>all these usanians seething for EL CHAVO
All these usanians seething for EL CHAVO
The boy that drove hordes of shipcels to suicide.
Fucking Netscape? The latinx have it bad, huh?
So what actually happened here? Why is he appearing in Owl House stuff and making twitter seethe?
why are usanians so consoomers?
it's a crime that El Chavo cartoon was so poorly done. The original show is in the hearth of millions of people. I think that televisa only made it for money.
I thought it was just shit posting did twitter really seethle?
So is he supposed to be a kid in the original series and they have an old man playing him in live action for comedy's sake?
I imagine its due to that and also because dealing with child actors is a huge pain.
Televisa does things only for money
It more that the actor crew started in theater so they just kind made a tv theater play.
>wasting that much time on a mock reply
yeah I wouldn't put it past owlfags to seethe over stuff like this
The old man is actually the original show runner, writter and director too. They had a lot of sketches, but "El Chavo" was the most beloved. The first few seasons have the character being way younger. You can see that "La Chilindrina" was quite the beautiful woman, even, but then times goes on and it becomes really awkward and hard to watch, while still way too profitable to end.
>was quite the beautiful woman, even
The black tooth was a turn off, since i was to young to realize it was fake, but i actually, sincerely had a crush on her when i watched the show as a kid, which is probably the only time in my life i've felt that way to a real person
>el chavo gachi muchi over an anamanaguchi song
faggots are seething and coping so hard hecause el Chadvo has the ability of curing the gay out of a woman
yes it was improv comedy
Lurk more faggot
Only by TOHtrannies
Did the childish outfits, talking/acting like kids, going to school, having parents that treat them like kids, etc. not tip you off that they're supposed to be kids?
Holy based
Does anyone have the original spanish one?
Based spics
At least it had soul even if the budget was two beans and half a cent
I grew watching Chespirito so for me el Chavo was one of many sketches. Is for sure the most popular Maria Antonietta was genuinely hot, and was one of the senior members of the acting group, so you can see her in all of the earliest comedy sketches even before Chespirito proper started.
>C Data users...
>Netscape Temp saved images.png
This whole chavo thing is the shitposting equivalent of high art, holy shit.
Luz being cucked is based
Stop that
I'm more of a Chapulin Colorado myself.
They're cute
How can lesbians compete?
All this El Chavo owl house crossover and not a single pic with La Bruja del 71.
nigger faggot
>Alejate o Tatakae
FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK why must you remind me of that cringey as fuck tryhard weeb comic?? fucking hell, at least the countermemes and shitpost edits were based
This meme is awful. Even if I was a rabid Owl House hater, I would punch this kid in the fucking face.
>Chespirito single-handedly making amerimutts & TOHtroons seethe from the grave
El Chavo-Sama, me arrodillo.
Wtf why nobody told me that happened
Wtf I love fornut now
Does Luz have any crackships herself?
Somebody NEEDS to explain to me how this whole shipping debacle started because I don't watch Owl House.
How in the literal hell did Chavito of all animated characters get tangled with some pink-haired bitch from a nu-cartoon?
how this started? seems pretty random
It's just "pwning the libs".
>not Super Sam
¡Time is money!
is just spics makingfg Owl House shippers seethe like
Yes but who started it, and how? Why El Chavo?
marco chuds are old news LMAO
Pointing out five-year old putting on sunglasses and dabbing level """"trolling"""" doesn't make me a shipper, polbro.
/pol/tard then, whatever.
Not everyone who makes fun of shippers is a "polbro", user.
yeah but we have hunter for it, why el chavo? it's like shipping, I dont know, asami sato x condorito or something
Marco has Janna
Alguien tiene ese donde Don Ramon le gusta la bruja
La bruja de Eda Clawthorne?
I found it
They did with hunter at first, but seeing how angry Owlfags were about it, shitposting facebook groups decided to start the meme ship of El chavo x Aminity to see if they just seethe at whatever goes against their cute ships