Rapist Director Roman Polanski wins french Oscar

Actress walkout.


>"The awards - France's equivalent of the Oscars - have been mired in controversy after Polanski's An Officer and a Spy received 12 nominations earlier this year."
>"The Polish-French director has been wanted in the US for the statutory rape of a 13-year-old girl since the 1970s."
>"He has since faced other accusations of sexual assault."
>"Actress Adèle Haenel, who has said she was sexually abused as a child by another director, was one of the women who walked out of the ceremony after Polanski's win was announced. She left the room saying "shame!", and was followed by director Céline Sciamma."
>"Actress and comedian Florence Foresti, who was presenting at the ceremony, did not return to the stage after Polanski's award was announced. She later updated her Instagram story to a black screen with the word "disgusted". Hours before the ceremony began, France's Culture Minister Franck Riester said it would be "symbolically bad" if Polanski were to win the prize for best director, "given the stance we must take against sexual and sexist violence".Protesters also gathered outside of the venue ahead of the awards."

Why is this allowed, Yea Forums?


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Polanski is a certified CHILD RAPIST and yet he keeps making movies and getting prizes....
really makes ya think

Roasties BTFO

Why do men sexually assault women and get away with it?

If he was a real rapist he would be in jail.
somebody failed to provide proof.

it was consensual and she forgave him

why didn't obama just drone strike polanski?

Histrionics from french feminists. Yawn, dont let the door hit you on the ass.

Isn’t 13 like the aoc in France?

rape isn't a crime in france

>had sex numerous times despite being 13
>allows Polanski to fuck her ass so she dosent get pregnant
>mom trying to blackmail him for money but he refuses
>cry rape

i mean both are correct. I would have any boomer fucking anybody under 16 hung with steel rope.


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kek fuck me, so instead of not turning they just wait until the moment all the cameras are ready to stage their 'protest'
this is why you can never trust these actresses, their whole life is a performance

>Jewish child rapist makes movies about jewish traitor arrested by french police.
>wins award
So you just realized jes supercede white women? The academy is very jewy and corrupt, they're embazzled with fraud accusations.

He can't be in jail, he always gave a choice.

Only when the jews

I don't see how this is relevant. He is being judged by his movie not his life.

13-year olds cannot consent.


This, she was a giant whore and so was her mom.

Yes they can.
They can even get pregnant.
t. br

Its 15. It was 13 in Spain

she was fucking around with boys her own age, not dirty ass 40 year olds who spiked her drinks

i wonder who's behind this pedo normalization?

Yeah this sounds like the truth to be honest, everything else about this is pretty much white noise from hambeasts trying to rabber rouse 4channers into assisting them in their bitchings.
Whores need to get fucked and shut up.

Jews vs Feminists.
Whoever wins, we lose.

Because hes (((chosen))), more importantly, what did he win for

i don't give two shits whether she was whore at 13, had Polanski had self control and not been a degenerate he would not be in mess.

Only jews do and you know why that is

was the movie good though?

Who cares. Its been 40 years and he makes good movies. It's just feminazi trend.
Meanwhile french nigger who made a film which won best movie beat a guy, kidnapped him and put gaz on him to burn him alive just because he fucked the sister of his friend (crime of honor).

>I don't see how this is relevant. He is being judged by his movie not his life.
Tell that to Mel Gibson

>Who cares. Its been 40 years and he makes good movies

I care about pedo still not being dead and his recent films suck ass.



Who cares? Duck that roastie and her look at me shit.
Her entire value is in her holes and she's mad she gave some up to a director, boohoo! Shouldn't be able to act if it's such a tragedy then but oh she can keep doing that.

>France's Culture Minister Franck Riester said it would be "symbolically bad" if Polanski were to win the prize for best director, "
This sounds really unprofessional.

disgusting. a pedo and rapist is being celebrated and cheered on while being wanted in another country for his degenerate crimes. how come no one has shot him in any of his millions of public appearances yet? it's absolutely appalling how he's getting away with it. someone should go all vigilante on his ass and make him pay for all the heinous shit he's done.

Yea, polanski may be a dirty jew but this was just shameful extortion by whores.
Stop whining about this you roasties, nobody cares.

This sound very cowardly. If the guy was antisemtic he would have been blocked with asking questions but the guy is a jewish rapist, there's nothing you can do.

Stop making excuses for him, you disgusting, retarded pedophile.

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the girl he fucked doesnt even care, she never did. Its always been other roasries seething on her behalf.

How come nobody is talking about the fact the kid fucker did a movie about "french people being antisemites"

>i wonder who's behind this pedo normalization?
I don't know but they have my support.

