Slashfilm celebrate the Jewishness of the TV show Hunters and oozes information about Jews IRL

I can't tell whether this is praise for the show or a long winded article shaming the reader into recognizing the importance of Jews.

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It is actually a hidden redpill

What is this drivel? I feel disgusted just reading it.

I'd rather empty rubbish bins than write articles like this.

Isn't this the same show that irl Jews have been hating 9n over the chess thing? Kinda late to roll out stories like this.

How are the ratings?

once they run out of nazis the show switches to modern times. the hunters become a NGO funded by a french banker and they start hunting for refugees to import into europe.

This sort of loses it's affect when you realize 90% of Hollywood shit is written, produced, directed and acted by jews

God you’re not allowed to say that! Delete this post right now!

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This article is desperately saying: "Our suffering is real, goy! You must respect us now!" And it throws links at you every couple of sentences as if we are supposed to look at them and be convinced they are the most innocent and oppressed people in the world.

The goyim know.

Imagine Europeans living in Israel and making movies about Europeans killing Zionists. Would Israelis ever tolerate that?
Why the fuck do White people tolerate this BS?

>90% of Hollywood shit is written, produced, directed and acted by jews
not even close to true. maybe 50% but the over representation isnt close to 90%. also its easily explained by the family trade being handed down. like the diamond business. its not some conspiracy.

Defiant against what? Jewish dominate the industry.

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I wonder who could be behind this post.

50% is still a crazy number proportional to their population

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Please tell me what the meaningful difference between that and a "conspiracy" is. Include what you imagine the definition of the word "conspiracy" to be.
Bonus: insofar as clubbish agenda-weighted Jews are being driven out of Hollywood, it's in favor of -- Chinese! Nothing To See Here.

Slashfilm is one of the most cucked publications in the industry, I messaged the editor in chief to tell him I was going to unfollow the page on Facebook over the non-stop capeshit articles and he got upset lol.

Imagine still visiting slashfilm post 2011.

The eternal seething stormfags looking for ways to outrage each other

stormfront doesn't even exist anymore you fag

take a guess as to who influences the education of these white people.

>Why the fuck do White people tolerate this BS?
we dont. our leaders are all owned by jews. our armies serve jews. we dont have borders. we are being replaced and every single politician and free mason and media person is bought and paid for by jews.

its been over for us since WW2. the good guys lost.

Ugh, yet another show where the Whites are the heroes. When will it stop?

you would know

Wait, it's out already? wtf
There is another (or 2 others) shows with the same premiss getting released at the same time. Maybe I mixed all of them·

I like it and I would be a big winner at their fictional show, but is hard to stomach it at times, because it too often seems to feed into a victim complex, is not because the characters living in 77s America would not be justified in feeling alienated, since well Holocaust was fairly fresh for them, it would be like something happening in the 80s for us, plus well the civil rights movement did not come out of nothing.
The problem comes from the show wanting to be like Tarantino without the selfawareness of the sillyness of its seriousness, which seems a nonsense but well Tarantino I think is someone who knows how far to go and it uses the silly to "de-power" something or someone (the Klansmen meeting in Django).

While here there is too much fourth wall breaking trying to inspire some kind of white guilt, (the woman saying that Hansel and Gretel is about jewish hate and the witch dindu nuffin, the how to spot a nazi bit, the game show bit,)

>Framed like a 1970s Family Feud-style game show, Why Does Everyone Hate The Jews? shows up at the 32 minute mark of episode 8, “The Jewish Question.” In the segment, a Richard Dawson-looking host encourages a trio of contestants to guess as many reasons why everyone hates the Jews. After an onslaught of real, antisemitic things people have actually said about Jews, Joyce wins the game with the easy answer, “because they’re Jews!” The host wraps things up with his chilling exit monologue, staring down the audience while breaking the fourth wall:

>“Do you know someone who would win big money here? Have them apply today. No, really, do you? Maybe a parent? A friend? Your husband or wife? Maybe they play it often. Around the kitchen table or at work. Maybe just in the safety of their own minds because they still believe that Jews … just aren’t us. How often do they play this game? Would they win big money here? Would you?”