Yea Forums liked Parasite until it started winning awards

Yea Forums liked Parasite until it started winning awards.

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Nobody even discussed it back then. It was shown during end game

I won't deny it. It was my favorite of 2019 but I don't tell people that because I'd sound like some midwit normie who is just following trends.

Yea Forums dislike it from the beginning because it's korean

Avenger: endgame was unironically a better film, cope harder DCuck

No, not really. The board wondered where to get subs during summer and autumn but it had an american release during autumn. Stop lying

The very first thing I saw about Parasite was someone saying it was an inferior knockoff of a Japanese film

Yea Forums also liked joker before it got popular on reddit

Endgame gets more and more shit the more I think about it. Parasite was okay. I don't want to put it in a pedestal or anything but at least it wasn't predictable as all hell. The only things you don't see coming in Endgame are the ones that don't make sense, like Clint and Nat and the soul stone. The rest is just cliché nonsense

>Yea Forums liked Parasite until it started winning awards.
No it was as soon as it got wide release. Normies seen it? = cringe movie.

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>1917 stopped winning awards
>Yea Forums likes it now

>March, I'm forgotten

>liking any capeshit
>being a capeshit elitist
the absolute soi on this dude

Yea Forums didn't know what parasite was until it was nominated for an oscar

i have been against it since it won cannes, it's the most overrated movie in existence

The movie doesn't even know what it wants to portray and people claim it's done so on purpose. There's literally nothing the rich people did that could be considered bad. The assumption that they're inherently bad and doing something to get one over on people is all that people have, yet it's touted as a masterpiece for the disenfranchised lower class that simply promise to be good if they had money. It's bullshit, but not much more can be expected of whiny poor Twitter dwellers that refuse to accept their mode of life that they, more than likely, have inflicted upon themselves. We have more options for ways of living now than ever in history, yet people want to pretend it's get rich or bust. Guess it keeps them in their containment zones though, so I can't bitch too much.

there were hourly threads about it the second there was a torrent.

>against it

which like five people posted in
yes i am against this overrated turd

Wait I thought that was the point? Everyone's a victim. I thought the entire dynamic was being criticized moreso than either side of it.

kinosseurs liked parasite
capeshitters/starshitters/swordshitters heard of it because of oscars and hated it because it wasnt one of the above

If you just watched it and know nothing about the directors or writers intent, you'd think that. The poor people look like massive assholes, but the actual director and writer of it still think of them as the heroes of the story. Their remarks about it are confounding because as a normal fucking human, the poor people look like absolute shit.

It was their "Don't worry that you and the housekeeper are basically doing slave work. We'll pay extra" Attitude that tipped the husbannd over the edge. Granted, it was a shit thing to do by the rich guys, but it wasn't that they were evil or anything. Maybe the husband was kind of a cunt towards poor people but nothing more than that. The killing had more to do with the husband's building hate and despair as the storm made them lose everything they had.

That's probably something that gets lost in translation. Nobody's that stupid.

seethe more, DCuck

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but user, you live in a country that literally worships the rich, where the rich spend billions every year to force a positive image. The rich literally created and destroyed detroit, but you say "FUCKGIN NIGGERS RUINED A GREAT CITY!"

Of course the heroic nature of poor people sucking from the rich what the rich suck from korea would be utterly lost on you.

You mean Academy Awards, right? Nobody knew it existed before it got the Palme d'Or at Cannes, but I agree that some contrarians naturally turned to hating it after its mainstream success and especially after the Oscars.

Which is comically shown by the constant "downward progression" of the poor family from the rich home to theirs. People living in squalor isn't the fault of the rich family, and taking into consideration the intent from the creators, it shows how flawed their thinking is without even getting into the whole hypocrisy of them being upper class as it stands. The rich man wasn't even outwardly an asshole to the family, in fact, he was nice to them and spoke about them when they weren't around. The thing is, the "smell" he mentions exists. That dank basement smell on clothes is awful, I had to sit next to people back in high school that smelled like that and it'll permeate a room. Even then the rich man did basically nothing. I get that it's supposed to be some metaphorical descent into the poor part of town that sends the dad over the edge, which he then feels remorse for, but the whole films message is muddled versus the actual intent spoken about at the numerous award shows/interviews.

its a movie about korean class warfare being discussed by people who think "class warfare" is "school shootings."

That's a whole shitton of projection there, I won't engage with strawman brainlets.

Fuck off, pretentious dickhead.

contrarianism isn't real.