She was probably a complete slut groupie like a lot of hollywood girls climbing the ladder (it's literally a hormonal teen girl living around famous rich men)

He was still wrong and fucked up

I dont get what the one has to do with the other?
Criminals cant be good directors or win prices?

Trying to cash in on the #metoo cred, but failed to see that the wave broke already. More disgusted about the whores than the pedophiles at this point.

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so who here's seen the movie? lmao

If they knew he was nominated why show up? Better yet, don't nominate him if you don't want him to win.

Going a little too hard on the roleplay there

Do you know what it is about? It's revisionism. A jewish officer tried and punished for treason. Thanks to propaganda they turnd it into an antisemitic injustice story because no jew would commit a crime, right?

>ywn cum inside the anus of a cute 13yo girl

Why even live?

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That's the thing. If you go to jail, serve your time, and get out, are you allowed to live your live and succeed? I think yes. I also think the same if you're accused, but never get taken to court, or are taken to court and found innocent. I know some people think the accusation alone should ruin a person forever, but, I think that just leads to a hellscape of a society where anyone can be prevented from living a good life with a single word, a word that doesn't even have to be true.

Polanski hasn't done his time though, he fled the country.

kek - glad I wasn't the only one

fun fact : this whore (Adèle Haenel) won a prize in 2014 at the Cesars. The same night, Polanski also won a prize but the bitch didn't complain.

Roasties getting toastie

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Sharia Law is really starting to set in over there in France isn't it. Already starting to come around to pedophelia.

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another victory for the cunnyarchy!

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polanski was convicted but fled the us and has been thumbing his nose at the us justice system ever since then

cute butt

That's the other thing you have to consider. Not all countries have the same laws, the same view of age. In an ever more Global world, we probably have to start rethinking our laws and how they work, not just within borders, but across them. I'm not an open borders type, but relations with other countries, how we interact with their laws, and such, finding middleground and agreement, are something we should probably get in order. Something like this is only possible before, on a larger scale, global law interaction between nations needs a lot of work.

I think you have to deal with that before you can deal with small individual cases.

>You get a cunny in the dark
>You’re a loli-eating shark but meantime-
>South of the river you can get away with anything
>You got her blowin dickie, double four time
>You feel alright when you got her down on that thing
>We are the Cesars
>We are the Cesars of Shame

This. Polanski is just getting Weinsteined. No substantial facts against him

Weinstein is an interesting case. I listened to some of the recordings that were made public. The rape accusations don't match up, at least not with those that were made public. The recordings basically come down to nothing more than him begging, and whining, and begging, and promising all sorts of things he'll do for them, if they'll just come please please please whine cry please sleep with him type stuff. It's pathetic. I couldn't ever call him a man, let alone masculine. And yet, whining and crying until a woman pity sleeps with you, or promising them all sorts of gifts (or in this case parts and opportunities) to get them to sleep with you....

I couldn't call that rape.

Now, maybe they're holding back evidence from the public that absolutely proves him a rapist. Maybe. I don't know. Maybe he is a rapist, and for some reason the hard proof has been held back in favor of claims and accusations without proof. I don't know why they'd do that, but I guess it's possible. But it's a really weird thing to do if he's actually a fucking rapist. Wouldn't you want that established in the most absolute sense possible?

If you really think that about the Dreyfus affair you are unironically completely fucking retarded.
A bunch of actual traitors sent classified documents to Germany and covered their asses by forging false documents and accusing the local jew. They were never tried or convincted, and the guy who actually transmitted the documents himself, the crime Dreyfus was accused of, was smuggled to England where he lived the rest of his life under an alias.

>wanted for crime
>no substancial facts

Why do you alt-right tards always have to lie about everything and ignore the facts? I know Trump/Fox are doing it*, but come on man are you really falling for this shit?

*see for example recent coronavirus debacle

sure the justice system is absolutely infallible and if you dare criticize it you are literally a nazi

Eric Andre??

What in the goddamn. How does that slip under the radar in (((current year))))?

...so they were fine with him being nominated and attending but they drew the line at him winning?

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If they had clear evidence of actual rapes I think they would release those first. His case does seem to come down to him begging women for sex and the women playing along and pretending to be interested to get his support. That's not really rape, its prostitution.

>Adèle Haenel
>Florence Foresti
basically french boomer Amy Schumer, nobody gives a shit about her
>France's Culture Minister Franck Riester

Nope he was spent half a year in prision to be diagnosed if he is a pedo(he isn't according to the final medical report) and left the coutry after the judge let him go free later Polansky didn't show up on the reading of the final verdict. The wole deal with him is that he has to be present on the reading but he fled. The US federal court even stated that they will let him go but he must come to the US. He says it's a ploy to lure him in. That's literally the whole case.

