What are the best Japanese crime films?

What are the best Japanese crime films?

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I don't think you'll get a better answer than this, it was pitched to me as the Japanese Godfather when I originally watched it but it's soooo much more. Bonus points for adding New Battles Without Honor and Humanity.


This is stupid

Sonatine (yakuza)
Outrage (yakuza)
Branded to Kill (hitmen)
Yakuza: Like a dragon (yakuza)
Vengeance is Mine (serial killer)
Tokyo Drifter (yakuza)
Wandering Ginza Butterfly 2 (gambling)
The Insect Woman (prostitution)
Gambling Kitten (gambling)
Brutal Tales of Chivalry (yakuza)
Prison walls of Abashiri (prison break)
A certain killer (hitmen/robbery)
Abunai Deka 1 & 2 (goofy cop shit)
Hokuriku Proxy War (yakuza turf war)
Shimane Prison Riot (prison riot)
Stray cat rock: delinquent girl boss (youth gangs)
Graveyard of Honor, 2005 remake (yakuza)

Grow a brain

>lists Stray Cat Rock but not Female Prisoner Scorpion

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Good movie but I really hate how they try to humanize the yakuza. Theyre fucking monsters who believe theyre modern day robin hoods.

With that being said I would recomend Minbo which is free on youtube. This movie made the yakuza seethe so much they made the director kill himself.

Attached: Minbo_poster.jpg (263x379, 20K)

There's nothing wrong with humanising them, as long as you don't try to whitewash them. I personally draw the line at the 60s movies where they bend over backwards in making the protagonist and his underdog yakuza clan always be as just and honourable, true spirit of Nippon as possible while making the bad guys always be backstabbing assholes who honor nothing.

No u. It's a dumb movie where old farts play children pranks and the acting is bad.

So I take it you're not a fan of Outlaw Gangster VIP series?

>acting is bad

Thats all japanese movies desu.

Hard Boiled>The Raid 2>everything else

I tend to hold kitsch value to those kinds of movies, where the real worth is in the charisma of the lead. Same with Ken Takakura flicks.

>Hard Boiled
>Japanese film

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Ok? You're not contradicting my post here with that post

Raid movies are phillipino

the greatest raid is the greatest raid, tho

Calm down faggot

After reading that shit about yakuza members raping and torturing that poor girl for months until she died then there is everything wrong trying to humanise them

I don't give a fuck which direction their eyes slant, a gooks a gook. Police Story is excellent too

Eat my butt nuggets.

The Japanese stole everything from the Chinese so it's basically the same thing and only a dumbass weeb would disagree with this statement so if you disagree you're a fucking dumbass weeb with a tickle in their anus.

All of you are faggots.

Chow yun fat- A Better Tomorrow

Pick one. Asians are literal subhumans

Can Ichi The Killer pass as a crime film? I mean it has some yakuza motherfuckers in it.