I was content to ignore the movie as yet another soon-to-be-forgotten film festival darling, but every single day you fucks kept spamming about it. So here I am.

filter it if you dislike it so much, i rarely reply to parasite threads anymore, we discussed it to death in the 9-10 months after Cannes and now it's only being talked about by people who didn't watch it until the Oscars.

Zoomer mentality. "It's old now, that's a meme from 3 months ago..."

>Nobody knew it existed before it got the Palme d'Or at Cannes
Are you retarded? it literally premiered at cannes

I'm here to remind you that everything anyone thinks is brilliant about the movie was a mistranslation. How a huge number of points are completely lost on western audiences, and those points, when properly understood, reduce the movie to a very basic, very flat movie.

It's ironic that the person screaming "contrarian" is the one that's attempting to be one with retardation like that, isn't it? Attempt to be a hipster in the know, only to be ruined by facts and logic Ben Shapiro style.

memes die grandpa
over 9000 was over 9 years ago

There hasn't been a film made in your lifetime worth as much as the classics that you'll never watch.

Saw it yesterday, it deserves every award it got. Fact.

Those classics are boring sorry old faggot

I’ve never seen a film more fitting of this graph.

The film is an adequate, 7/10 flick on surface viewing but completely shits the bed as any sort of subtextual social class/economic system commentary. Which is weird because I thought Snowpiercer was a much better film with a far superior themes and application of its left vs right upward social mobility motif.

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>This is your average Marvellet poster.
What does Parasite have to do with capeshit?

You colossal dipshits falling for the most obvious baits imaginable are the reason this board went to shit. What the fuck is wrong with your brains?

That's because you're a fucking faggot.


Snowpiercer also wasn't up its own ass. It was retarded, didn't take itself too insanely seriously, yet still delivered the themes.

not to say the bell curve appreciation model is wrong, but the movie is a treatise on korean socioeconomic politics. If you even so much as utter the word "left" in a political context, its pretty much impossible to understand the movie.

>Snowpiercer wasn't up its own ass
The only reason it seems this way is because its a mono-lingual korean adapting a french novel into english. The movie was basically directed by google translate.

And I'm okay with that.

It was always juvenile trash

>i'm fine with movies being pretentious if I can pretend they're being ironic

Yes, because I'm not going to sperg out, read the source material, or spend the time finding out that it's a Korean adaptation of a French book. I watched the film, I understand the film as it turned out. I have many hobbies, obsessing and reading articles about every movie I've seen would be pointless. lmaoing at your fucking life.

>dude lmao knowing literally anything about anything is obsession I'm a busy man with things to do, loser

Obsessed and seething at this point. TOP 10 THINGS YOUUUUUUU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT SNOWPIERCER, my favorite way to spend a day!

snowpiercer was garbage
explaining everything to the viewer like he's fucking 5 and serving the moral of the story on silver platter was anime-worthy

but user, i thought you were too busy to pay any attention to anything. why are you still replying to me? don't you have an awesome life full of wonderful things to get back to?

I'm at work, it's shitpost hours, zoomie

But user, I thought you were too cool and interesting for work

Around lower class, never relax.

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Bull shit. I saw it discussed here frequently last year, it's how I first heard about it.

I am, but the Jews and made me get hungry.

man user, with each post you seem less cool. way back at you seemed like a rockstar who was just too busy for anything. But now you've spent 20 minutes trying to defend yourself, and failing.

Sorry I'm busy watching "20 things wrong with pop culture movie of the week" on youtube right now

man user, for someone who is just the total opposite of a loser, you sure seem like one :/

>you don't know a movie exists before it premieres

Semi related but does anybody else ever go into a thread and insult someone only to delete the thread from the thread watcher and never come back? I do this all the time so if you've ever written a long seething booty blasted rant and got no response, that was probably me.

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I do this all the time, especially when it's something I actually believe. The less you reply to people, the more angry they get too.

I wouldn’t even really say he was rude to poor people though. At least not to their faces. The only reason they were aware of the whole smell thing at all was because they were hiding in his house

So the days between it premiering at Cannes and winning the palm door?

The thing I find the funniest from all the people that take this movie as the gospel is that they'll whine about the rich couple acting poor while fooling around, talking about buying drugs and shit, fetishizing what they aren't, yet the same people that think that's horrible are the same people that say you can't kink shame.

Don't worry, this board is full of schmucks who have an intrinsic need to feel special and better than the next person. Best way to do that - dislike everything that is popular, and force yourself to enjoy obscure stuff to convince yourself you're smarter than others.

This. I heard about it on here and nobody could find good subtitles. I gave up watching it twice because they were so bad at first