It's true but it's still degenerate on both sides and deserves execution

People that commit crimes in a nation and have been found guilty need to face justice. There is no but scenario. If a person cannot abide by a nation's laws, then do not ever travel there. Polanski committing crimes in the United States, period, and has not served his time. Otherwise chaos ensues. Apologists for polanski are closet pedophiles or are protecting him because of ingroup preferences.

#metoo bitch and the beta following like her lapdog.
Reminds me of Yea Forums.

Friendly reminder that this is his LA "victim" if she has this opinion about him, you are nowhere in place where you can judge him. She blatantly says that the case was rigged against Polanski, and they are on great terms. Also Polanski has ton of support from accomplished and respected female directors / actresses from french industry.
>Isabelle Huppert lowkey defended him yesterday.
>Fanny Ardant said that she loves him and that she is happy that he won.
>Brigitte Bardot said "VIVA ROMAN" and defended him
>Catherine Deneuve defended him
>Claire Dennis the female director who presented him Cesar said that she didnt like how he was mocked during Cesars, and that she didnt have problem to present him the award.

etc.. etc...

Overally French women are kinda based. Also, french industry who are 4500+ members BTFO wokesters voting for Polanski and snubbing Lady on Fire. Literally #MeeToo was destroyed at last Cesars.

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I´m ok with this. For good or bad artistic talent has absolutly nothing to do with a person being morally good or a piece of shit.

People who associate with self important hollywood types are scum.
People who try to fuck said hollywood types are even more scum.
People who allow their underage children to be raped by said scum are also scum.
And then trying to exort money after the fact. Just makes them greater scum still.
No named actresses trying to create controversy with their senile behavior need to be put down.

That being said being a child rapist doesn't suddenly mean someones not talented. Dude was a child rapist years ago. Hes a child rapist now. He's always been a rapist and always made award worthy movies.
Accept that fact before trying to use your incredibly smooth, baby soft, brain to weigh in on this.

It hasn't broken, it's only just begun

>People that commit crimes in a nation and have been found guilty need to face justice. There is no but scenario. If a person cannot abide by a nation's laws, then do not ever travel there. Polanski committing crimes in the United States, period, and has not served his time. Otherwise chaos ensues. Apologists for polanski are closet pedophiles or are protecting him because of ingroup preferences.

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lol murrica should have been gassed for all the crimes it commited on foreign soil.

Pretty simple and black and white. Did you have sex with a child? yes/no. Not rigged in any way. He chose to fuck a child whore sleeping her way in hollywood and was caught. Polanski should have just went elsewhere to countries that condone it.

europedos assblasted

yes yes. keep defending the manlet jew pedo

that would be jews

>chad yuro fucks burger slut and got away with it
>n-no u
lol keep seething burger boy

this is your brain on Yea Forums

Based Hollywood elite dabbing on the laws of men

You got proof or that? They said the exact same thing about Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. Hollywood jews kept making movies about them being innocent yet recently declassified soviet document says they were spies.

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>i was okay with it being nominated as much as going there
>he wins

Bunch of hyprocrites, if they wanted to do something they'd not attent and make a fuzz preshow not after.

Rigged u fucking retarded low iq mongloid. Do some research about that case u retard before speaking about it.

Yes burger is ALWAYS bad.

Sadly not. Hollywood lost to #MeToo. They expelled Polanski from American Academy last year, added tons of "woke" ppl as a Academy members etc.. Thankfully French Academy arent snowflakes and BTFO woke shitters.

Jews can get away with literally anything

They are Gods

I mean they just gave a notorious pedophile a writing award in France. Cheating isn’t immoral in France and paternity tests are banned there. They don’t have any sexual taboos.

“French people are disgusting perverts” wasn’t just Anglo slander.

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Womp womp

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yeah the 'alt right' is defending the jewish pedo

has literally all the sources you will ever need on the subject

Even if that was true (it isnt) the fact is having sex with 13 year olds is against the law in the USA. If average Joe Shmoe fucked a 13 year old and fled the country he would be draggad back in handcuffs through diplomatic measures and tried. You are defending a rich famous person being above the law because of their fame and wealth. Fuck you.

>The Polish-French director

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Is that title grammatically correct?

His wife and unborn child were fucking murdered by a cult, he's entitled to at least one mistake. First world roasties are just virtue signaling.

UK has no balls, but France still has at least one testicle left when it comes to dealing with muzzies.

Real talk, how did this guy get away with it?

