucking pissed by the end of the movie.

No one knows how to please you more than your sister.

Christ, zoomers are the downfall of this shit website.

I just like Mia desu

It's amazing, and I love that he made it a true tribute to gothic horror and not just some ghost story.

And like every trailer for a Shyamalan film. It's ridiculous how hard a bad trailer can fuck a film. Especially when it makes a good film look like generic horror.

Remember when Hiddleston was still hot? I member. Taylor Swift ruined the poor guy.

It’s supposed to be trashy fun, because that’s penny dreadful’s purpose.

Definitely not his best film but I enjoyed it.
His best imo are his foreign films.


>Crimson Peak is Del Taco's best film by a huge margin.
Lmao it's worse than pacific rim and that's a silly action movie.
It's predictable and not even really scary. Boring movie for 27 year old femcels who are wet for Tom.

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it's mediocre movie, but I liked it
it's comfy.