>France's Culture Minister Franck Riester said it would be "symbolically bad" if Polanski were to win the prize for best director, "given the stance we must take against sexual and sexist violence".
Rapefugees good
Dirapetors bad

What a strange akane edit

>the amount of hashtags and other shits about the ceremony
also a lot of actors get some hate for defending him

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What movie is that gif from? Begbie in period clothing? Looks comfy.

WHat was the name of that french author that had sex with teenagers all the time and wrote books about it and some canadian bitch in '92 called him out on it and one of the sluts he fucked recently sued him or whatever

>Polanski so good even the puritanical conglomerate that is the liberal elite give him a pass
Now that's talent.

>She gave consent
>He continuously asked for her consent
>His victim forgave him and has been defending him for decades
>His late-term pregnant wife was horrifically murdered by Charles Manson's cult
>He's talented
>He's Jewish
>He absconded to a less puritanical country
>Secretly everyone knows that he's only guilty of being caught, because ambitious young thots have been fucking older men for millennia, and it will never stop

Nigger, it would have taken you less effort to google "french author underage girls" than all that shit. Literally the first result.

His movies are good. Nothing else matters.

how come anus of this 13 year old girl was stretched enough to accomodate penis of an adult man

Poor Roman, where's Meryl Streep when you need her?

I always find it hilarious that most people believe actors actually care about things. They are just doing what they are told.

on the one hands external factors shouldn't be considered when evaluating the objective quality of a film

On the other hand fuck Polanksi and the jews that protect him

Man, I can't take a side on this one

this is my confusion, it seems like they are frustrated that they aren't getting recognition but he is, not that they're actually disgusted by him.

Typical Hollywood bullshit if you ask me, like 90% of the #metoo stuff.

>paternity tests are banned
So they have a child support system? How do they determine culpability in child support fraud situations?

I dont understand law let alone mutt law but shouldn't these females stories be much more believable if they just sued for jail time instead of money?

He's convicted in the US and fled, there was proof. France has denied extradition requests or he'd be in jail.

get that cunt in jail

Whoever the women writes down is the child on the birth certificate is forced to pay child support until they're 18, the official reason is to prevent the break up of the family unti
Yet women can force rich white french men to pay for their half breed niglets using this system and they do and judges just throw their hands up and say there's nothing they cann do, your name is on the birth certificate





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the law is for cucks. its the morality of the issue that's a question. did he do anything morally wrong? no, she admits it herself. ergo polanski dindu nuffin. who gives a fuck about what the law says, it was written by retards

Even a 9 year old can.

Judges can order tests. It's just illegal to test your children yourself I think and the results won't be admisable in court. But do a test and just don't tell it. Then ask for divorce if cucked.
Yes, womyn bad but don't let it blind you.

That's a nice tushy, would fuck/10.

The thing is, this is an elite jew vs whores, and as much as i love a jew bashing i think this whore revenge mentality must stop so i side with the kike this time, so here is a message to camping roasties and trannies who thinks coming here in groups to agree with their own posts will make anyone change their minds: it will fail, you wasted your time

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Jews are a minority whores are everywhere, if one of them gets what they want things will stay the same (bad) if the other gets it, things will get worse.
Whore killing is mercy killing.

She's kind of a cute

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nobody cares about woke twitter shitters. The movie did great in France BO so wokesters can seethe and eat shit.

polanski is a manlet jew
his dick is tiny

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Award shows have no need to exist to begin with. An award determined by people with biases does not definitively capture objective qualities nor should it change your opinion or feelings on a movie (ie. an award becoming an external factor that shouldn't be considered when evaluating the objective quality of a film). If they can give platforms that can parade around someone like Polanski, then they're better off not existing.

I wonder how lefties react when they see /pol/ conspiracies getting confirmed real like this.

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It's just a coincidence

Doped up. Also the mom has no clue.

It was the Judges fault. Guy wanted to be famous from the cases and hang out with Roman in the hills.

Did the lesbo who put her in her first film start a relationship with this chick when she was 16 and she was like 28?

This womps.

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I don't have a clue about that but I want to know more about this lesbian woman who teaching young actresses.

Impressive numbers great satan.

There were tons of evidences pointing out Dreyfus. There were one forged document in the accusation file made out of a personal initiative in order to reinforce the accusation.

>oy vey look he is innocent the bag goy tried to frame one of us

Only the old women. Sadly the young ones are too americanized now.

>Whoever the women writes down is the child on the birth certificate is forced to pay child support until they're 18
if a man declares he wont pay because he's not the father then a judge will order a mandatory genetic test

It has nothing to with French people, retard. The whole thing is jewified like in the US. Btw, your knowledge about France is limited to American-made stereotypes, pretty sad.